
Defines functions m_is_animated m_get_model

Documented in m_get_model m_is_animated

#' Return specified model
#' @param id R3dmol \code{id} or a \code{r3dmol} object (the output from
#' \code{r3dmol()})
#' @param modelId Retrieve model with specified id
#' @return R3dmol \code{id} or a \code{r3dmol} object (the output from
#' \code{r3dmol()})
#' @export
m_get_model <- function(id, modelId) {
  method <- "getModel"

#' Get viewer animate status
#' Return true if viewer is currently being animated, false otherwise
#' @param id R3dmol \code{id} or a \code{r3dmol} object (the output from
#' \code{r3dmol()})
#' @return \code{logical}
#' @export
m_is_animated <- function(id) {
  method <- "isAnimated"

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r3dmol documentation built on March 14, 2021, 5:08 p.m.