## Authors
## Martin Schlather,
## Yiqi Li
## Copyright (C) 2015 -- 2021 Martin Schlather, Yiqi Li
## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
## modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
## as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3
## of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
## GNU General Public License for more details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
## along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
## Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
# Main function
queue_old <- function(miat, mst, c, k, pr, L, misidd, misidt,
arrival, serving, tposition) {
if (L == 0) return(rep(0, 5))
if (pr) misidd[tposition] <- 0
# determine when the queue will stop and the response
stopat <- L
resp <- FALSE
if (!pr) {
if (sum(misidd[1:L])!=0) { ## ?? L >=1 garantiert??
stopat <- which(misidd!=0)[1]
resp <- TRUE
} else {
if (sum(misidd[1:L])==0) {
if (resp <- misidt==0 && tposition<=L) {
stopat <- tposition
# resp <- TRUE
} else {
resp <- TRUE
stopat <-if (misidt==0) min(which(misidd!=0)[1], tposition) else which(misidd!=0)[1]
# initialization
state <- rep(0, 4)
out <- vector()
# next-arr-time and next-dep-time at all servers initially set as infinite
el <- rep(Inf, c + 1)
# index of arrived customers at the servers at current time t, 0 means that the corresponding server is free
ix <- rep(0, c)
# the arrival order of the departing customer
depid <- 0
# generate time point of the first arrival (state[2]=0)
el[1] <- arrival[state[2] + 1] / ((k - state[2])/miat) ## rexp(1, rate = k/miat)
# keep updating the system as long as arrivals or departures are still expected
# and the most recent departed customer is not the termination criterion
m <- el[1]
idx <- NA
while (m < Inf && ((!resp && state[3] < stopat) || (resp && depid!=stopat))) {
#bookkeeping <- update(bookkeeping)
# move to the time point when the next event will happen, whether it is an arr or a dep
m <- min(el)
# if it is an arrival, use updateA, if not, use updateD
if (el[1] == m) {
## ud <- updateA(state, out)
# create a new data slot for the arr and dep time for the arriving customer
out <- cbind(out, c(Inf, Inf))
# number of arrivals up to t and number of customers at t in system both increase by 1
state <- c(m, state[-1] + c(1, 0, 1))
# register the current time t as the arr time of the arriving customer
out[1, state[2]] <- state[1]
# genA
# if not all customers have arrived yet, generate the time point when the next arrival will happen;
# if all customers have arrived, no new arrival will happen anymore
if (state[2] < k) {
el[1] <- state[1] + arrival[state[2] + 1] / ((k - state[2])/miat) # rexp(1, rate = (k - state[2])/miat)##arrival==1
} else {
el[1] <- Inf
# situation where the just arrived customer does not have to wait + comment that I don't understand anymore??
# find out which servers are currently free
f <- which(ix == 0)
# if the number of customers in system is not more than the number of servers and not all servers are occupied
if (state[4] <= c && length(f) != 0) {
# generate the dep time for the arriving customer and assign it to the free server with the smallest index
el[f[1] + 1] <- state[1] + serving[state[2]] * mst # rexp(1, rate = 1/mst)
# register the assignment in the index by logging the arrival order to the corresponding server
ix[f[1]] <- state[2]
##cat("f=", f[1], "")
} else {
##ud <- updateD(state, out, el, ix, depid)
# nt decreases by 1, dt increases by 1
state <- c(m, state[-1] + c(0, 1, -1))
# find out the index (arrival order) of the departing customer
idx <- which(el == m) - 1
depid <- ix[idx]
# and register the current time t as his dep time
out[2, depid] <- m
# set the index at the corresponding server to 0, indicating that this server is becoming free
stopifnot(depid > 0)
ix[idx] <- 0
f <- which(ix == 0)
## cat("g=", f[1], length(f), state[4] , c, "")
# situation where there are arrived customers waiting for service
# as the departure is happening (so a server has become free after updating)
if (state[4] >= c) {
# the arrival order of the customer getting service is one after the number of
# customers who have departured or being served
ix[f[1]] <- state[3] + (c - length(f)) + 1
# generate the departure time of the customer who is getting service
el[f[1] + 1] <- state[1] + serving[ix[f[1]]] * mst# rexp(1, rate = 1/mst)
## cat(state[1], "f=", f[1], ix[f[1]], "s=", serving[ix[f[1]]], mst, "\n")
} else {
# if there is no customer waiting for service at t, all free servers are set to 'stand by'
## cat("INF ! ", f);
el[f + 1] <- Inf
deptimes <- out[2, ]
srt <- if(!resp) max(deptimes[is.finite(deptimes)]) else out[2, stopat]
# replace max(deptimes[is.finite(deptimes)]) with state[1]?
wt <- out[2, ] - out[1, ]
wt <- wt[is.finite(wt)]
# check whether the number of departures is right
stopifnot(length(wt) == state[3])
if (srt != state[1]) stop("achtung!")
output <- c(length(wt), mean(wt), max(wt), srt, resp)
#old = TRUE: Simuiation der Warteschlangen in R
#old = FALSE: in C
#old =2 : Berechnung beider + Vergleich ob das gleiche Eergebnis rauskommt (nur zum Debuggen fuer mich)
queue <- function(miat, mst, c, pr, L, misidd, misidt, arrival, serving,
tposition, old = FALSE) {
if (old) {
N <- ncol(arrival)
resultOld <- matrix(NA, nrow = N, ncol = 5)
for (simu in 1:N) {
resultOld[simu, ] <-
queue_old(miat, mst, c, nrow(arrival),
pr, L[simu], misidd[, simu], misidt[simu],
arrival[, simu], serving[, simu], tposition[simu])
if (old != FALSE) ## not: == TRUE !!
if (old != TRUE) ## not: == FALSE !!
result <- .Call(C_queue, as.double(miat), as.double(mst), as.integer(c),
as.integer(pr), as.integer(L),
misidd, as.integer(misidt),
arrival, serving, as.integer(tposition))
if (old > 1) stopifnot(!all(resultOld == result))
queue_stablearrival <- function(miat, mst, c, k, pr, L, misidd, misidt,
arrival, serving, tposition) {
if (L == 0) return(rep(0, 5))
if (pr) misidd[tposition] <- 0
# determine when the queue will stop and the response
stopat <- L
resp <- FALSE
if (!pr) {
if (sum(misidd[1:L])!=0) { ## ?? L >=1 garantiert??
stopat <- which(misidd!=0)[1]
resp <- TRUE
} else {
if (sum(misidd[1:L])==0) {
if (resp <- misidt==0 && tposition<=L) {
stopat <- tposition
# resp <- TRUE
} else {
resp <- TRUE
stopat <-if (misidt==0) min(which(misidd!=0)[1], tposition) else which(misidd!=0)[1]
# initialization
state <- rep(0, 4)
out <- vector()
# next-arr-time and next-dep-time at all servers initially set as infinite
el <- rep(Inf, c + 1)
# index of arrived customers at the servers at current time t, 0 means that the corresponding server is free
ix <- rep(0, c)
# the arrival order of the departing customer
depid <- 0
# generate time point of the first arrival (state[2]=0)
el[1] <- arrival[state[2] + 1] * miat ## rexp(1, rate = k/miat)
# keep updating the system as long as arrivals or departures are still expected
# and the most recent departed customer is not the termination criterion
m <- el[1]
idx <- NA
while (m < Inf && ((!resp && state[3] < stopat) || (resp && depid!=stopat))) {
#bookkeeping <- update(bookkeeping)
# move to the time point when the next event will happen, whether it is an arr or a dep
m <- min(el)
# if it is an arrival, use updateA, if not, use updateD
if (el[1] == m) {
## ud <- updateA(state, out)
# create a new data slot for the arr and dep time for the arriving customer
out <- cbind(out, c(Inf, Inf))
# number of arrivals up to t and number of customers at t in system both increase by 1
state <- c(m, state[-1] + c(1, 0, 1))
# register the current time t as the arr time of the arriving customer
out[1, state[2]] <- state[1]
# genA
# if not all customers have arrived yet, generate the time point when the next arrival will happen;
# if all customers have arrived, no new arrival will happen anymore
if (state[2] < k) {
el[1] <- state[1] + arrival[state[2] + 1] * miat # rexp(1, rate = (k - state[2])/miat)##arrival==1
} else {
el[1] <- Inf
# situation where the just arrived customer does not have to wait + comment that I don't understand anymore??
# find out which servers are currently free
f <- which(ix == 0)
# if the number of customers in system is not more than the number of servers and not all servers are occupied
if (state[4] <= c && length(f) != 0) {
# generate the dep time for the arriving customer and assign it to the free server with the smallest index
el[f[1] + 1] <- state[1] + serving[state[2]] * mst # rexp(1, rate = 1/mst)
# register the assignment in the index by logging the arrival order to the corresponding server
ix[f[1]] <- state[2]
##cat("f=", f[1], "")
} else {
##ud <- updateD(state, out, el, ix, depid)
# nt decreases by 1, dt increases by 1
state <- c(m, state[-1] + c(0, 1, -1))
# find out the index (arrival order) of the departing customer
idx <- which(el == m) - 1
depid <- ix[idx]
# and register the current time t as his dep time
out[2, depid] <- m
# set the index at the corresponding server to 0, indicating that this server is becoming free
stopifnot(depid > 0)
ix[idx] <- 0
f <- which(ix == 0)
## cat("g=", f[1], length(f), state[4] , c, "")
# situation where there are arrived customers waiting for service
# as the departure is happening (so a server has become free after updating)
if (state[4] >= c) {
# the arrival order of the customer getting service is one after the number of
# customers who have departured or being served
ix[f[1]] <- state[3] + (c - length(f)) + 1
# generate the departure time of the customer who is getting service
el[f[1] + 1] <- state[1] + serving[ix[f[1]]] * mst# rexp(1, rate = 1/mst)
## cat(state[1], "f=", f[1], ix[f[1]], "s=", serving[ix[f[1]]], mst, "\n")
} else {
# if there is no customer waiting for service at t, all free servers are set to 'stand by'
## cat("INF ! ", f);
el[f + 1] <- Inf
deptimes <- out[2, ]
srt <- if(!resp) max(deptimes[is.finite(deptimes)]) else out[2, stopat]
# replace max(deptimes[is.finite(deptimes)]) with state[1]?
wt <- out[2, ] - out[1, ]
wt <- wt[is.finite(wt)]
# check whether the number of departures is right
stopifnot(length(wt) == state[3])
if (srt != state[1]) stop("achtung!")
output <- c(length(wt), mean(wt), max(wt), srt, resp)
queue1 <- function(miat, mst, c, pr, L, misidd, misidt, arrival, serving,
tposition, old = FALSE) {
if (old) {
N <- ncol(arrival)
resultOld <- matrix(NA, nrow = N, ncol = 5)
for (simu in 1:N) {
resultOld[simu, ] <-
queue_stablearrival(miat, mst, c, nrow(arrival),
pr, L[simu], misidd[, simu], misidt[simu],
arrival[, simu], serving[, simu], tposition[simu])
if (old != FALSE) ## not: == TRUE !!
if (old != TRUE) ## not: == FALSE !!
result <- .Call(C_queue1, as.double(miat), as.double(mst), as.integer(c),
as.integer(pr), as.integer(L),
misidd, as.integer(misidt),
arrival, serving, as.integer(tposition))
if (old > 1) stopifnot(!all(resultOld == result))
queue_sq <- function(miat, mst, c, k, pr, L, misidd, misidt,
arrival, serving, tposition) {
if (L == 0) return(rep(0, 5))
if (pr) misidd[tposition] <- 0
# determine when the queue will stop and the response
stopat <- L
resp <- FALSE
if (!pr) {
if (sum(misidd[1:L])!=0) { ## ?? L >=1 garantiert??
stopat <- which(misidd!=0)[1]
resp <- TRUE
} else {
if (sum(misidd[1:L])==0) {
if (resp <- misidt==0 && tposition<=L) {
stopat <- tposition
# resp <- TRUE
} else {
resp <- TRUE
stopat <-if (misidt==0) min(which(misidd!=0)[1], tposition) else which(misidd!=0)[1]
# initialization
state <- rep(0, 4)
out <- vector()
# next-arr-time and next-dep-time at all servers initially set as infinite
el <- rep(Inf, c + 1)
# index of arrived customers at the servers at current time t, 0 means that the corresponding server is free
ix <- rep(0, c)
# the arrival order of the departing customer
depid <- 0
# generate time point of the first arrival (state[2]=0)
el[1] <- arrival[state[2] + 1] / (sqrt(k - state[2])/miat) ## rexp(1, rate = k/miat)
# keep updating the system as long as arrivals or departures are still expected
# and the most recent departed customer is not the termination criterion
m <- el[1]
idx <- NA
while (m < Inf && ((!resp && state[3] < stopat) || (resp && depid!=stopat))) {
#bookkeeping <- update(bookkeeping)
# move to the time point when the next event will happen, whether it is an arr or a dep
m <- min(el)
# if it is an arrival, use updateA, if not, use updateD
if (el[1] == m) {
## ud <- updateA(state, out)
# create a new data slot for the arr and dep time for the arriving customer
out <- cbind(out, c(Inf, Inf))
# number of arrivals up to t and number of customers at t in system both increase by 1
state <- c(m, state[-1] + c(1, 0, 1))
# register the current time t as the arr time of the arriving customer
out[1, state[2]] <- state[1]
# genA
# if not all customers have arrived yet, generate the time point when the next arrival will happen;
# if all customers have arrived, no new arrival will happen anymore
if (state[2] < k) {
el[1] <- state[1] + arrival[state[2] + 1] / (sqrt(k - state[2])/miat) # rexp(1, rate = (k - state[2])/miat)##arrival==1
} else {
el[1] <- Inf
# situation where the just arrived customer does not have to wait + comment that I don't understand anymore??
# find out which servers are currently free
f <- which(ix == 0)
# if the number of customers in system is not more than the number of servers and not all servers are occupied
if (state[4] <= c && length(f) != 0) {
# generate the dep time for the arriving customer and assign it to the free server with the smallest index
el[f[1] + 1] <- state[1] + serving[state[2]] * mst # rexp(1, rate = 1/mst)
# register the assignment in the index by logging the arrival order to the corresponding server
ix[f[1]] <- state[2]
##cat("f=", f[1], "")
} else {
##ud <- updateD(state, out, el, ix, depid)
# nt decreases by 1, dt increases by 1
state <- c(m, state[-1] + c(0, 1, -1))
# find out the index (arrival order) of the departing customer
idx <- which(el == m) - 1
depid <- ix[idx]
# and register the current time t as his dep time
out[2, depid] <- m
# set the index at the corresponding server to 0, indicating that this server is becoming free
stopifnot(depid > 0)
ix[idx] <- 0
f <- which(ix == 0)
## cat("g=", f[1], length(f), state[4] , c, "")
# situation where there are arrived customers waiting for service
# as the departure is happening (so a server has become free after updating)
if (state[4] >= c) {
# the arrival order of the customer getting service is one after the number of
# customers who have departured or being served
ix[f[1]] <- state[3] + (c - length(f)) + 1
# generate the departure time of the customer who is getting service
el[f[1] + 1] <- state[1] + serving[ix[f[1]]] * mst# rexp(1, rate = 1/mst)
## cat(state[1], "f=", f[1], ix[f[1]], "s=", serving[ix[f[1]]], mst, "\n")
} else {
# if there is no customer waiting for service at t, all free servers are set to 'stand by'
## cat("INF ! ", f);
el[f + 1] <- Inf
deptimes <- out[2, ]
srt <- if(!resp) max(deptimes[is.finite(deptimes)]) else out[2, stopat]
# replace max(deptimes[is.finite(deptimes)]) with state[1]?
wt <- out[2, ] - out[1, ]
wt <- wt[is.finite(wt)]
# check whether the number of departures is right
stopifnot(length(wt) == state[3])
if (srt != state[1]) stop("achtung!")
output <- c(length(wt), mean(wt), max(wt), srt, resp)
queue2 <- function(miat, mst, c, pr, L, misidd, misidt, arrival, serving,
tposition, old = FALSE) {
if (old) {
N <- ncol(arrival)
resultOld <- matrix(NA, nrow = N, ncol = 5)
for (simu in 1:N) {
resultOld[simu, ] <-
queue_sq(miat, mst, c, nrow(arrival),
pr, L[simu], misidd[, simu], misidt[simu],
arrival[, simu], serving[, simu], tposition[simu])
if (old != FALSE) ## not: == TRUE !!
if (old != TRUE) ## not: == FALSE !!
result <- .Call(C_queue2, as.double(miat), as.double(mst), as.integer(c),
as.integer(pr), as.integer(L),
misidd, as.integer(misidt),
arrival, serving, as.integer(tposition))
if (old > 1) stopifnot(!all(resultOld == result))
do_WM <- function(par, esterrorpar, c, k, pr, N, empRT, old=FALSE, queue,
Wasserstein = FALSE) {
result <- do_queue(par, esterrorpar, c, k, pr, N, empRT,
old=old, queue=queue)
simRT <- result[ , 4]
Tres <- par[3]
if (Wasserstein) {
stop("'WassSqDistH' not included yet")
#histemp <- data2hist(as.numeric(empRT))
#histsim <- data2hist(as.numeric(simRT+Tres))
#WMresult <- WassSqDistH(histemp, histsim)
} else {
WMresult <- LqDist(simRT + Tres, empRT, 1)
WM <- function(par, esterrorpar, c, k, pr, N, empRT, old=FALSE)
do_WM(par, esterrorpar, c, k, pr, N, empRT, old=old, queue)
WM1 <- function(par, esterrorpar, c, k, pr, N, empRT, old=FALSE)
do_WM(par, esterrorpar, c, k, pr, N, empRT, old=old, queue1)
WM2 <- function(par, esterrorpar, c, k, pr, N, empRT, old=FALSE)
do_WM(par, esterrorpar, c, k, pr, N, empRT, old=old, queue)
LqDist <- function(E1, E2, q=1) {
E1 <- sort(E1)
E2 <- sort(E2)
.Call(C_LqDist, as.double(E1), as.double(E2), as.double(q))
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