pefr: pefr

pefrR Documentation



Peak expiratory flow rate data




a data frame with four columns

[, 1] subject id number
[, 2] measurement first or second
[, 3] meter “Wright peak flow meter” or “Mini Write peak flow meter”
[, 4] pefr peak expiratory flow rate (liters / min)


Peak expiratory flow rate (pefr) data is used for examples within the qwraps2 package. The data has been transcribed from Bland (1986).

“The sample comprised colleagues and family of J.M.B. chosen to give a wide range of PEFR but in no way representative of any defined population. Two measurements were made with a Wright peak flow meter and two with a mini Wright meter, in random order. All measurements were taken by J.M.B., using the same two instruments. (These data were collected to demonstrate the statistical method and provide no evidence on the comparability of these two instruments.) We did not repeat suspect readings and took a single reading as our measurement of PEFR. Only the first measurement by each method is used to illustrate the comparison of methods, the second measurements being used in the study of repeatability.”


Bland, J. Martin, and Douglas G Altman. "Statistical methods for assessing agreement between two methods of clinical measurement." The lancet 327, no. 8476 (1986): 307-310.

See Also

vignette('qwraps2-data-sets', package = 'qwraps2') for details on the construction of the data set.

qwraps2 documentation built on Oct. 16, 2024, 1:09 a.m.