
Defines functions `saveChart`

`saveChart` <-
function(.type='pdf', ..., dev=dev.cur()) {
  dev <- as.numeric(dev)

  gchob <- get.chob()[[dev]]

  dim.inches <- par('din')
  resolution <- 1
  if(.type %in% c('png', 'jpeg')) resolution <- 72
  width  <- dim.inches[1] * resolution
  height <- dim.inches[2] * resolution

  export.pars <- c(list(...), list(file=paste(gchob@name,.type,sep='.'),width=width,height=height))[unique(names(c(list(file=1,width=width, height=height), 
  do.call(.type, export.pars)  # set up new device
  invisible(dev.off())  # turn off device
  release.chob(length(get.chob()))  # remove from internal chob list
  message(paste("chart saved to",export.pars$file))

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quantmod documentation built on May 29, 2024, 8:03 a.m.