
Defines functions r2mlm_manual

Documented in r2mlm_manual

#' Compute R-squared values for multilevel models, manually inputting parameter
#' estimates.
#' \code{r2mlm_manual} takes as input raw data and parameter estimates from a
#' multilevel model, and outputs all relevant R-squared measures from the Rights
#' and Sterba (2019) framework of R-squared measures for multilevel models,
#' which can be visualized together as a set using the outputted bar chart
#' decompositions of outcome variance. That is, when predictors are
#' cluster-mean-centered, all R-squared measures from Rights & Sterba (2019)
#' Table 1 and decompositions from Rights & Sterba (2019) Figure 1 are
#' outputted. When predictors are not cluster-mean-centered, the total
#' R-squareds from Rights & Sterba (2019) Table 5, as well as bar chart
#' decompositions are outputted. Any number of level-1 and/or level-2 predictors
#' is supported. Any of the level-1 predictors can have random slopes.
#' @param data Dataset with rows denoting observations and columns denoting
#'   variables.
#' @param within_covs List of numbers corresponding to the columns in the
#'   dataset of the level-1 predictors used in the MLM (if none used, set to
#'   NULL).
#' @param between_covs List of numbers corresponding to the columns in the
#'   dataset of the level-2 predictors used in the MLM (if none used, set to
#'   NULL).
#' @param random_covs List of numbers corresponding to the columns in the
#'   dataset of the level-1 predictors that have random slopes in the MLM (if no
#'   random slopes, set to NULL).
#' @param gamma_w Vector of fixed slope estimates for all level-1 predictors, to
#'   be entered in the order of the predictors listed by within_covs (if none,
#'   set to NULL).
#' @param gamma_b Vector of fixed intercept estimate (if applicable; see
#'   has_intercept below) and fixed slope estimates for all level-2 predictors,
#'   to be entered intercept first (if applicable) followed by level-2 slopes in
#'   the order listed by between_covs (if none, set to NULL).
#' @param Tau Random effect covariance matrix; note that the first row/column
#'   denotes the intercept variance and covariances (if intercept is fixed, set
#'   all to 0) and each subsequent row/column denotes a given random slope’s
#'   variance and covariances (to be entered in the order listed by
#'   random_covs).
#' @param sigma2 Level-1 residual variance.
#' @param has_intercept If set to TRUE, the first element of gamma_b is assumed
#'   to be the fixed intercept estimate; if set to FALSE, the first element of
#'   gamma_b is assumed to be the first fixed level- 2 predictor slope; set to
#'   TRUE by default.
#' @param clustermeancentered If set to TRUE, all level-1 predictors (indicated
#'   by the within_covs list) are assumed to be cluster-mean-centered and
#'   function will output all decompositions; if set to FALSE, function will
#'   output only total decompositions (see Description above); set to TRUE by
#'   default.
#' @param bargraph Optional bar graph output, default is TRUE.
#' @return If the input is valid, then the output will be a list and associated
#'   graphical representation of R-squared decompositions. If the input is not
#'   valid, it will return an error.
#' @examples
#' # The bobyqa optimizer is required for this model to converge in lme4
#' model <- lmer(satisfaction ~ 1 + salary_c + control_c + salary_m + control_m
#' + s_t_ratio + (1 + salary_c + control_c | schoolID), data = teachsat, REML =
#' TRUE, control = lmerControl(optimizer = "bobyqa"))
#' r2mlm_manual(data = teachsat, within_covs = c(5, 4), between_covs = c(7, 6,
#' 8), random_covs =  c(5, 4), gamma_w = c(0.074485, 0.310800), gamma_b =
#' c(4.352652, 0.036759, 0.027532, -0.035250), Tau = matrix(c(0.387, 0.0000646,
#' 0.00625, 0.0000646, 0.00277, -0.000333, 0.00625, -0.000333, 0.0285), 3, 3),
#' sigma2 = 0.55031, has_intercept = TRUE, clustermeancentered = TRUE)
#' @seealso Rights, J. D., & Sterba, S. K. (2019). Quantifying explained
#'   variance in multilevel models: An integrative framework for defining
#'   R-squared measures. Psychological Methods, 24(3), 309–338.
#'   <doi:10.1080/00273171.2019.1660605>
#' @family r2mlm single model functions
#' @importFrom stats var
#' @importFrom graphics barplot legend
#' @export

r2mlm_manual <- function(data, within_covs, between_covs, random_covs,
                  gamma_w, gamma_b, Tau, sigma2, has_intercept = TRUE, clustermeancentered = TRUE, bargraph = TRUE){
  if(has_intercept == T){
    if(length(gamma_b)>1) gamma <- c(1, gamma_w, gamma_b[2:length(gamma_b)])
    if(length(gamma_b) == 1) gamma <- c(1, gamma_w)
    if(is.null(within_covs) == T) gamma_w <- 0
  if(has_intercept == F){
    gamma <- c(gamma_w, gamma_b)
    if(is.null(within_covs) == T) gamma_w <- 0
    if(is.null(between_covs) == T) gamma_b <- 0
  if(is.null(gamma)) gamma <- 0
  ##compute phi
  phi <- var(cbind(1, data[, c(within_covs)], data[, c(between_covs)]), na.rm = T)
  if(has_intercept == F) phi <- var(cbind(data[, c(within_covs)], data[, c(between_covs)]), na.rm = T)
  if(is.null(within_covs) == T & is.null(within_covs) == T & has_intercept == F) phi <- 0
  phi_w <- var(data[, within_covs], na.rm = T)
  if(is.null(within_covs) == T) phi_w <- 0
  phi_b <- var(cbind(1, data[, between_covs]), na.rm = T)
  if(is.null(between_covs) == T) phi_b <- 0
  ##compute psi and kappa
  var_randomcovs <- var(cbind(1, data[, c(random_covs)]), na.rm = T)
  if(length(Tau)>1) psi <- matrix(c(diag(Tau)), ncol = 1)
  if(length(Tau) == 1) psi <- Tau
  if(length(Tau)>1) kappa <- matrix(c(Tau[lower.tri(Tau) == TRUE]), ncol = 1)
  if(length(Tau) == 1) kappa <- 0
  v <- matrix(c(diag(var_randomcovs)), ncol = 1)
  r <- matrix(c(var_randomcovs[lower.tri(var_randomcovs) == TRUE]), ncol = 1)
  if(is.null(random_covs) == TRUE){
    v <- 0
    r <- 0
    m <- matrix(1, ncol = 1)
  if(length(random_covs)>0) m <- matrix(c(colMeans(cbind(1, data[, c(random_covs)]), na.rm = T)), ncol = 1)
  ##total variance
  totalvar_notdecomp <- t(v)%*%psi + 2*(t(r)%*%kappa) + t(gamma)%*%phi%*%gamma + t(m)%*%Tau%*%m + sigma2
  totalwithinvar <- (t(gamma_w)%*%phi_w%*%gamma_w) + (t(v)%*%psi + 2*(t(r)%*%kappa)) + sigma2
  totalbetweenvar <- (t(gamma_b)%*%phi_b%*%gamma_b) + Tau[1]
  totalvar <- totalwithinvar + totalbetweenvar
  ##total decomp
  decomp_fixed_notdecomp <- (t(gamma)%*%phi%*%gamma) / totalvar_notdecomp
  decomp_varslopes_notdecomp <- (t(v)%*%psi + 2*(t(r)%*%kappa)) / totalvar_notdecomp
  decomp_varmeans_notdecomp <- (t(m)%*%Tau%*%m) / totalvar_notdecomp
  decomp_sigma_notdecomp <- sigma2/totalvar_notdecomp
  decomp_fixed_within <- (t(gamma_w)%*%phi_w%*%gamma_w) / totalvar
  decomp_fixed_between <- (t(gamma_b)%*%phi_b%*%gamma_b) / totalvar
  decomp_fixed <- decomp_fixed_within + decomp_fixed_between
  decomp_varslopes <- (t(v)%*%psi + 2*(t(r)%*%kappa)) / totalvar
  decomp_varmeans <- (t(m)%*%Tau%*%m) / totalvar
  decomp_sigma <- sigma2/totalvar
  ##within decomp
  decomp_fixed_within_w <- (t(gamma_w)%*%phi_w%*%gamma_w) / totalwithinvar
  decomp_varslopes_w <- (t(v)%*%psi + 2*(t(r)%*%kappa)) / totalwithinvar
  decomp_sigma_w <- sigma2/totalwithinvar
  ##between decomp
  decomp_fixed_between_b <- (t(gamma_b)%*%phi_b%*%gamma_b) / totalbetweenvar
  decomp_varmeans_b <- Tau[1] / totalbetweenvar
  #NEW measures
  if (clustermeancentered == TRUE){
    R2_f <- decomp_fixed
    R2_f1 <- decomp_fixed_within
    R2_f2 <- decomp_fixed_between
    R2_fv <- decomp_fixed + decomp_varslopes
    R2_fvm <- decomp_fixed + decomp_varslopes + decomp_varmeans
    R2_v <- decomp_varslopes
    R2_m <- decomp_varmeans
    R2_f_w <- decomp_fixed_within_w
    R2_f_b <- decomp_fixed_between_b
    R2_fv_w <- decomp_fixed_within_w + decomp_varslopes_w
    R2_v_w <- decomp_varslopes_w
    R2_m_b <- decomp_varmeans_b
  if (clustermeancentered == FALSE){
    R2_f <- decomp_fixed_notdecomp
    R2_fv <- decomp_fixed_notdecomp + decomp_varslopes_notdecomp
    R2_fvm <- decomp_fixed_notdecomp + decomp_varslopes_notdecomp + decomp_varmeans_notdecomp
    R2_v <- decomp_varslopes_notdecomp
    R2_m <- decomp_varmeans_notdecomp
  if(clustermeancentered == TRUE){
    decomp_table <- matrix(c(decomp_fixed_within, decomp_fixed_between, decomp_varslopes, decomp_varmeans, decomp_sigma,
                             decomp_fixed_within_w, "NA", decomp_varslopes_w, "NA", decomp_sigma_w,
                             "NA", decomp_fixed_between_b, "NA", decomp_varmeans_b, "NA"), ncol = 3)
    decomp_table <- suppressWarnings(apply(decomp_table, 2, as.numeric)) # make values numeric, not character
    rownames(decomp_table) <- c("fixed, within", "fixed, between", "slope variation", "mean variation", "sigma2")
    colnames(decomp_table) <- c("total", "within", "between")
    R2_table <- matrix(c(R2_f1, R2_f2, R2_v, R2_m, R2_f, R2_fv, R2_fvm,
                         R2_f_w, "NA", R2_v_w, "NA", "NA", R2_fv_w, "NA",
                         "NA", R2_f_b, "NA", R2_m_b, "NA", "NA", "NA")
                       , ncol = 3)
    R2_table <- suppressWarnings(apply(R2_table, 2, as.numeric)) # make values numeric, not character
    rownames(R2_table) <- c("f1", "f2", "v", "m", "f", "fv", "fvm")
    colnames(R2_table) <- c("total", "within", "between")
  ##bar chart
  if(clustermeancentered == TRUE && bargraph == TRUE){
    contributions_stacked <- matrix(c(decomp_fixed_within, decomp_fixed_between, decomp_varslopes, decomp_varmeans, decomp_sigma,
                                      decomp_fixed_within_w, 0, decomp_varslopes_w, 0, decomp_sigma_w,
                                      0, decomp_fixed_between_b, 0, decomp_varmeans_b, 0), 5, 3)
    colnames(contributions_stacked) <- c("total", "within", "between")
    rownames(contributions_stacked) <- c("fixed slopes (within)",
                                         "fixed slopes (between)",
                                         "slope variation (within)",
                                         "intercept variation (between)",
                                         "residual (within)")
    barplot(contributions_stacked, main="Decomposition", horiz=FALSE,
            ylim=c(0, 1), col=c("darkred", "steelblue", "darkred", "midnightblue", "white"), ylab="proportion of variance",
            density=c(NA, NA, 30, 40, NA), angle=c(0, 45, 0, 135, 0), xlim=c(0, 1), width=c(.3, .3))
    legend(.30, -.1, legend=rownames(contributions_stacked), fill=c("darkred", "steelblue", "darkred", "midnightblue", "white"),
           cex=.7,  pt.cex = 1, xpd=T, density=c(NA, NA, 30, 40, NA), angle=c(0, 45, 0, 135, 0))
  if(clustermeancentered == FALSE){
    decomp_table <- matrix(c(decomp_fixed_notdecomp, decomp_varslopes_notdecomp, decomp_varmeans_notdecomp, decomp_sigma_notdecomp), ncol = 1)
    decomp_table <- suppressWarnings(apply(decomp_table, 2, as.numeric)) # make values numeric, not character
    rownames(decomp_table) <- c("fixed", "slope variation", "mean variation", "sigma2")
    colnames(decomp_table) <- c("total")
    R2_table <- matrix(c(R2_f, R2_v, R2_m, R2_fv, R2_fvm), ncol = 1)
    R2_table <- suppressWarnings(apply(R2_table, 2, as.numeric)) # make values numeric, not character
    rownames(R2_table) <- c("f", "v", "m", "fv", "fvm")
    colnames(R2_table) <- c("total")


    if (bargraph == TRUE) {
      contributions_stacked <- matrix(c(decomp_fixed_notdecomp, decomp_varslopes_notdecomp, decomp_varmeans_notdecomp, decomp_sigma_notdecomp), 4, 1)
      colnames(contributions_stacked) <- c("total")
      rownames(contributions_stacked) <- c("fixed slopes",
                                           "slope variation",
                                           "intercept variation",
      barplot(contributions_stacked, main="Decomposition", horiz=FALSE,
              ylim=c(0, 1), col=c("darkblue", "darkblue", "darkblue", "white"), ylab="proportion of variance",
              density=c(NA, 30, 40, NA), angle=c(0, 0, 135, 0), xlim=c(0, 1), width=c(.6))
      legend(.30, -.1, legend=rownames(contributions_stacked), fill=c("darkblue", "darkblue", "darkblue", "white"),
             cex=.7,  pt.cex = 1, xpd=TRUE, density=c(NA, 30, 40, NA), angle=c(0, 0, 135, 0))

  Output <- list(noquote(decomp_table), noquote(R2_table))
  names(Output) <- c("Decompositions", "R2s")

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r2mlm documentation built on July 26, 2023, 5:25 p.m.