
Defines functions texts.corpus texts

Documented in texts

#' Get or assign corpus texts \[deprecated\]
#' Get or replace the texts in a [corpus], with grouping options.
#' Works for plain character vectors too, if `groups` is a factor.
#' @description 
#' `r lifecycle::badge('superseded')`
#' This function has been made defunct and replaced. 
#' * Use [as.character.corpus()] to turn a corpus into a simple named character
#'   vector.
#' * Use [corpus_group()] instead of `texts(x, groups = ...)` to aggregate texts
#'   by a grouping variable.
#' * Use \code{\link{[<-}} instead of `texts()<-` for replacing texts in a corpus object.
#' @note The `groups` will be used for concatenating the texts based on shared
#' values of `groups`, without any specified order of aggregation.
#' @param x a [corpus]
#' @inheritParams groups
#' @param spacer when concatenating texts by using `groups`, this will be the
#'   spacing added between texts.  (Default is two spaces.)
#' @return For `texts`, a character vector of the texts in the corpus.
#'   For `texts <-`, the corpus with the updated texts.
#' @export
#' @keywords corpus internal
texts <- function(x, groups = NULL, spacer = " ") {

#' @importFrom stringi stri_c_list
#' @export
texts.corpus <- function(x, groups = NULL, spacer = " ") {
    if (!missing(groups)) {
            when = "3.0", 
            what = I('`texts(x, groups = ...)`'),
            with = I('`corpus_group(x, groups = ...)`')
    } else {
            when = "3.0", 
            what = "texts()",
            with = "as.character()"

#' @rdname texts
#' @param value character vector of the new texts
#' @return for `texts <-`, a corpus with the texts replaced by `value`
#' @export
#' @note You are strongly encouraged as a good practice of text analysis
#'   workflow *not* to modify the substance of the texts in a corpus.
#'   Rather, this sort of processing is better performed through downstream
#'   operations.  For instance, do not lowercase the texts in a corpus, or you
#'   will never be able to recover the original case.  Rather, apply
#'   [tokens_tolower()] after applying [tokens()] to a
#'   corpus, or use the option `tolower = TRUE` in [dfm()].
"texts<-" <- function(x, value) {

#' @export
"texts<-.corpus" <- function(x, value) {
        when = "3.0", 
        what = I('`texts(x) <-`'),
        details = I("Please use the `[<-` replacement for a corpus object instead.")

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