#' Match a loanbook to asset-based company data (abcd) by the `name_*` columns
#' `match_name()` scores the match between names in a loanbook dataset (columns
#' can be `name_direct_loantaker`, `name_intermediate_parent*` and
#' `name_ultimate_parent`) with names in an asset-based company data (column
#' `name_company`). The raw names are first internally transformed, and aliases
#' are assigned. The similarity between aliases in each of the loanbook and abcd
#' is scored using [stringdist::stringsim()].
#' @section Package options:
#' `r2dii.match.sector_classifications`: Allows you to use your own
#' `sector_classififications` instead of the default. This feature is
#' experimental and may be dropped and/or become a new argument to
#' `match_name()`.
#' @template alias-assign
#' @template ignores-but-preserves-existing-groups
#' @param loanbook,abcd data frames structured like []
#' and [].
#' @param by_sector Should names only be compared if companies belong to the
#' same `sector`?
#' @param min_score A number between 0-1, to set the minimum `score` threshold.
#' A `score` of 1 is a perfect match.
#' @param method Method for distance calculation. One of `c("osa", "lv", "dl",
#' "hamming", "lcs", "qgram", "cosine", "jaccard", "jw", "soundex")`. See
#' [stringdist::stringdist-metrics].
#' @inheritParams stringdist::stringdist
#' @param overwrite A data frame used to overwrite the `sector` and/or `name`
#' columns of a particular direct loantaker or ultimate parent. To overwrite
#' only `sector`, the value in the `name` column should be `NA` and
#' vice-versa. This file can be used to manually match loanbook companies to
#' abcd.
#' @param join_id A join specification passed to [dplyr::inner_join()]. If a
#' character string, it assumes identical join columns between `loanbook` and
#' `abcd`. If a named character vector, it uses the name as the join column of `loanbook` and
#' the value as the join column of `abcd`.
#' @param ... Arguments passed on to [stringdist::stringsim()].
#' @family main functions
#' @return A data frame with the same groups (if any) and columns as `loanbook`,
#' and the additional columns:
#' * `id_2dii` - an id used internally by `match_name()` to distinguish
#' companies
#' * `level` - the level of granularity that the loan was matched at
#' (e.g `direct_loantaker` or `ultimate_parent`)
#' * `sector` - the sector of the `loanbook` company
#' * `sector_abcd` - the sector of the `abcd` company
#' * `name` - the name of the `loanbook` company
#' * `name_abcd` - the name of the `abcd` company
#' * `score` - the score of the match (manually set this to `1`
#' prior to calling `prioritize()` to validate the match)
#' * `source` - determines the source of the match. (equal to `loanbook`
#' unless the match is from `overwrite`
#' The returned rows depend on the argument `min_value` and the result of the
#' column `score` for each loan: * If any row has `score` equal to 1,
#' `match_name()` returns all rows where `score` equals 1, dropping all other
#' rows. * If no row has `score` equal to 1,`match_name()` returns all rows
#' where `score` is equal to or greater than `min_score`. * If there is no
#' match the output is a 0-row tibble with the expected column names -- for
#' type stability.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' library(
#' library(tibble)
#' # Small data for examples
#' loanbook <- head(loanbook_demo, 50)
#' abcd <- head(abcd_demo, 50)
#' match_name(loanbook, abcd)
#' match_name(loanbook, abcd, min_score = 0.9)
#' # Use your own `sector_classifications`
#' your_classifications <- tibble(
#' sector = "power",
#' borderline = FALSE,
#' code = "D35.11",
#' code_system = "XYZ"
#' )
#' # match on LEI
#' loanbook <- tibble(
#' sector_classification_system = "XYZ",
#' sector_classification_direct_loantaker = "D35.11",
#' id_ultimate_parent = "UP15",
#' name_ultimate_parent = "Won't fuzzy match",
#' id_direct_loantaker = "C294",
#' name_direct_loantaker = "Won't fuzzy match",
#' lei_direct_loantaker = "LEI123"
#' )
#' abcd <- tibble(
#' name_company = "alpine knits india pvt. limited",
#' sector = "power",
#' lei = "LEI123"
#' )
#' match_name(loanbook, abcd, join_by = c(lei_direct_loantaker = "lei"))
#' restore <- options(r2dii.match.sector_classifications = your_classifications)
#' loanbook <- tibble(
#' sector_classification_system = "XYZ",
#' sector_classification_direct_loantaker = "D35.11",
#' id_ultimate_parent = "UP15",
#' name_ultimate_parent = "Alpine Knits India Pvt. Limited",
#' id_direct_loantaker = "C294",
#' name_direct_loantaker = "Yuamen Xinneng Thermal Power Co Ltd"
#' )
#' abcd <- tibble(
#' name_company = "alpine knits india pvt. limited",
#' sector = "power"
#' )
#' match_name(loanbook, abcd)
#' # Cleanup
#' options(restore)
#' }
match_name <- function(loanbook,
by_sector = TRUE,
min_score = 0.8,
method = "jw",
p = 0.1,
overwrite = NULL,
join_id = NULL,
...) {
restore <- options(datatable.allow.cartesian = TRUE)
on.exit(options(restore), add = TRUE)
if (!is.null(join_id)) {
check_join_id(join_id, loanbook, abcd)
crucial_names <- c("name_company", "sector", join_id)
check_crucial_names(abcd, crucial_names)
prep_abcd <- dplyr::transmute(
name_abcd = .data[["name_company"]],
sector_abcd = tolower(.data[["sector"]]),
!!join_id := .data[[join_id]]
prep_abcd <- dplyr::distinct(prep_abcd)
prep_lbk <- may_add_sector_and_borderline(loanbook)
prep_lbk <- distinct(prep_lbk)
join_matched <- dplyr::inner_join(
by = join_id,
na_matches = "never"
join_by_list <- as_join_by(join_id)
loanbook_join_id <- join_by_list[[1]]
join_matched <- dplyr::mutate(
score = 1,
source = "id joined",
level = loanbook_join_id,
name = .data[["name_abcd"]]
loanbook <- dplyr::filter(
!.data[[loanbook_join_id]] %in% join_matched[[loanbook_join_id]]
if (nrow(loanbook) != 0) {
fuzzy_matched <- match_name_impl(
loanbook = loanbook,
abcd = abcd,
by_sector = by_sector,
min_score = min_score,
method = method,
p = p,
overwrite = overwrite,
} else {
fuzzy_matched <- tibble()
if (exists("join_matched")) {
out <- dplyr::bind_rows(join_matched, fuzzy_matched)
} else if (nrow(fuzzy_matched) == 0 && exists("join_matched")) {
out <- join_matched
} else {
out <- fuzzy_matched
if (identical(nrow(out), 0L)) {
rlang::warn("Found no match.")
return(empty_loanbook_tibble(loanbook, dplyr::groups(loanbook)))
match_name_impl <- function(loanbook,
by_sector = TRUE,
min_score = 0.8,
method = "jw",
p = 0.1,
overwrite = NULL,
...) {
old_groups <- dplyr::groups(loanbook)
loanbook <- ungroup(loanbook)
if (!allow_reserved_columns()) abort_reserved_column(loanbook)
loanbook_rowid <- tibble::rowid_to_column(loanbook)
prep_lbk <- restructure_loanbook(loanbook_rowid, overwrite = overwrite)
prep_abcd <- restructure_abcd(abcd)
if (by_sector) {
a <- expand_alias(prep_lbk, prep_abcd)
} else {
a <- tidyr::crossing(alias_lbk = prep_lbk$alias, alias_abcd = prep_abcd$alias)
if (identical(nrow(a), 0L)) {
rlang::inform("Found no match via fuzzy matching.")
a <- unique(a)[
score := stringdist::stringsim(
alias_lbk, alias_abcd,
method = method, p = p, ...
setkey(a, score)
a <- a[score >= min_score, ]
if (identical(nrow(a), 0L)) {
rlang::inform("Found no match via fuzzy matching.")
l <- rename(prep_lbk, alias_lbk = "alias")
matched <- a[l, on = "alias_lbk", nomatch = 0]
matched <- matched[,
pick := none_is_one(score) | some_is_one(score),
by = id_2dii
][pick == TRUE][, pick := NULL]
prep_abcd <- rlang::set_names(prep_abcd, paste0, "_abcd")
matched <- prep_abcd[matched, on = "alias_abcd"]
if (by_sector) {
matched <- matched[sector == sector_abcd, ]
# Restore columns from loanbook
maybe_columns <- c("rowid", "sector", "borderline")
join_on <- intersect(maybe_columns, names(loanbook_rowid))
matched <- loanbook_rowid[matched, on = join_on]
matched <- matched[, rowid := NULL]
matched <- as_tibble(matched)
matched <- reorder_names_as_in_loanbook(matched, loanbook_rowid)
matched <- unsuffix_and_regroup(matched, old_groups)
matched <- select(matched, -all_of(c("alias", "alias_abcd")))
# Remove attribute added by data.table
attr(matched, ".internal.selfref") <- NULL
allow_reserved_columns <- function() {
abort_reserved_column <- function(data) {
reserved_chr <- c("alias", "rowid", "sector")
is_reserved <- names(data) %in% reserved_chr
if (any(is_reserved)) {
bad <- paste0(sort(names(data)[is_reserved]), collapse = ", ")
class = "reserved_column",
glue("`loanbook` can't have reserved columns:\n{bad}")
abort_if_duplicated_id_loan <- function(loanbook) {
column <- "id_loan"
if (!has_name(loanbook, column)) {
x <- loanbook[[column]]
dupl <- anyDuplicated(x)
if (dupl == 0L) {
first <- x[[dupl]]
msg <- glue("
All values of `{column}` in a `loanbook` must be unique (`{first}` is not).
Please ensure that every loan has a unique identifier.
abort(msg, class = "duplicated_id_loan")
empty_loanbook_tibble <- function(loanbook, old_groups) {
types <- loanbook %>%
out <- named_tibble(names = minimum_names_of_match_name(loanbook)) %>%
unsuffix_and_regroup(old_groups) %>%
select(-all_of(c("alias", "alias_abcd")))
tmp <- tempfile()
utils::write.csv(out, tmp, row.names = FALSE)
utils::read.csv(tmp, stringsAsFactors = FALSE, colClasses = types) %>%
# readr -------------------------------------------------------------------
expand_alias <- function(loanbook, abcd) {
vars <- c("sector", "alias")
l <- nest_by(select(loanbook, all_of_(vars)), .data$sector, .key = "alias_lbk")
a <- nest_by(select(abcd, all_of_(vars)), .data$sector, .key = "alias_abcd")
la <- dplyr::inner_join(l, a, by = "sector")
la$alias_lbk, la$alias_abcd,
~ tidyr::expand_grid(alias_lbk = .x$alias, alias_abcd = .y$alias)
# Similar to nest_by() from dplyr >= 1.0.0, but works with dplyr >= 0.8.5
nest_by <- function(.data, ..., .key = "data") {
grouped <- dplyr::group_by(.data, ...)
nested <- tidyr::nest(grouped)
dplyr::rename(nested, !!.key := "data")
unsuffix_and_regroup <- function(data, old_groups) {
data %>%
rename(alias = "alias_lbk") %>%
named_tibble <- function(names) {
slice(as_tibble(set_names(as.list(names))), 0L)
minimum_names_of_match_name <- function(loanbook) {
unique(c(names(loanbook), names_added_by_match_name()))
none_is_one <- function(x) {
all(x != 1L)
some_is_one <- function(x) {
any(x == 1L) & x == 1L
reorder_names_as_in_loanbook <- function(data, loanbook) {
names_in_loanbook <- data %>%
intersect_names_as_in(reference = loanbook)
data %>%
# New names
# In case I missed something
# What names of `data` exist in `reference`? (order from reference)
intersect_names_as_in <- function(data, reference) {
missing_names <- setdiff(names(reference), names(data))
setdiff(names(reference), missing_names)
names_added_by_match_name <- function() {
check_join_id <- function(join_id, loanbook, abcd) {
join_id_list <- as_join_by(join_id)
if (!rlang::has_name(loanbook, join_id_list[[1]])) {
message = glue(
"The join_id `{join_id_list[[1]]}` must be present in `loanbook` input."
} else if (!rlang::has_name(abcd, join_id_list[[2]])) {
message = glue(
"The join_id `{join_id_list[[2]]}` must be present in `abcd` input."
as_join_by <- function(x) {
if (rlang::is_list(x)) {
if (length(x) != 1L) {
rlang::abort("`join_id` must be a vector of length 1.")
x_name <- names(x) %||% x
y_name <- unname(x)
} else if (rlang::is_character(x)) {
x_name <- names(x) %||% x
y_name <- unname(x)
# If x partially named, assume unnamed are the same in both tables
x_name[x_name == ""] <- y_name[x_name == ""]
} else {
rlang::abort("`by` must be a string or a character vector.")
if (!rlang::is_character(x_name)) {
rlang::abort("`by$x` must evaluate to a character vector.")
if (!rlang::is_character(y_name)) {
rlang::abort("`by$y` must evaluate to a character vector.")
c(x_name, y_name)
`%||%` <- function(x, y) {
if (is.null(x)) y else x
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