
Defines functions summarize_texts_extended get_summary_metadata add_summary_metadata

Documented in add_summary_metadata get_summary_metadata summarize_texts_extended

#' Functions to add or retrieve corpus summary metadata
#' @name summary_metadata
#' @aliases add_summary_metadata
#' @param x [corpus] object
#' @param ... additional arguments passed to [tokens()] when computing the
#'   summary information
#' @return `add_summary_metadata()` returns a corpus with summary metadata added
#'   as a data.frame, with the top-level list element names [summary()].
#' @details This is provided so that a [corpus] object can be stored with
#'   summary information to avoid having to compute this every time
#'   [summary.corpus()] is called.
#'   So in future calls, if `!is.null(meta(x, "summary", type = "system") && !length(list(...))`, 
#'   then `summary.corpus()` will simply return `get_system_meta()` rather than
#'   compute the summary statistics on the fly, which requires tokenizing the
#'   text.
#' @keywords corpus internal
#' @examples
#' corp <- corpus(data_char_ukimmig2010)
#' corp <- quanteda:::add_summary_metadata(corp)
#' quanteda:::get_summary_metadata(corp)
add_summary_metadata <- function(x, extended = FALSE, ...) {
    meta_system(x, "summary") <- summary(x, n = ndoc(x), showmeta = FALSE, ...)
    if (extended) {
        meta_system(x, "summary_extended") <- summarize_texts_extended(x)

#' @rdname summary_metadata
#' @return `get_summary_metadata()` returns the summary metadata as a data.frame.
get_summary_metadata <- function(x, ...) {
    result <- meta(x, "summary", type = "system")
    if (!identical(docnames(x), result$Text)) {
        # warning("documents have changed; computing summary")
        meta_system(x, "summary") <- NULL
        result <- summary(x, n = ndoc(x), showmeta = FALSE, ...)

#' @rdname summary_metadata
#' @return `summarize_texts_extended()` returns extended summary information.
#' @examples 
#' ## using extended summary
#' \dontrun{
#' extended_data <- quanteda:::summarize_texts_extended(data_corpus_inaugural)
#' topfeatures(extended_data$top_dfm)
#' }
summarize_texts_extended <- function(x, stop_words = stopwords("en"), n = 100) {
    toks <- tokens(x) |>
    # total tokens
    ndocs <- ndoc(x)
    ntoksall <- ntoken(toks)
    ntoks <- sum(ntoksall)

    # punctuation
    toks <- tokens(toks, remove_punct = TRUE, remove_symbols = FALSE)
    npunct <- ntoks - sum(ntoken(toks))
    # symbols and emoji
    toks <- tokens(toks, remove_symbols = TRUE)
    nsym <- ntoks - npunct - sum(ntoken(toks))
    # numbers
    toks <- tokens(toks, remove_numbers = TRUE)
    nnumbers <- ntoks - npunct - nsym - sum(ntoken(toks))
    # words
    nwords <- ntoks - npunct - nsym - nnumbers
    # stopwords
    dfmat <- dfm(toks)
    nfeats <- nfeat(dfmat)
    dfmat <- dfm_remove(dfmat, stop_words)
    nstopwords <- nfeats - nfeat(dfmat)
    # top n features
    top_words <- topfeatures(dfmat, n)
    # top n features as a dfm
    top_dfm <- dfm_select(dfmat, names(top_words)) |>
        dfm_group(groups = rep(1, ndoc(dfmat)))
    list(total_tokens = ntoks,
         all_tokens = ntoksall,
         total_punctuation = npunct,
         total_symbols = nsym,
         total_numbers = nnumbers,
         total_words = nwords,
         total_stopwords = nstopwords,
         top_dfm = top_dfm)

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quanteda documentation built on May 29, 2024, 10 a.m.