Man pages for qwraps2
Quick Wraps 2

check_commentsCheck Comments
confusion_matrixConfusion Matrices (Contingency Tables)
deprecatedDeprecated Functions
extractExtract Summary stats from regression objects
file_checkFile and Working Directory Check
frmtFormat Wrappers
ggplot2_toolsggplot2 tools
gmeanGeometric Mean, Variance, and Standard Deviation
gmean_sdGeometric Mean and Standard deviation
lazyload_cacheLazyload Cache
llList Object Aliases
logitlogit and inverse logit functions
mean_ciMeans and Confidence Intervals
mean_sdMean and Standard deviation
mean_seMean and Standard Error (of the mean)
median_iqrMedian and Inner Quartile Range
n_percCount and Percentage
pkg_checkPackage Checks
qableQable: an extended version of knitr::kable
qacfAutocorrelation plot
qblandaltmanBland Altman Plots
qkmplotKaplan-Meier Plot
qroc-qprcReceiver-Operator and Precision-Recall Curves
qwraps2-packageA collection of wrapper functions aimed at for aiding the...
RpkgFormatting Style on URLs for packages on CRAN, Github, and...
set_diffSet Differences
spin_commentsSpin Comment Check
stat_stepribbonStep ribbon statistic
StatStepribbonStat Step Ribbon
summary_tableData Summary Tables
trapruleTrapezoid Rule Numeric Integration
qwraps2 documentation built on Nov. 10, 2023, 1:06 a.m.