
Defines functions h5closeall

#setClass("gedi.level1b", representation(h5="H5File",level1b.spdf='SpatialPointsDataFrame'))
#' @importFrom hdf5r H5File

#' Class for GEDI level1B
#' @slot h5 Object of class H5File from \emph{hdf5r} package containing the
#'GEDI level1B products: geolocated Waveforms
#' @seealso \code{\link[hdf5r:H5File-class]{hdf5r::H5File}} in the \emph{hdf5r} package and
#' @import methods
#' @export
gedi.level1b <- setClass(
  slots = list(h5 = "H5File")

#' Class for GEDI level2A
#' @slot h5 Object of class H5File from \emph{hdf5r} package containing the
#'GEDI level2A products: ground elevation, canopy top height, and relative heights (RH).
#' @seealso \code{\link[hdf5r:H5File-class]{hdf5r::H5File}} in the \emph{hdf5r} package and
#' @import methods
#' @export
gedi.level2a <- setClass(
  slots = list(h5 = "H5File")

#' Class for GEDI level2B
#' @slot h5 Object of class H5File from \emph{hdf5r} package containing the
#'GEDI level2B products: canopy cover, Plant Area Index (PAI), Plant Area Volume Density (PAVD),
#'and Foliage Height Diversity (FHD).
#' @seealso \code{\link[hdf5r:H5File-class]{hdf5r::H5File}} in the \emph{hdf5r} package and
#' @import methods
#' @export
gedi.level2b <- setClass(
  slots = list(h5 = "H5File")

#' Class for GEDI Full-Waveform Simulation
#' @slot h5 Object of class H5File from \emph{hdf5r} package package containing the simulated
#' GEDI full-waveform
#' @seealso
#' i) Hancock, S., Armston, J., Hofton, M., Sun, X., Tang, H., Duncanson, L.I., Kellner,
#' J.R. and Dubayah, R., 2019. The GEDI simulator: A large-footprint waveform lidar simulator
#' for calibration and validation of spaceborne missions. Earth and Space Science.
#' https://doi.org/10.1029/2018EA000506
#' ii) gediSimulator: https://bitbucket.org/StevenHancock/gedisimulator/src/master/
#' @import methods
#' @export
gedi.level1bSim <- setClass(
  slots = list(h5 = "H5File")

#' Class for GEDI level1B Full Waveform
#' @slot dt Object of class data.table from \emph{data.table} package containing
#' the extracted GEDI full-waveform elevation and amplitude.
#' @import methods
#' @export
gedi.fullwaveform <- setClass(
  slots = list(dt = "data.table")

#'Plot GEDI* object
#'@param x An object of class "gedi.fullwaveform". (output of \code{\link[rGEDI:getLevel1BWF]{getLevel1BWF}} function)
#'@param y not used (inherited from R base)
#'@param ... will be passed to the main plot
#'@param relative if TRUE, the Waveform Amplitude will be showed in percentage (\%)
#'@param polygon if TRUE, the polygon will be added to the plot
#'@param method methods used for simulating the GEDI full-waveform ("RXWAVEINT","RXWAVEINT" or "RXWAVEINT"). Default is "RXWAVECOUNT".
#'@return No return value
#' @export
#' @method plot gedi.fullwaveform
setGeneric("plot", function(x, y, ...)

#'@description For gedi.fullwaveform: will plot the full waveform\cr\cr
#'# Specifying the path to GEDI level1B data (zip file)
#'outdir = tempdir()
#'level1B_fp_zip <- system.file("extdata",
#'                   "GEDI01_B_2019108080338_O01964_T05337_02_003_01_sub.zip",
#'                   package="rGEDI")
#'# Unzipping GEDI level1B data
#'level1Bpath <- unzip(level1B_fp_zip,exdir = outdir)
#'# Reading GEDI level1B data (h5 file)
#'# Extracting GEDI Full-Waveform
#'wf <- getLevel1BWF(level1b, shot_number="19640521100108408")
#'# Plotting GEDI Full-waveform
#'par(mfrow = c(1,2), cex.axis = 1.5)
#'plot(wf, relative=FALSE, polygon=TRUE, type="l", lwd=2, col="forestgreen",
#'xlab="", ylab="Elevation (m)")
#'plot(wf, relative=TRUE, polygon=TRUE, type="l", lwd=2, col="forestgreen",
#'xlab="Waveform Amplitude (%)", ylab="Elevation (m)")
#' @rdname plot
setMethod("plot", signature("gedi.fullwaveform", y = "missing"), function(x,relative=FALSE,polygon=FALSE,...) {

  if (!class(x)=="gedi.fullwaveform"){

    print("Invalid input file. It should be an object of class 'gedi.fullwaveform' ")
  } else {


    if (relative==TRUE){
    } else{

    if (polygon==TRUE){

      xstart<-x[which(z==min(z, na.rm=T))]
      xend<-x[which(z==max(z, na.rm=T))]

      yl<-c(max(z, na.rm=T),min(z, na.rm=T),min(z, na.rm=T),rev(z),max(z, na.rm=T),max(z, na.rm=T))

    } else {

#'@description for gedi.level1bSim: will plot the simulated waveform
#'outdir <- tempdir()
#'zipfile_amazon <- system.file("extdata", "Amazon.zip", package="rGEDI")
#'zipfile_Savanna <- system.file("extdata", "Savanna.zip", package="rGEDI")
# specify the path to ALS data
#'lasfile_amazon <- unzip(zipfile_amazon,exdir=outdir)
#'lasfile_Savanna <- unzip(zipfile_Savanna,exdir=outdir)
#'# Reading and plot ALS file
#'libsAvailable = require(lidR) && require(plot3D)
#'if (libsAvailable) {
#'# Extracting plot center geolocations
#'xcenter_amazon = mean(las_amazon@bbox[1,])
#'ycenter_amazon = mean(las_amazon@bbox[2,])
#'xcenter_Savanna = mean(las_Savanna@bbox[1,])
#'ycenter_Savanna = mean(las_Savanna@bbox[2,])
#'# Simulating GEDI full-waveform
#'                           input=lasfile_amazon,
#'                           output=file.path(
#'                                         outdir,
#'                                         "gediWF_amazon_simulation.h5"
#'                                         ),
#'                           coords = c(xcenter_amazon, ycenter_amazon))
#' wf_Savanna<-gediWFSimulator(
#'                             input=lasfile_Savanna,
#'                             output=file.path(
#'                                           outdir,
#'                                           "gediWF_Savanna_simulation.h5"
#'                                           ),
#'                             coords = c(xcenter_Savanna, ycenter_Savanna))
#'# Plot Full-waveform
#'par(mfrow=c(2,2), mar=c(4,4,0,0), oma=c(0,0,1,1),cex.axis = 1.2)
#'          las_amazon@data$X,
#'          las_amazon@data$Y,
#'          las_amazon@data$Z,
#'          pch = 16, colkey = FALSE, main="",
#'          cex = 0.5, bty = "u", col.panel ="gray90",
#'          phi = 30, alpha=1, theta=45, col.grid = "gray50",
#'          xlab="UTM Easting (m)", ylab="UTM Northing (m)", zlab="Elevation (m)"
#'          )
#'plot(wf_amazon, relative=TRUE, polygon=TRUE, type="l", lwd=2, col="forestgreen",
#'     xlab="", ylab="Elevation (m)", ylim=c(90,140))
#'          las_Savanna@data$X,las_Savanna@data$Y,las_Savanna@data$Z,
#'          pch = 16,colkey = FALSE, main="",
#'          cex = 0.5,bty = "u",col.panel ="gray90",
#'          phi = 30,alpha=1,theta=45,col.grid = "gray50",
#'          xlab="UTM Easting (m)", ylab="UTM Northing (m)", zlab="Elevation (m)"
#'          )
#'plot(wf_Savanna, relative=TRUE, polygon=TRUE, type="l", lwd=2, col="green",
#'     xlab="Waveform Amplitude (%)", ylab="Elevation (m)", ylim=c(815,835))
#' close(wf_amazon)
#' close(wf_Savanna)
#' @rdname plot
setMethod("plot", signature("gedi.level1bSim", y = "missing"), function(x,relative=FALSE,polygon=FALSE,method="RXWAVEINT",...) {

  if (!class(x)=="gedi.level1bSim"){

    print("Invalid input file. It should be an object of class 'gedi.fullwaveform' ")
  } else {

    z = seq(wfh5[["Z0"]][],wfh5[["ZN"]][], length.out = wfh5[["NBINS"]][])

    if  (method=="RXWAVEINT") { x0<-wfh5[["RXWAVEINT"]][,]}
    if  (method=="RXWAVECOUNT") { x0<-wfh5[["RXWAVECOUNT"]][,]}
    if  (method=="RXWAVEFRAC") { x0<-wfh5[["RXWAVEFRAC"]][,]}


    if (relative==TRUE){
    } else{

    if (polygon==TRUE){

      xstart<-x[which(z==min(z, na.rm=T))]
      xend<-x[which(z==max(z, na.rm=T))]

      yl<-c(max(z, na.rm=T),min(z, na.rm=T),min(z, na.rm=T),rev(z),max(z, na.rm=T),max(z, na.rm=T))

    } else {

h5closeall = function(con, ...) {
  try(con@h5$close_all(), silent=TRUE)

#'Close hdf5 connections from gedi* objects
#' @description 
#' Closing files will avoid locking HDF5 GEDI files.
#'@param con An object of class gedi*
#'@param ... Inherited from base
#' @export
#' @rdname close
#' @method close gedi.level1b
setGeneric("close", function(con, ...)

#' Handles the \link[rGEDI:gedi.level1bSim-class]{\code{gedi.level1b}}.
#'@rdname close
setMethod("close", signature = c("gedi.level1b"), h5closeall)
#' Handles the \link[rGEDI:gedi.level2a-class]{\code{gedi.level2a}}.
#'@rdname close
setMethod("close", signature = c("gedi.level2a"), h5closeall)
#' Handles the \link[rGEDI:gedi.level2b-class]{\code{gedi.level2b}}.
#'@rdname close
setMethod("close", signature = c("gedi.level2b"), h5closeall)
#' Handles the \link[rGEDI:gedi.level1bSim-class]{\code{gedi.level1bSim}}.
#'@rdname close
setMethod("close", signature = c("gedi.level1bSim"), h5closeall)

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rGEDI documentation built on Jan. 21, 2021, 1:06 a.m.