
Defines functions estimate.pycno .pycno2matrix pycno .matrix2grid .grid.matrix .poly2grid .pycno.core

Documented in estimate.pycno pycno

#                          Pycnophylactic interpolation
# =============================================================================
# The key function is called pycno 
# it takes the form
#    result <- pycno(shapefile,popns,cellsize)
# Where shapefile is a polygon shape object
#       popns is a list of populations for each polygon in the shapefile
#       cellsize is the size of the grid cell for the output
#       result is a grid object with the pycnophylactic interpolated surface
# You can visualize the result with something like
#       image(result)
# ==============================================================================

.pycno.core <- function(zones,pops,r=0.2,converge=3,verbose=TRUE) {
 smooth2D <- function(x) {
     mval <- mean(x)
     s1d <- function(s) unclass(filter(s,c(0.5,0,0.5)))
     pad <- rbind(mval,cbind(mval,x,mval),mval)
     pad <- (t(apply(pad,1,s1d)) + apply(pad,2,s1d))/2
 correct2Dm <- function(x,zones,pops) {
     zone.list <- sort(unique(array(zones)))
     for (item in zone.list) {
       zone.set <- (zones == item)
       correct <- pops[item]/sum(x[zone.set])
       x[zone.set] <- x[zone.set]*correct }
 correct2Da <- function(x,zones,pops) {
     zone.list <- sort(unique(array(zones)))
     for (item in zone.list) {
       zone.set <- (zones == item)
       correct <- (pops[item] - sum(x[zone.set]))/sum(zone.set)
       x[zone.set] <- x[zone.set] + correct }
 populate <- function(zones,pops) {
     x <- zones*0
     zone.list <- sort(unique(array(zones)))
     for (item in zone.list) {
       zone.set <- (zones == item)
       x[zone.set] <- pops[item]/sum(zone.set)}
 x <- populate(zones,pops)
 stopper <- max(x)
 stopper <- stopper*10^(-converge)
 repeat {
   old.x <- x
   sm <- smooth2D(x)
   x <- x*r + (1-r)*sm
   x <- correct2Da(x,zones,pops)
   x[x<0] <- 0
   x <- correct2Dm(x,zones,pops)
   if (verbose) {
     cat(sprintf("Maximum Change: %12.5f - will stop at %12.5f\n", max(abs(old.x - x)),stopper))}
   if (max(abs(old.x - x)) < stopper) break }
.poly2grid <- function(x,celldim) {
  if (! is(celldim,"SpatialGrid")) {
    bbx <- slot(x,'bbox')
    offset <- bbx[,1]
    extent <- bbx[,2] - offset
    shape <- ceiling(extent / celldim)
    sg <- SpatialGrid(GridTopology(offset,c(celldim,celldim),shape)) 
  } else {
    sg <- celldim
  px <- CRS(proj4string(x))
  proj4string(sg) <- px
  res <- SpatialPoints(coordinates(sg),proj4string=px) %over% as(x,"SpatialPolygons")
  spdf <- SpatialPixelsDataFrame(coordinates(sg),data.frame(zone=res))

.grid.matrix <- function(gr,index=1) {
  gr.dim <- slot(getGridTopology(gr),"cells.dim")
  res <- gr[[index]]
  dim(res) <- gr.dim
  attr(res,'na') <- is.na(res)
  res[is.na(res)] <- max(res,na.rm=T) + 1

.matrix2grid <- function(gr,mat) {
  if (!is.null(attr(mat,'na'))) mat[attr(mat,'na')] <- NA
  spdf <- SpatialPixelsDataFrame(coordinates(gr),data.frame(dens=array(mat)))

pycno <- function(x,pops,celldim,r=0.2,converge=3,verbose=TRUE) {
  gr <- .poly2grid(x,celldim)
  gm <- .grid.matrix(gr)
  pops2 <- c(pops,0)
  pm <- .pycno.core(gm,pops2,r=r,converge=converge,verbose=verbose)
  result <- .matrix2grid(gr,pm)
  proj4string(result) <- CRS(proj4string(x))
  return(result) }
# Helper function to extract a matrix of pixel-wise population estimates from
# a SpatialGridDataFrame such as that produced by 'pycno'
.pycno2matrix <- function(x) {
	xcoords <- unique(coordinates(x)[,1])
	ycoords <- unique(coordinates(x)[,2])
	zcoords <- slot(x,'data')[,1]
	result <- matrix(zcoords,length(xcoords),length(ycoords))
	result <- result[,rev(1:ncol(result))]
	rownames(result) <- rev(sprintf("%7.4g",xcoords))
	colnames(result) <- sprintf("%7.4g",ycoords)

#               Estimate populations for a new set of polygons
# =============================================================================
# The key function is called estimate.pycno 
# it takes the form
#    result <- predict.pycno(pycgrid,spdf)
# Where pycgrid is a SpatialGridDataFrame created by pycno
#       spdf is a SpatialPolygonsDataFrame giving the zones for which estimates
#       are needed.
#       result is a vector of poluation estimates
# ==============================================================================

estimate.pycno <- function(sgdf,spdf) {
	pfi2 <- SpatialPoints(coordinates(data.frame(sgdf)[,2:3]))
	proj4string(pfi2) <- CRS(proj4string(sgdf))
        pfi2 <- sf::st_as_sf(pfi2)
        pfi2$dens <- data.frame(sgdf)[,1]
#	temp <- gContains(spdf,pfi2,byid=TRUE)
#	return(tapply(data.frame(sgdf)[,1],apply(temp,1,which),sum)) 
        aggregate(pfi2, by=sf::st_as_sf(spdf), sum)$dens

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pycno documentation built on Sept. 28, 2023, 5:08 p.m.