#' Change HITType Properties of a HIT
#' Change the HITType of a HIT from one HITType to another (e.g., to change the
#' title, description, or qualification requirements associated with a HIT).
#' This will cause a HIT to no longer be grouped with HITs of the previous
#' HITType and instead be grouped with those of the new HITType. You cannot
#' change the payment associated with a HIT without expiring the current HIT
#' and creating a new one.
#' This function changes the HITType of a specified HIT (or multiple specific
#' HITs or all HITs of a specified HITType) to a new HITType. \code{hit} xor
#' \code{old.hit.type} must be specified. Then, either a new HITTypeId can be
#' specified or a new HITType can be created by atomically by specifying the
#' characteristics of the new HITType.
#' \code{changehittype()} and \code{UpdateHITTypeOfHIT()} are aliases.
#' @aliases ChangeHITType changehittype UpdateHITTypeOfHIT
#' @param hit An optional character string containing the HITId whose HITTypeId
#' is to be changed, or a vector of character strings containing each of
#' multiple HITIds to be changed. Must specify \code{hit} xor
#' \code{old.hit.type} xor \code{annotation}.
#' @param old.hit.type An optional character string containing the HITTypeId
#' (or a vector of HITTypeIds) whose HITs are to be changed to the new
#' HITTypeId. Must specify \code{hit} xor \code{old.hit.type} xor
#' \code{annotation}.
#' @param new.hit.type An optional character string specifying the new
#' HITTypeId that this HIT should be visibly grouped with (and whose
#' properties, e.g. reward amount, this HIT should inherit).
#' @param title An optional character string containing the title for the
#' HITType. All HITs of this HITType will be visibly grouped to workers
#' according to this title.
#' @param description An optional character string containing a description of
#' the HITType. This is visible to workers.
#' @param reward An optional character string containing the per-assignment
#' reward amount, in U.S. Dollars (e.g., \dQuote{0.15}).
#' @param duration An optional character string containing the duration of each
#' HIT, in seconds (for example, as returned by \code{\link{seconds}}).
#' @param keywords An optional character string containing a comma-separated
#' set of keywords by which workers can search for HITs of this HITType.
#' @param auto.approval.delay An optional character string specifying the
#' amount of time, in seconds (for example, as returned by
#' \code{\link{seconds}}), before a submitted assignment is automatically
#' granted.
#' @param qual.req An optional character string containing one a
#' QualificationRequirement data structure, as returned by
#' \code{\link{GenerateQualificationRequirement}}.
#' @param old.annotation An optional character string specifying the value of
#' the \code{RequesterAnnotation} field for a batch of HITs to change the
#' HITType of. This can be used to change the HITType for all HITs from a
#' \dQuote{batch} created in the online Requester User Interface (RUI). To use
#' a batch ID, the batch must be written in a character string of the form
#' \dQuote{BatchId:78382;}, where \dQuote{73832} is the batch ID shown in the
#' RUI. Must specify \code{hit} xor \code{old.hit.type} xor \code{annotation}.
#' @param verbose Optionally print the results of the API request to the
#' standard output. Default is taken from \code{getOption('pyMTurkR.verbose',
#' TRUE)}.
#' @return A data frame listing the HITId of each HIT who HITType was changed,
#' its old HITTypeId and new HITTypeId, and whether the request for each HIT
#' was valid.
#' @author Tyler Burleigh, Thomas J. Leeper
#' @seealso \code{\link{CreateHIT}}
#' \code{\link{RegisterHITType}}
#' @references
#' \href{}{API
#' Reference}
#' @keywords HITs
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' hittype1 <- RegisterHITType(title = "10 Question Survey",
#' description = "Complete a 10-question survey about news coverage and your opinions",
#' reward = ".20",
#' duration = seconds(hours=1),
#' keywords = "survey, questionnaire, politics")
#' a <- GenerateExternalQuestion("", "400")
#' hit <- CreateHIT(hit.type = hittype1$HITTypeId,
#' assignments = 1,
#' expiration = seconds(days=1),
#' question = a$string)
#' # change to HITType with new reward amount
#' hittype2 <- RegisterHITType(title = "10 Question Survey",
#' description = "Complete a 10-question survey about news coverage and your opinions",
#' reward = ".45",
#' duration = seconds(hours=1),
#' keywords = "survey, questionnaire, politics")
#' ChangeHITType(hit = hit$HITId,
#' new.hit.type=hittype2$HITTypeId)
#' # Change to new HITType, with arguments stated atomically
#' ChangeHITType(hit = hit$HITId,
#' title = "10 Question Survey",
#' description = "Complete a 10-question survey about news coverage and your opinions",
#' reward = ".20",
#' duration = seconds(hours=1),
#' keywords = "survey, questionnaire, politics")
#' # expire and dispose HIT
#' ExpireHIT(hit = hit$HITId)
#' DeleteHIT(hit = hit$HITId)
#' }
#' @export ChangeHITType
#' @export changehittype
#' @export UpdateHITTypeOfHIT
ChangeHITType <-
changehittype <-
UpdateHITTypeOfHIT <-
function (hit = NULL,
old.hit.type = NULL,
new.hit.type = NULL,
title = NULL,
description = NULL,
reward = NULL,
duration = NULL,
keywords = NULL,
auto.approval.delay = as.integer(2592000),
qual.req = NULL,
old.annotation = NULL,
verbose = getOption('pyMTurkR.verbose', TRUE)) {
GetClient() # Boto3 client
# Make sure the function call is specifying only one of hit, old.hit.type,
# old.annotation
if (
(!is.null(hit) & is.null(old.hit.type) & is.null(old.annotation)) |
(is.null(hit) & !is.null(old.hit.type) & is.null(old.annotation)) |
(is.null(hit) & is.null(old.hit.type) & !is.null(old.annotation))
) {
stop("Must provide 'hit' xor 'old.hit.type' xor 'old.annotation'")
if (is.factor(hit)) {
hit <- as.character(hit)
# If a new HIT Type is specified, then new HIT details should not be
if (!is.null(new.hit.type)) {
if (!is.null(new.hit.type) & (!is.null(title) ||
!is.null(description) ||
!is.null(reward) ||
!is.null(duration))) {
warning("HITType specified, HITType parameters (title, description, reward, duration) ignored")
} else { # If new HIT Type is not specified, then new HIT details should also be specified
if (is.null(title) || is.null(description) || is.null(reward) || is.null(duration)) {
stop("Must specify new HITType xor new HITType parameters (title, description, reward, duration)")
} else {
# Create a new HIT Type for the user
register <- try(RegisterHITType(title = title,
description = description,
reward = reward,
duration = duration,
keywords = keywords,
auto.approval.delay = auto.approval.delay,
qual.req = qual.req), silent = !verbose)
if (inherits(register, "try-error")) {
stop("Could not RegisterHITType(), check parameters")
} else {
new.hit.type <- register$HITTypeId
# We need hit, old.hit.type, or old.annotation
if (!is.null(hit)) { # hit
hitlist <- hit
} else if(!is.null(old.hit.type)) { # old.hit.type
if (is.factor(old.hit.type)) {
old.hit.type <- as.character(old.hit.type)
message("Hang on while I search your HITs by HIT Type ID...")
hitsearch <- SearchHITs(verbose = FALSE)
hitlist <- hitsearch$HITs$HITId[hitsearch$HITs$HITTypeId %in% old.hit.type]
} else if (!is.null(old.annotation)) { # old.annotation
if (is.factor(old.annotation)) {
old.annotation <- as.character(old.annotation)
message("Hang on while I search your HITs by annotation...")
hitsearch <- SearchHITs(verbose = FALSE)
hitlist <- hitsearch$HITs$HITId[grepl(old.annotation, hitsearch$HITs$RequesterAnnotation)]
if (length(hitlist) == 0) {
stop("No HITs found for HITType")
# Initialize empty df for return
HITs <- emptydf(length(hitlist), 4, c("HITId", "oldHITTypeId", "newHITTypeId", "Valid"))
# Loop through list of HITs and change the type
for (i in 1:length(hitlist)) {
hit <- hitlist[i]
response <- try(pyMTurkR$Client$update_hit_type_of_hit(
HITId = hit,
HITTypeId = new.hit.type
), silent = !verbose)
if (inherits(response, "try-error")) {
valid <- FALSE
} else {
valid <- TRUE
if (is.null(old.hit.type)) {
HITs[i, ] <- c(hitlist[i], NA, new.hit.type, valid)
} else {
HITs[i, ] <- c(hitlist[i], old.hit.type, new.hit.type, valid)
if (verbose) {
if (valid) {
message(i, ": HITType of HIT ", hitlist[i], " Changed to: ", new.hit.type)
} else {
warning(i,": Invalid Request for HIT ", hitlist[i])
HITs$Valid <- factor(HITs$Valid, levels=c('TRUE','FALSE'))
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