
test_that("character wordstem test to test testing.", {
    expect_equal(char_wordstem("testing", "porter"), "test")
    expect_equal(char_wordstem("testing", "english"), "test")

test_that("can wordstem dfms with zero features and zero docs", {
    # zero feature documents
    dfmt1 <- dfm(tokens(c("one", "0"), remove_numbers = TRUE)) |>
    dfmt2 <- dfm(tokens(c("one", "!!"), remove_punct = TRUE)) |>
    expect_equal(ndoc(dfmt1), ndoc(dfmt2), 2)

    # features with zero docfreq
    dfmt3 <- dfm(tokens(c("stemming porter three", "stemming four five")))
    dfmt3[2, 4] <- 0
    dfmt3 <- as.dfm(dfmt3)
    dfm_wordstem(dfmt3, language = "english")
    expect_equal(nfeat(dfm_wordstem(dfmt3)), 5)

test_that("can wordstem tokens", {
    txt <- c(d1 = "stemming plurals perfectly",
             d2 = "one two three")
    toks <- tokens(txt)
    expect_equal(as.list(tokens_wordstem(toks, "english")),
                 list(d1 = c("stem", "plural", "perfect"),
                      d2 = c("one", "two", "three")))

test_that("can wordstem token ngrams", {
    txt <- c(d1 = "stemming plurals perfectly",
             d2 = "one two three")
    toks <- tokens(txt) |> tokens_ngrams(n = 2)
    expect_equal(as.list(tokens_wordstem(toks, "english")),
                 list(d1 = c("stem_plural", "plural_perfect"),
                      d2 = c("one_two", "two_three")))

test_that("can wordstem dfm with unigrams", {
    txt <- c(d1 = "stemming stems plurals perfectly",
             d2 = "one two three")
    toks <- tokens(txt)
    dfmat <- dfm(toks)
    expect_equal(featnames(dfm_wordstem(dfmat, language = "porter")),
                 c("stem", "plural", "perfectli", "on", "two", "three"))

test_that("can wordstem dfm with ngrams", {
    txt <- c(d1 = "stemming stems stemmed plurals perfectly",
             d2 = "one two three")
    dfmat <- tokens(txt) |> tokens_ngrams(n = 2) |> dfm()
    dfmat_stemmed <- dfm_wordstem(dfmat, language = "english")
                 c("one_two", "plural_perfect", "stem_plural", "stem_stem", "two_three"))
        meta(dfmat, "ngram", "object"),
        meta(dfmat_stemmed, "ngram", "object")
        meta(dfmat, "concatenator", "object"),
        meta(dfmat_stemmed, "concatenator", "object")

test_that("wordstem works with tokens with padding = TRUE", {
    txt <- c(d1 = "stemming plurals perfectly",
             d2 = "one two three")
    toks <- tokens_remove(tokens(txt), c("one", "three"), padding = TRUE)
    expect_equal(as.list(tokens_wordstem(toks, "english")),
                 list(d1 = c("stem", "plural", "perfect"),
                      d2 = c("", "two", "")))

test_that("wordstem works on tokens that include separators (#909)", {
    txt <- "Tests for developers."
    toks <- tokens(txt, remove_punct = TRUE)
        as.list(tokens_wordstem(toks, language = "english")),
        list(text1 = c("Test", "for", "develop"))

test_that("wordstem handles spacing in character objects robustly", {
    txt <- c("code coding")
        "whitespace detected: you can only stem tokenized texts"
        char_wordstem(txt, check_whitespace = FALSE),
        "code cod"

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