
# I'm unsure how to test for journey_route_types. It's not clear how it affects
# the results.

if (identical(Sys.getenv("NOT_CRAN"), "true")) {

zone12 <- fare_estimate(1, 2)

test_that("fare_estimate result has class \"ptvapi\"", {
  expect_s3_class(zone12, "ptvapi")

test_that("basic fare estimate looks right", {
  expect_equal(nrow(zone12), 3)
  expect_equal(nrow(distinct(zone12, passenger_type)), 3)

test_that("fare_estimate picks up on the weekday early bird free travel", {
  diff <- 2 - wday(today())
  if (diff < 0) diff <- diff + 7
  monday <- today() + diff # Next Monday, or today, if today is Monday
  early_touch_on <- paste(as.character(monday), "06:00:00")
  early_touch_off <- paste(as.character(monday), "06:00:00")
  early_bird <- fare_estimate(
    min_zone = 1,
    max_zone = 1,
    journey_touch_on = early_touch_on,
    journey_touch_off = early_touch_off

test_that("fare_estimate accepts free tram zone", {
  ftz <- fare_estimate(1, 1, journey_in_free_tram_zone = TRUE)

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ptvapi documentation built on May 29, 2024, 4:48 a.m.