
Defines functions coefficients.textmodel_ca coef.textmodel_ca textmodel_ca.dfm textmodel_ca.default textmodel_ca

Documented in coefficients.textmodel_ca coef.textmodel_ca textmodel_ca

#' Correspondence analysis of a document-feature matrix
#' `textmodel_ca` implements correspondence analysis scaling on a
#' [dfm].  The method is a fast/sparse version of function [ca][ca::ca].
#' @param x the dfm on which the model will be fit
#' @param smooth a smoothing parameter for word counts; defaults to zero.
#' @param nd  Number of dimensions to be included in output; if `NA` (the
#'   default) then the maximum possible dimensions are included.
#' @param sparse retains the sparsity if set to `TRUE`; set it to
#'   `TRUE` if `x` (the [dfm]) is too big to be allocated after
#'   converting to dense
#' @param residual_floor specifies the threshold for the residual matrix for
#'   calculating the truncated svd.Larger value will reduce memory and time cost
#'   but might reduce accuracy; only applicable when `sparse = TRUE`

#' @author Kenneth Benoit and Haiyan Wang
#' @references Nenadic, O. & Greenacre, M. (2007). Correspondence Analysis in R, with Two- and Three-dimensional Graphics:
#'   The ca package. *Journal of Statistical Software*, 20(3).  \doi{10.18637/jss.v020.i03}
#' @details [svds][RSpectra::svds] in the \pkg{RSpectra} package is applied to
#'   enable the fast computation of the SVD.
#' @note You may need to set `sparse = TRUE`) and
#'   increase the value of `residual_floor` to ignore less important
#'   information and hence to reduce the memory cost when you have a very big
#'   [dfm].
#'   If your attempt to fit the model fails due to the matrix being too large,
#'   this is probably because of the memory demands of computing the \eqn{V
#'   \times V} residual matrix.  To avoid this, consider increasing the value of
#'   `residual_floor` by 0.1, until the model can be fit.
#' @return `textmodel_ca()` returns a fitted CA textmodel that is a special
#' class of \pkg{ca} object.
#' @examples
#' library("quanteda")
#' dfmat <- dfm(tokens(data_corpus_irishbudget2010))
#' tmod <- textmodel_ca(dfmat)
#' summary(tmod)
#' @seealso [coef.textmodel_lsa()], [ca][ca::ca]
#' @importFrom quanteda as.dfm
#' @export
textmodel_ca <- function(x, smooth = 0, nd = NA, sparse = FALSE,
                         residual_floor = 0.1) {

#' @export
textmodel_ca.default <- function(x, smooth = 0, nd = NA, sparse = FALSE,
                                 residual_floor = 0.1) {
    stop(check_class(class(x), "textmodel_ca"))

#' @export
textmodel_ca.dfm <- function(x, smooth = 0, nd = NA, sparse = FALSE,
                             residual_floor = 0.1) {
    x <- as.dfm(x)
    if (!sum(x)) stop(message_error("dfm_empty"))

    x <- dfm_smooth(x, smoothing = smooth)  # smooth by the specified amount

    I <- dim(x)[1]
    J <- dim(x)[2]
    rn <- dimnames(x)[[1]]
    cn <- dimnames(x)[[2]]

    # default value of rank k
    if (is.na(nd)){
        #nd <- max(floor(min(I, J)/4), 1)
        nd <- max(floor(3 * log(min(I, J))), 1)
    } else {
        nd.max <- min(dim(x)) - 1
        if (nd > nd.max ) nd <- nd.max
    nd0 <- nd

    n <- sum(x)
    P <- x / n
    rm <- rowSums(P)
    cm <- colSums(P)

    if (sparse == FALSE){
        # generally fast for a not-so-large dfm
        eP <- Matrix::tcrossprod(rm, cm)
        S  <- (P - eP) / sqrt(eP)
    } else {
        # keep the residual matrix sparse
        S <- as(cpp_ca(P, residual_floor / sqrt(n)), "CsparseMatrix")

    dec <- RSpectra::svds(S, nd)

    chimat <- S ^ 2 * n
    sv     <- dec$d[seq_len(nd)]
    u      <- dec$u
    v      <- dec$v
    ev     <- sv ^ 2
    cumev  <- cumsum(ev)

    # Inertia:
    totin <- sum(ev)
    rin <- rowSums(S ^ 2)
    cin <- colSums(S ^ 2)

    # chidist
    rachidist <- sqrt(rin / rm)
    cachidist <- sqrt(cin / cm)
    rchidist <- rachidist
    cchidist <- cachidist

    # Standard coordinates:
    phi <- as.matrix(u[,seq_len(nd)]) / sqrt(rm)
    rownames(phi) <- rn
    colnames(phi) <- paste("Dim", seq_len(ncol(phi)), sep="")

    gam <- as.matrix(v[,1:nd]) / sqrt(cm)
    rownames(gam) <- cn
    colnames(gam) <- paste("Dim", seq_len(ncol(gam)), sep="")
    # remove attributes
    attr(rm, "names") <- NULL
    attr(cm, "names") <- NULL
    attr(rchidist, "names") <- NULL
    attr(cchidist, "names") <- NULL
    attr(rin, "names") <- NULL
    attr(cin, "names") <- NULL

    ca_model <-
        list(sv         = sv,
             nd         = nd0,
             rownames   = rn,
             rowmass    = rm,
             rowdist    = rchidist,
             rowinertia = rin,
             rowcoord   = phi,
             rowsup     = logical(0),
             colnames   = cn,
             colmass    = cm,
             coldist    = cchidist,
             colinertia = cin,
             colcoord   = gam,
             colsup     = logical(0),
             call       = match.call())
    class(ca_model) <- c("textmodel_ca", "ca", "list")

#' Extract model coefficients from a fitted textmodel_ca object
#' `coef()` extract model coefficients from a fitted `textmodel_ca`
#' object.  `coefficients()` is an alias.
#' @param object a fitted [textmodel_ca] object
#' @param doc_dim,feat_dim the document and feature dimension scores to be
#'   extracted
#' @param ... unused
#' @keywords textmodel internal
#' @returns a list containing numeric vectors of feature and document
#'   coordinates.  Includes `NA` vectors of standard errors for consistency with
#'   other models' coefficient outputs, and for the possibility of having these
#'   computed in the future.
#' * `coef_feature` column coordinates of the features
#' * `coef_feature_se` feature length vector of `NA` values
#' * `coef_document` row coordinates of the documents
#' * `coef_document_se` document length vector of `NA` values
#' @export
coef.textmodel_ca <- function(object, doc_dim = 1, feat_dim = 1, ...) {
    list(coef_feature = object$colcoord[, feat_dim],
         coef_feature_se = rep(NA, length(object$colnames)),
         coef_document = object$rowcoord[, doc_dim],
         coef_document_se = rep(NA, length(object$rownames)))

#' @rdname coef.textmodel_ca
#' @export
coefficients.textmodel_ca <- function(object, doc_dim = 1, feat_dim = 1, ...) {

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