
Defines functions glp_call_interface multi_glpk_solve_LP

Documented in multi_glpk_solve_LP

## the R-ported GNU Linear Programming kit
## solve function --- C Interface

multi_glpk_solve_LP <-
function(obj, mat, dir, rhs, bounds = NULL, types = NULL, max = FALSE,
          control = list(),
          mobj_i = NULL, mobj_val = NULL,
          mmat_i = NULL, mmat_val = NULL,
          mrhs_i = NULL, mrhs_val = NULL,
  ## validate direction of optimization
  if(!identical( max, TRUE ) && !identical( max, FALSE ))
    stop("'Argument 'max' must be either TRUE or FALSE.")
  direction_of_optimization <- as.integer(max)

  ## validate multi problem RHS
  n_multi_prob = 0
  if(! is.null(mrhs_i) ) {
    if (is.null(mrhs_val)) stop("If 'mrhs_i' is specified please also specify 'mrhs_val'.")
    if (!is.matrix(mrhs_val)) stop("Argument 'mrhs_val' has to be a matrix.")
    if (length(mrhs_i) != nrow(mrhs_val)) stop(sprintf("Length of mrhs_i (%d) has to equal nrows of mrhs_val (%d).", length(mrhs_i), nrow(mrhs_val)) )
    if (any(mrhs_i <= 0 | mrhs_i > length(rhs))) stop("Argument 'mrhs_i' must be a vector of integers between 1 and length(rhs), inclusive, denoting the constraint index.")
    n_multi_prob = ncol(mrhs_val)
    mrhs_i = mrhs_i - as.integer(1)
  ## validate values of multi problem constraint matrix
  if (! is.null(mmat_i) ) {
    if (is.null(mmat_val)) stop("If 'mmat_i' is specified please also specify 'mmat_val'.")
    if (!is.matrix(mmat_val)) stop("Argument 'mmat_val' has to be a matrix.")
    if (!is.matrix(mmat_i))   stop("Argument 'mmat_i' has to be a matrix.")
    if (nrow(mmat_i) != nrow(mmat_val)) stop(sprintf("nrow(mmat_i) (%d) has to equal nrow(mmat_val) (%d).", nrow(mmat_i), nrow(mmat_val)) )
    if (ncol(mmat_i) != 2) stop("mmat_i needs to have 2 columns (specifying rows and cols).")
    if (n_multi_prob == 0) {
      n_multi_prob = ncol(mmat_val)
    } else {
      if (n_multi_prob != ncol(mmat_val)) stop("ncol(mrhs_val) (%d) has to equal ncol(mmat_val) (%d). Each column represents one optimization task.", ncol(mrhs_val), ncol(mmat_val))
    ## check if mmat_i is within bounds
    if ( any(mmat_i[,1] <=0 | mmat_i[,1] > length(rhs)) ) stop("Values in the first column of 'mmat_i' must be integers between 1 and length(rhs), inclusive.")
    if ( any(mmat_i[,2] <=0 | mmat_i[,2] > length(obj)) ) stop("Values in the second column of 'mmat_i' must be integers between 1 and length(obj), inclusive.")
  ## validate values of multi problem objectives
  if (! is.null(mobj_i)) {
    if (is.null(mobj_val)) stop("If 'mobj_i' is specified please also specify 'mobj_val'.")
    if (!is.matrix(mobj_val)) stop("Argument 'mobj_val' has to be a matrix.")
    if (length(mobj_i) != nrow(mobj_val)) stop(sprintf("Length of mobj_i (%d) has to equal nrows of mobj_val (%d).", length(mobj_i), nrow(mobj_val)) )
    if (any(mobj_i <= 0 | mobj_i > length(obj))) stop("Argument 'mobj_i' must be a vector of integers between 1 and length(obj), inclusive, denoting the objective indices.")
    if (n_multi_prob == 0) {
      n_multi_prob = ncol(mobj_val)
    } else {
      if (n_multi_prob != ncol(mobj_val)) stop("ncol(mobj_val) (%d) has to equal ncol(mmat_val) (%d) or ncol(mrhs_val) (%d). Each column represents one optimization task.", ncol(mobj_val), ncol(mmat_val), ncol(mrhs_val))
  ## making sure n_multi_prob is not 0
  if (n_multi_prob == 0) {
    n_multi_prob = 1

  ## validate control list
  dots <- list(...)
  control[names(dots)] <- dots
  control <- .check_control_parameters( control )
  verb <- control$verbose

  ## match direction of constraints
  n_of_constraints <- length(dir)
  ## match relational operators to requested input
  direction_of_constraints <- match( dir, c("<", "<=", ">", ">=", "==") )

  if( any(is.na(direction_of_constraints)) )
    stop("Argument 'dir' must be either '<', '<=', '>', '>=' or '=='.")

  ## we need to verify that obj is a numeric vector
  ## FIXME: always use STMs?
      obj <- as.matrix(obj)
  obj <- as.numeric(obj)
  n_of_objective_vars <- length( obj )

  ## removing multi constraints from mat and adding them manually to the end
  if ( ! is.null(mmat_i) ) {
    mat[ mmat_i ] = 0
    constraint_matrix <- as.simple_triplet_matrix(mat)
    n   <- length(constraint_matrix$i)
    ind <- (n+1) : (n+nrow(mmat_i))
    constraint_matrix$i[ind] <- mmat_i[,1]
    constraint_matrix$j[ind] <- mmat_i[,2]
    constraint_matrix$v[ind] <- 0
    multi_constraint_index   <- ind - 1
    multi_constraint_values  <- mmat_val
  } else {
    constraint_matrix <- as.simple_triplet_matrix(mat)
    multi_constraint_index  <- NULL
    multi_constraint_values <- NULL

  ## types of objective coefficients
  ## Default: "C"
    types <- "C"
  ## check if valid types
  if(any(is.na(match(types, c("I", "B", "C"), nomatch = NA))))
    stop("'types' must be either 'B', 'C' or 'I'.")
  ## replicate types to fit number of columns
  types <- rep(types, length.out = n_of_objective_vars)
  ## need a TRUE/FALSE integer/binary representation
  integers <- types == "I"
  binaries <- types == "B"

  ## do we have a mixed integer linear program?
  is_integer <- any( binaries | integers )

  ## bounds of objective coefficients
  bounds <- as.glp_bounds( as.list( bounds ), n_of_objective_vars )

  ## Sanity check: mat/dir/rhs
  if( !all(c(dim(mat)[ 1 ], length(rhs)) == n_of_constraints) )
      stop( "Arguments 'mat', 'dir', and/or 'rhs' not conformable." )
  ## Sanity check: mat, obj
  if( dim(mat)[ 2 ] != n_of_objective_vars )
      stop( "Arguments 'mat' and 'obj' not conformable." )

  ## call the C interface - this actually runs the solver
  x <- glp_call_interface(obj, n_of_objective_vars, constraint_matrix$i,
                          constraint_matrix$j, constraint_matrix$v,
                          rhs, direction_of_constraints, n_of_constraints,
                          integers, binaries,
                          direction_of_optimization, bounds[, 1L],
                          bounds[, 2L], bounds[, 3L], verb,
                          n_multi_prob,     ## number of problems (at least 1)
                          multi_constraint_index,  ## constraint indices
                          multi_constraint_values, ## constraint values
                          mrhs_i,     ## rhs indices
                          mrhs_val,   ## rhs values
                          mobj_i,     ## obj indices
                          mobj_val    ## obj values

  solution <- matrix(x$lp_objective_vars_values, ncol = n_multi_prob)
  ## are integer variables really integers? better round values
  solution[integers | binaries, ] <-
    round( solution[integers | binaries, ])
  ## match status of solution
  status <- as.integer(x$lp_status)
      ## 0 -> optimal solution (5 in GLPK) else 1
      status <- as.integer(status != 5L)
  ## get optimum values
  optimum <- as.vector(x$lp_optimum)
  list(optimum = optimum, solution = solution, status = status)

## this function calls the C interface
glp_call_interface <-
function(lp_objective_coefficients, lp_n_of_objective_vars,
         lp_constraint_matrix_i, lp_constraint_matrix_j, lp_constraint_matrix_v,
         lp_n_of_values_in_constraint_matrix, lp_right_hand_side,
         lp_direction_of_constraints, lp_n_of_constraints, lp_is_integer,
         lp_objective_var_is_integer, lp_objective_var_is_binary,
         lp_bounds_type, lp_bounds_lower, lp_bounds_upper,
         multi_number_of_problems, ## has to be at least 1
  out <- .C("multi_glp_solve",
            lp_direction_of_optimization= as.integer(lp_direction_of_optimization),
            lp_n_of_constraints         = as.integer(lp_n_of_constraints),
            lp_direction_of_constraints = as.integer(lp_direction_of_constraints),
            lp_right_hand_side          = as.double(lp_right_hand_side),
            lp_n_of_objective_vars      = as.integer(lp_n_of_objective_vars),
            lp_objective_coefficients   = as.double(lp_objective_coefficients),
            lp_objective_var_is_integer = as.integer(lp_objective_var_is_integer),
            lp_objective_var_is_binary  = as.integer(lp_objective_var_is_binary),
            lp_is_integer               = as.integer(lp_is_integer),
            lp_n_of_values_in_constraint_matrix = as.integer(lp_n_of_values_in_constraint_matrix),
            lp_constraint_matrix_i      = as.integer(lp_constraint_matrix_i),
            lp_constraint_matrix_j      = as.integer(lp_constraint_matrix_j),
            lp_constraint_matrix_values = as.double(lp_constraint_matrix_v),
            lp_bounds_type              = as.integer(lp_bounds_type),
            lp_bounds_lower             = as.double(lp_bounds_lower),
            ## lp_n_of_bounds_l            = as.integer(length(lp_lower_bounds_i)),
            lp_bounds_upper             = as.double(lp_bounds_upper),
            ## lp_n_of_bounds_u            = as.integer(length(lp_upper_bounds_i)),
            lp_optimum                  = double(multi_number_of_problems),
            lp_objective_vars_values    = double(lp_n_of_objective_vars * multi_number_of_problems),
            lp_verbosity                = as.integer(verbose),
            lp_status                   = integer(multi_number_of_problems),
            multi_number_of_problems    = as.integer(multi_number_of_problems),
            multi_number_of_constraint_values = length(multi_constraint_index),
            multi_constraint_index      = as.integer(multi_constraint_index),
            multi_constraint_values     = as.double(multi_constraint_values),
            multi_rhs_number_of_values  = length(multi_rhs_index),
            multi_rhs_index             = as.integer(multi_rhs_index),
            multi_rhs_values            = as.double(multi_rhs_values),
            multi_obj_number_of_values  = length(multi_obj_index),
            multi_obj_index             = as.integer(multi_obj_index),
            multi_obj_values            = as.double(multi_obj_values),
            NAOK = TRUE, PACKAGE = "rDEA")

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