
Defines functions co_occurrence_advance

Documented in co_occurrence_advance

co_occurrence_advance = function(abstract,term1,term2,n)
  term = data.frame()
  final_table_1 = data.frame()
  final_table = data.frame()
  i = NULL
  j = NULL
  for(i in term1){
  for(j in term2){
    term = paste(i,j,sep = "-")
abstractsS4 <- searchabsL(abstract, restrict = c(i, j))

abstracts <- abstractsS4@Abstract 
PMIDs <- abstractsS4@PMID

numberOfAbstracts <- length(abstracts)
iterator <- 1
result = NULL
tab = data.frame()
fin_tab = data.frame()

while (iterator <= numberOfAbstracts) {
  tokenizedAbstract <- SentenceToken(abstracts[iterator])
    occurrencesOfFirst <- grep(i, tokenizedAbstract)
      occurrencesOfSecond <- grep(j, tokenizedAbstract)
      differenceAllowed <- 0
      unusedOccurrencesOfFirst <- c()
      unusedOccurrencesOfSecond <- c()
      while (differenceAllowed <= n)
          firstIterator <- 1
          secondIterator <- 1
          lengthOfFirst <- length(occurrencesOfFirst)
          lengthOfSecond <- length(occurrencesOfSecond)
          while (firstIterator <= lengthOfFirst && secondIterator <= lengthOfSecond) 
             if (abs(occurrencesOfFirst[firstIterator] - occurrencesOfSecond[secondIterator]) == differenceAllowed) {
             minimumOfTwo <- min(c(occurrencesOfFirst[firstIterator], occurrencesOfSecond[secondIterator]))
             maximumOfTwo <- max(c(occurrencesOfFirst[firstIterator], occurrencesOfSecond[secondIterator]))
             #result = paste(tokenizedAbstract[minimumOfTwo:maximumOfTwo],collapse = "::")
             #result = tokenizedAbstract[minimumOfTwo:maximumOfTwo]
             if (length(tokenizedAbstract[minimumOfTwo:maximumOfTwo]) > 1) {
               pasted <- paste(tokenizedAbstract[minimumOfTwo:maximumOfTwo], collapse = ";")
               result <- c(result ,pasted)}
             else result  <- c(result ,tokenizedAbstract[minimumOfTwo:maximumOfTwo])
             firstIterator <- firstIterator+1
             secondIterator <- secondIterator+1
            else if (occurrencesOfSecond[secondIterator] < occurrencesOfFirst[firstIterator]) {
            unusedOccurrencesOfSecond <- c(unusedOccurrencesOfSecond, occurrencesOfSecond[secondIterator])
            secondIterator <- secondIterator + 1
            else {
            unusedOccurrencesOfFirst <- c(unusedOccurrencesOfFirst, occurrencesOfFirst[firstIterator])
            firstIterator <- firstIterator + 1
          differenceAllowed <- differenceAllowed+1
          occurrencesOfFirst <- unusedOccurrencesOfFirst
          occurrencesOfSecond <- unusedOccurrencesOfSecond
            PMID = PMIDs[iterator]
            tab = cbind(PMID,result,term)
            fin_tab = rbind(fin_tab,tab)}
          result = NULL
          PMID = NULL
       iterator <- iterator + 1
  final_table_1 = rbind(final_table_1,fin_tab)
  fin_tab = NULL
  final_table = rbind(final_table,final_table_1)
  final_table_1 = NULL

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pubmed.mineR documentation built on June 22, 2024, 6:50 p.m.