
Defines functions splitWordlist splitText read.text splitStrings splitTable

Documented in read.text splitStrings splitTable splitText splitWordlist

# ==================================================
# High-level functions 
# to convert data into collection of sparse matrices
# ==================================================

# split data table with nominal data into matrices
# consider for future to do this via long-form ("reshape")

splitTable <- function(	data,
						attributes = colnames(data),
						observations = rownames(data),
						name.binder = ":",
            split = NULL
						) {

	# assuming a data table with
	#	- variables ("A"ttributes) as columns and 
	#	- observations (O) as rows
	#	- values (V) in the cells (different for each column)
  # - optionally, multiple values can occur in each cell
  #   separated by character indicated in "split"
  # multiple values in one cell can be splitted
  splitColumn <- function(column, split) {
    parts <- strsplit(column, split)
    all <- unique(unlist(parts))
    matches <- sapply(parts, function(x){match(x, all)})
    M <- sparseMatrix(i = unlist(matches),
                      j = rep.int(1:length(matches),
    return(list( M = M,
                 rownames = all

  # basic rewrite, the rest is cosmetic
  if (!is.null(split)) {
    tt <- apply(data,2,function(x){splitColumn(x, split = split)})
  } else {
    tt <- apply(data,2,ttMatrix)
	OV <- tt[[1]]$M
	for (i in tt[-1]) {
		OV <- rbind(OV,i$M)
	OV <- t(OV)
	# the following approach is slow... strange...
	# http://www.r-bloggers.com/the-rbinding-race-for-vs-do-call-vs-rbind-fill/
	# OV <- t(do.call(rbind,sapply(tt,function(x){x[[1]]})))

  cls <- ncol(data)
	# index matrix of variables to values
	nrValues <- sapply(tt,function(x){length(x$rownames)})
	AV <- ttMatrix(rep.int(1:cls,nrValues))$M
	# we need some variable names to make value names, 
	# but entity names might be NULL

	if (is.null(attributes)) {
		attributes <- paste("X", 1:cls, sep="")
	# make value names
	values <- unlist(sapply(1:cls, function(x) {
							}, simplify = FALSE
	return(list(	attributes = attributes,
					values = values,
					observations = observations,
					OV = OV,	# Observations x Values
					AV = AV		# Variables ("Attributes") x Values

# make unigram and bigram matrices from a vector of strings

splitStrings <- function(	strings,
							sep = "",
							bigrams = TRUE,
							boundary = TRUE,
							bigram.binder = "",
							gap.symbol = "\u2043",
							left.boundary = "#",
							right.boundary = "#",
							simplify = FALSE
							) {
	if (bigrams) {
		gap.length <- 1
		originals <- strings
		if (boundary) {
			strings <- paste(left.boundary, strings, right.boundary, sep = sep)
	} else {
		gap.length <- 0

	# SW: Segments x Strings ("Words")
	tmp <- pwMatrix(strings, sep=sep, gap.length=gap.length, gap.symbol=gap.symbol)
	SW <- tmp$M
	segments <- tmp$rownames

	# US: unigrams x segments
	tmp <- ttMatrix(segments)
	US <- tmp$M
	unigrams <- tmp$rownames

	# Bisymbols x Segments
	if (bigrams) {
		# remove gap character from US and symbols
		if (length(strings) > 1) {
			gap.char <- which(unigrams == gap.symbol)
			unigrams <- unigrams[-gap.char]
			US <- US[-gap.char,]
		S <- bandSparse(n = dim(US)[2], k = -1)
		tmp <- rKhatriRao(US %&% S, US, unigrams, unigrams, binder = bigram.binder)
		BS <- tmp$M
		bisymbols <- tmp$rownames

		# remove boundary from US and symbols
		if (boundary) {
			boundary.char <- which(unigrams == left.boundary | unigrams == right.boundary)
			unigrams <- unigrams[-boundary.char]
			US <- US[-boundary.char,]
	# various forms of output
		if (simplify) {
			result <- (BS*1) %*% (SW*1)
			rownames(result) <- bisymbols
			colnames(result) <- originals
		} else {
			return(list(	segments = segments,
		 					unigrams = unigrams,
							bigrams = bisymbols,
							SW = SW, # Segments x Words
							US = US, # Unigrams x Segments
							BS = BS # Bigrams x Segments
	} else {
		if (simplify) {
			result <- (US*1) %*% (SW*1)
			rownames(result) <- unigrams
			colnames(result) <- strings
		return(list(	segments = segments,
						unigrams = unigrams,
						SW = SW, # Segments x Words
						US = US # Unigrams x Segments

# =========================================================
# convenience function specifically made for parallel texts
# =========================================================

# Read texts from the parallel-text project
# the long version around "scan" is not really quicker as the shortcut using read.table

read.text <- function(file) {

#	data <- scan(file,sep="\t",comment.char="#",what="character",quote="")
#	dim(data) <- c(2,length(data)/2)
#	result <- data[2,,drop = TRUE]
#	names(result) <- data[1,,drop = TRUE]
#	return(result)

	drop(as.matrix(read.table(	file
								, sep = "\t"
								, quote = ""
								, colClasses = "character"
								, row.names = 1
								, encoding = "UTF-8"


# make matrices from parallel texts (bible and the like)
# takes three arguments: 
# - the text (as vector of strings)
# - the IDs for the sentences as found in this text
# - the IDs for the sentences as found in all texts (important for the parallelism)

splitText <- function(	text,
						globalSentenceID = NULL,
						localSentenceID = names(text),
						sep = " ",
						simplify = FALSE,
						lowercase = TRUE
						) {

	# make RunningWords x Verses, i.e. all words of the text in the order 
  # as they appear as rows, linked to the localSentenceIDs as columns.	
	tmp <- pwMatrix(text, sep = sep, gap.length = 0)
	RS <- tmp$M
	runningWords <- tmp$rownames

	# make type/token matrix linking the different wordforms to the individual words
	# Wordforms x RunningWords
	tmp <- ttMatrix(runningWords)
	WR <- tmp$M
	wordforms <- tmp$rownames
	# link the localSentenceIDs "S" to the globalSentenceIDs "U"
	if (!is.null(globalSentenceID)) {
		tmp <- jMatrix(localSentenceID, globalSentenceID)
		US <- t(tmp$M2) %&% tmp$M1
		# relink
		RS <- RS %&% t(US)
	# remove upper/lowercase distinction for better statistics
	if (lowercase) {
		tmp <- ttMatrix(tolower(wordforms))
		wW <- tmp$M
		lower <- tmp$rownames
	# various versions of output

	if (!lowercase) {
		if (simplify) {
			R <- (WR*1) %*% (RS*1)
			rownames(R) <- wordforms
		} else {
				list(	runningWords = runningWords,
						wordforms = wordforms,	
						RS = RS,	# Running words x global sentence ID ("Sentence")
						WR = WR		# Wordforms x Running words
	} else {
		if (simplify) {
			R <- (wW*1) %*% (WR*1) %*% (RS*1)
			rownames(R) <- lower
		} else {
				list(	runningWords = runningWords,
						wordforms = wordforms,	
						lowercase = lower,
						RS = RS,	# Running words x global sentence ID ("Sentence")
						WR = WR,	# Wordforms x Running words
						wW = wW		# lowercased wordforms x uppercase Wordforms

# ========================================================
# convenience function specifically made for QLC-wordlists
# ========================================================

splitWordlist <- function(	data, 
							doculects = "DOCULECT", 
							concepts = "CONCEPT",
							counterparts = "COUNTERPART",
							splitstrings = TRUE,
							sep =  "",
							bigram.binder = "",
							grapheme.binder = "_",
							simplify = FALSE
							) {

	# just a placeholder, assuming this one does not occur in the data
	binder <- "\u2295"

	# make doculect+counterpart combinations
	# this is needed because sometimes the same string is found in different languages
	combined <- paste( data[,doculects], data[,counterparts], sep = binder)	

	# DL: Doculects x Lines of data
	tmp <- ttMatrix(data[,doculects])
	DL <- tmp$M
	doculects <- tmp$rownames

	# CL: Concepts x Lines of data
	tmp <- ttMatrix(data[,concepts])
	CL <- tmp$M
	concepts <- tmp$rownames
	# WL: Counterparts ("Words") x Lines of data
	tmp <- ttMatrix(combined)
	WL <- tmp$M
	words <- tmp$rownames
	# split counterparts again from doculects
	words <- sapply(strsplit(words,binder),head)[2,]

	# relink	
	DW <- DL %&% t(WL)
	CW <- CL %&% t(WL)
	if (splitstrings) {
		# split strings
		S <- splitStrings(words, sep = sep, bigram.binder = bigram.binder)
		# return results
		if (simplify) {
			BW <- (S$BS*1) %*% (S$SW*1)
			# only use column names once because of size
			rownames(DW) <- doculects
			rownames(CW) <- concepts
			rownames(BW) <- S$bigrams
			colnames(BW) <- words
			return(list(DW = DW, CW = CW, BW = BW))
		} else {
			# separate characters to languages
			# and prepare full output (rather long!)
			# link to segments to doculects
			DS <- DW %&% t(S$SW)
			# Graphemes x Segments
			tmp <- rKhatriRao(	DS, S$US, 
								doculects, S$unigrams, 
								binder = grapheme.binder
			GS <- tmp$M
			graphemes <- tmp$rownames
			# another KhatriRao to turn bisymbols into 
			# language-specific Bigraphs x Segments
			tmp <- rKhatriRao(	DS, S$BS, 
								doculects, S$bigrams, 
								binder = grapheme.binder
			TS <- tmp$M
			digraphs <- tmp$rownames
			return(list(	doculects = doculects,
							concepts = concepts,
							words = words,
							segments = S$segments,
							unigrams = S$unigrams,
							bigrams = S$bigrams, 
							graphemes = graphemes,
							digraphs = digraphs,
							DW = DW, # Doculects x Words
							CW = CW, # Concepts x Words

							SW = S$SW,	# Segments x Words
							US = S$US,	# Unigrams x Segments
							BS = S$BS,	# Bigrams x Segments
							GS = GS, 	# Graphemes x Segments
							TS = TS 	# Digraphs x Segments	
	} else {
		# without splitString
		# much quicker, but only returns the basic structure
		if (simplify) {
			rownames(DW) <- doculects
			rownames(CW) <- concepts
			colnames(CW) <- words
			return(list(DW = DW, CW = CW))
		} else {
			return(list(	doculects = doculects,
							concepts = concepts,
							words = words,
							DW = DW, # Doculects x Words
							CW = CW  # Concepts x Words

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qlcMatrix documentation built on June 25, 2024, 1:16 a.m.