coef.textmodel_ca: Extract model coefficients from a fitted textmodel_ca object

View source: R/textmodel_ca.R

coef.textmodel_caR Documentation

Extract model coefficients from a fitted textmodel_ca object


coef() extract model coefficients from a fitted textmodel_ca object. coefficients() is an alias.


## S3 method for class 'textmodel_ca'
coef(object, doc_dim = 1, feat_dim = 1, ...)

coefficients.textmodel_ca(object, doc_dim = 1, feat_dim = 1, ...)



a fitted textmodel_ca object

doc_dim, feat_dim

the document and feature dimension scores to be extracted




a list containing numeric vectors of feature and document coordinates. Includes NA vectors of standard errors for consistency with other models' coefficient outputs, and for the possibility of having these computed in the future.

  • coef_feature column coordinates of the features

  • coef_feature_se feature length vector of NA values

  • coef_document row coordinates of the documents

  • coef_document_se document length vector of NA values

quanteda.textmodels documentation built on May 29, 2024, 3:07 a.m.