
Defines functions f_to_event_table_wf_v2

Documented in f_to_event_table_wf_v2

#' ata transformation: Wide format -> Event format required for the model (internal use)
#' This function organize an input data set wf (wide format) to ef(event format), same as f_to_event_table_wf_all but with the start, stop and outcome from the formula
#' @param id name of variable containing the names of subjects
#' @param start names of the variable containing the start time
#' @param stop names of the variable containing the stop time
#' @param outcome name of the variable containing the outcome
#' @param data input data set - wide format data set
#' @param times sub data set of times relatives to doses
#' @param doses sub data set of grouped doses
#' @param covars sub data set of the covars that will be involved in the model
#' @return The data set with the event-row format, including the event of exit of the cohort
#' @examples \donttest{ f_to_event_table_wf_v2(id='patientids',start='entry_age',stop='exit_age',
#'                               outcome='leukaemia',data,times=data[,11:30],doses=data[,31:50],
#'                               covars=data[,c('sex','country','birthcohort')])}
#' @importFrom plyr count
#' @importFrom plyr arrange
#' @importFrom dplyr group_by
#' @importFrom dplyr mutate
#' @importFrom dplyr "%>%"
#' @importFrom reshape2 melt
#' @export

f_to_event_table_wf_v2 <- function(id,start,stop,outcome,
  # to avoid NOTE: 'no visible binding for global variable ...' in check
  row_      <- NULL
  variable  <- NULL
  id_       <- NULL
  time      <- NULL
  dose      <- NULL
  call <- match.call()

  start_   <- eval(parse(text=paste0(call$data,"$",start)))
  stop_    <- eval(parse(text=paste0(call$data,"$",stop)))
  outcome_ <- eval(parse(text=paste0(call$data,"$",outcome)))

  # big n: all possible person years
  n_sub       <- dim(data)[1]
  n_exp_years <- dim(times)[2]
  n           <- n_sub*n_exp_years

  # list of variables: id|start|stop|outcome|covariates|time|dose|cumulative dose|person_event|row_number in original data set
  names  <- c(as.character(id),as.character(start),as.character(stop),as.character(outcome),

  n_cols <- length(names)

  # new dataset
  mat <- matrix(nrow=n,ncol=n_cols)

  mat     <- as.data.frame(mat)
  mat[,1] <- rep(eval(parse(text=paste0(call$data,"$",id))),each=n_exp_years)
  mat[,2] <- rep(start_,each=n_exp_years)
  mat[,3] <- rep(stop_,each=n_exp_years)
  mat[,4] <- 0

  for(i in 1:dim(covars)[2])
    mat[,4+i] <- rep(covars[,i],each=n_exp_years)

  names(mat) <- names

  # times
  if(dim(times)[2]>9) {
    names(times) <- c(paste0("x0",1:9),paste0("x",10:(dim(times)[2])))
  }else {
    names(times) <- c(paste0("x0",1:dim(times)[2]))
  times$row_ <- 1:dim(times)[1]
  x <- melt(times,id.vars="row_",measure.vars=c(1:(dim(times)[2]-1)))
  x <- plyr::arrange(x,row_,variable)

  mat[,which(names(mat)=="time")] <- x$value

  # doses
  if(dim(doses)[2]>9) {
    names(doses) <- c(paste0("x0",1:9),paste0("x",10:(dim(doses)[2])))
  }else {
    names(doses) <- c(paste0("x0",1:dim(doses)[2]))
  doses$row_ <- 1:dim(doses)[1]
  x <- melt(doses,id.vars="row_",measure.vars=c(1:(dim(doses)[2]-1)))
  x <- plyr::arrange(x,row_,variable)

  mat[,which(names(mat)=="dose")] <- x$value

  # exclude py after exitage
  if(length(which(mat$time >= mat[,3]))>0)
    mat <- mat[-which(mat$time >= mat[,3]),]

  # set a py ind within each person
  mat$id_ <- unlist(mat[,1])
  mat     <- mat         %>%
    dplyr::group_by(id_) %>%
  mat     <- mat[,-which(names(mat)=="id_")]

  # add the exit event as a row for each subject
  dt      <- mat[which(mat$n_pe==1),]
  dt$time <- dt[,3]
  dt[,4]  <- outcome_
  dt$n_pe <- 0
  dt$dose <- 0

  attributes(dt) <- NULL
  dt             <- as.data.frame(dt)
  names(dt)      <- names(mat)

  attributes(mat) <- NULL
  mat             <- as.data.frame(mat)
  names(mat)      <- names(dt)

  # the counter n_pe goes 1:number of years, and 0 is the relative to exitage 1 is the row of entryage
  mat <- rbind(mat,dt)

  # keep only informative rows, so remove the 0 dose rows
  rows_to_remove <- which(mat$dose==0 & mat$n_pe>1)
    mat <- mat[-rows_to_remove,]

  # set a py ind within each person
  dt0 <- mat[which(mat$n_pe==0),]
  mat <- mat[which(mat$n_pe>0),]

  mat$id_ <- unlist(mat[,1])
  mat     <- mat         %>%
    dplyr::group_by(id_) %>%
  mat     <- mat[,-which(names(mat)=="id_")]
  mat     <- rbind(mat,dt0)

  # arrange rows
  mat$id_ <- unlist(mat[,1])
  mat     <- plyr::arrange(mat,id_,time)

  # add the cumulative exposure
  mat <- mat %>%
    dplyr::group_by(id_) %>%
  mat <- mat[,-which(names(mat)=="id_")]

  a       <- plyr::count(mat[,1])
  mat$id1 <- unlist(lapply(seq_along(1:n_sub),function(x) rep(x,each=a$freq[x])))

  # remove innecessary attributes
  attributes(mat) <- NULL
  mat             <- as.data.frame(mat)
  names(mat)      <- names(dt)


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rERR documentation built on May 2, 2019, 11:10 a.m.