mtcars2: mtcars2

mtcars2R Documentation



An extended version of mtcars data set.




a data.frame with 32 rows and 19 columns

[, 1] make Manufacturer name parted out from rownames(mtcars)
[, 2] model parted out from rownames(mtcars)
[, 3] mpg miles per (US) gallon identical to mtcars$mpg
[, 4] disp Displacement ( identical to mtcars$disp
[, 5] hp Gross horsepower identical to mtcars$hp
[, 6] drat Rear axle ratio identical to mtcars$drat
[, 7] wt weight (1000 lbs) identical to mtcars$wt
[, 8] qsec 1/4 mile time identical to mtcars$qsec
[, 9] cyl number of cylinders identical to mtcars$cyl
[, 10] cyl_character
[, 11] cyl_factor
[, 12] vs Engine (0 = V-shaped, 1 = straight) identical to mtcars$vs
[, 13] engine
[, 14] am Transmission (0 = automatic, 1 = manual) identical to mtcars$am
[, 15] transmission
[, 16] gear Number of forward gears identical to mtcars$gear
[, 17] gear_factor
[, 18] carb Number of carburetors identical to mtcars$carb
[, 19] test_date fictitious testing date

See Also

vignette("qwraps2-data-sets", package = "qwraps2") for details on the construction of the data set.

qwraps2 documentation built on Oct. 16, 2024, 1:09 a.m.