
Defines functions patterns

Documented in patterns

# This function ostensibly supports a date_utc function. It appears to change
# the day on which departures are returned. However, only the earliest 7
# departures are shown for the day corresponding to date_utc.

#' Stopping pattern for a given run
#' A pattern consists of all departures, stops, routes, runs, directions and
#' disruptions associated with a particular run ID. This is returned as a list
#' of tibbles, with output corresponding to their respective API calls.
#' The `stops` tibble has an output similar to that returned by
#' \code{\link{stops_on_route}}. The `routes` tibble does not contain service
#' status information.
#' @details Departures: The API seems to return the earliest 7 departures. While
#' the PTV Timetable API supports filtering patterns by datetimes, the
#' behaviour of this argument is not reliable --- it appears to filter by day
#' only, returning the earliest 7 departures of a different day. It is
#' recommended that departures are retrieved via the \code{\link{departures}}
#' function.
#' @inheritParams run_information
#' @inheritParams translate_route_type
#' @inheritParams disruptions_on_route
#' @param departs POSIXct or character. Optionally filter by date. See Details.
#'   Characters are automatically converted to departs, and are assumed to be
#'   given as Melbourne time. The behaviour of the API is unpredictable when
#'   using this argument --- see details. Defaults to the current system time.
#' @inheritParams PTVGET
#' @return An object of class "ptvapi", which is effectively a list with the
#'   following names: \itemize{ \item `departures` \item `stops` \item `routes`
#'   \item `runs` \item `directions` \item `disruptions` }
#' @export
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' patterns(run_ref = "1", route_type = 0)
#' patterns(run_ref = "1", route_type = "Train")
#' }
patterns <- function(run_ref,
                     stop_id = NULL,
                     departs = Sys.time(),
                     user_id = determine_user_id(),
                     api_key = determine_api_key()) {
  run_ref <- as.character(run_ref)
  route_type <- translate_route_type(
    user_id = user_id,
    api_key = api_key
  if (!is.null(stop_id)) stop_id <- to_integer(stop_id)
  departs <- to_datetime(departs)
  url_departs <- format(departs, format = "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%OS", tz = "UTC")

  request <- add_parameters(
    expand = "all",
    stop_id = stop_id,
    date_utc = url_departs
  response <- PTVGET(request, user_id = user_id, api_key = api_key)
  content <- response$content
    c("disruptions", "departures", "stops", "routes", "runs", "directions",

      departures = map_and_rbind(content$departures, departure_to_tibble),
      stops = map_and_rbind(content$stops, stop_to_tibble),
      routes = map_and_rbind(content$routes, route_to_tibble),
      runs = map_and_rbind(content$runs, run_to_tibble),
      directions = map_and_rbind(content$directions, tibble::as_tibble),
      disruptions = list(content$disruptions)
    class = "ptvapi",
    request = response$request,
    status_code = response$status_code,
    content = response$content

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Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

ptvapi documentation built on May 29, 2024, 4:48 a.m.