qable: Qable: an extended version of knitr::kable

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qableR Documentation

Qable: an extended version of knitr::kable


Create a simple table via kable with row groups and rownames similar to those of latex from the Hmisc package or htmlTable from the htmlTable package.


  rtitle = "",
  rgroup = numeric(0),
  rnames = rownames(x),
  cnames = colnames(x),
  markup = getOption("qwraps2_markup", "latex"),
  kable_args = list(),



matrix or data.frame to be turned into a qable


a row grouping title. See Details.


a named numeric vector with the name of the row group and the number of rows within the group. sum(rowgroup) == nrow(x).


a character vector of the row names


column names


the markup language to use expected to be either "markdown" or "latex"


a list of named arguments to send to kable. See Details.


pass through


rtitle can be used to add a title to the column constructed by the rgroup and rnames. The basic layout of a table generated by qable is:

rtitle cnames[1] cnames[2]
rnames[1] x[1, 1] x[1, 2]
rnames[2] x[2, 1] x[2, 2]
rnames[3] x[3, 1] x[3, 2]
rnames[4] x[4, 1] x[4, 1]
rnames[5] x[5, 1] x[5, 1]

Passing arguments to link[knitr]{kable} is done via the list kable_args. This is an improvement in 0.6.0 to address arguments with different use between qable and kable but the same name, notably format. Within the print method for qwraps2_qable objects, some default arguments for knitr::kable are created.

Defaults if the named element of kable_args is missing: kable_args$format will be "latex" if markup = "latex" and will be "pipe" if markup = "markdown".

kable_args$escape = !(markup = "latex")

kable_args$row.names defaults to FALSE

kable_args$col.names defaults to colnames(x)


qable returns a qwraps2_qable object that is just a character matrix with some additional attributes and the print method returns, invisibly, the object passed to print.

See Also


summary_table, for an example of build a data summary table.

For more detail on arguments you can pass via kable_args look at the non-exported functions form the knitr package knitr:::kable_latex, knitr:::kable_markdown, or others.


x <- qable(mtcars)
qable(mtcars, markup = "markdown")

# by make
make <- sub("^(\\w+)\\s?(.*)$", "\\1", rownames(mtcars))
make <- c(table(make))

# A LaTeX table with a vertical bar between each column
qable(mtcars[sort(rownames(mtcars)), ], rgroup = make)

# A LaTeX table with no vertical bars between columns
qable(mtcars[sort(rownames(mtcars)), ], rgroup = make, kable_args = list(vline = ""))

# a markdown table
qable(mtcars[sort(rownames(mtcars)), ], rgroup = make, markup = "markdown")

# define your own column names
qable(mtcars[sort(rownames(mtcars)), ],
      rgroup = make,
      cnames = toupper(colnames(mtcars)),
      markup = "markdown")

# define your own column names and add a title
qable(mtcars[sort(rownames(mtcars)), ],
      rtitle = "Make & Model",
      rgroup = make,
      cnames = toupper(colnames(mtcars)),
      markup = "markdown")

qwraps2 documentation built on Oct. 16, 2024, 1:09 a.m.