
Defines functions get_municipality_groups get_municipality get_ou get_kpi_groups get_kpi get_metadata compose_metadata_query

Documented in compose_metadata_query get_kpi get_kpi_groups get_metadata get_municipality get_municipality_groups get_ou

#' Compose a query to fetch metadata from the Kolada API.
#' Mainly used as a supporting function for \code{\link{get_metadata}} but can
#' also be used to create a working URL to paste in your web browser.
#' @param entity Any allowed metadata entity. Check
#' \code{\link{allowed_entities}} to see an updated list.
#' @param title A free-form search term or the exact title of any entry in the
#' current entity. Case insensitive.
#' @param id The ID of any entry in the current entity.
#' @param municipality If entity is \code{"ou"}, the municipality parameter can
#' be added to narrow the search.
#' @param page What page to fetch. Used mainly in large queries. Fetches a page using the value of \code{"per_page"} as pagination delimiter.
#' @param per_page Number of results per page.
#' @param version Version of the API. Currently only \code{"v2"} is supported.
#' @return A string containing a URL to the Kolada REST API.
#' @export
compose_metadata_query <- function(
  entity = "kpi",
  title = NULL,
  id = NULL,
  municipality = NULL,
  page = NA,
  per_page = NA,
  version = "v2"
) {
  if (!is.null(entity))
    entity <- tolower(entity)
    stop("No entity was specified. You must specify an entity.")

  if(!entity %in% allowed_entities())
    stop("The specified entity is no in the list of valid entities. Please check your spelling.\nFor a list of allowed entities, please see allowed_entities()")

  base_url <- glue::glue("http://api.kolada.se/{version}/{entity}")
  query_url <- glue::glue("{base_url}")

  if (!is.null(title)) {
    if (length(title) > 1) {
      title <- title[1]
      warning("You have specified a title vector of length > 1. Only the first element in the vector will be used.")

    title <- tolower(title)
    query_url <- glue::glue("{query_url}?title={title}")

  } else if (!is.null(id)) {
    id <- paste(id, collapse = ",")
    query_url <- glue::glue("{query_url}/{id}")

  if (entity == "ou" & !is.null(municipality)) {
    if (!is.null(title))
      separator <- "&"
      separator <- "?"
    municipality <- paste(municipality, collapse = ",")
    query_url <- glue::glue("{query_url}{separator}municipality={municipality}")

  query_url <- query_url %>%
    urltools::param_set("page", page) %>%
    urltools::param_set("per_page", per_page)


#' Download metadata from the Kolada API
#' This is a generalized function for downloading metadata from the Kolada API.
#' The function parameters closely mask the names specified in the original API.
#' For further information about the Kolada API specification, please see the
#' \href{https://github.com/Hypergene/kolada}{official documentation on GitHub}.
#' @param entity Any allowed metadata entity. Check \code{allowed_entities()} to
#' see an updated list.
#' @param title A free-form search term or the exact title of any entry in the
#' current entity. Case insensitive.
#' @param id The ID of any entry in the current entity.
#' @param municipality If entity is \code{"ou"}, the municipality parameter can
#' be added to narrow the search.
#' @param max_results (Optional) Specify the maximum number of results
#'  returned by the query.
#' @param cache Logical. If TRUE, downloaded data are stored to the local disk
#' in the place specified by \code{cache_location}. If data is already present
#' on the local disk, this data is returned instead of downloading data from the
#' API.
#' @param cache_location Where to store and search for cached data. Can be a
#' path to a directory or the name of any function that returns the path to a
#' directory when called, like \code{\link{getwd}}. Defaults to
#' \code{\link{tempdir}}.
#' @param verbose Whether to print the call to the Kolada API as a message to
#' the R console.
#' @return Returns a tibble with metadata for the specified entity. In rKolada
#' terminology, a table returned by e.g. \code{entity = "kpi"} is referred to
#' as a \code{kpi_df} and can be passed to functions starting with "kpi" such
#' as \code{\link{kpi_bind_keywords}}.
#' @seealso \code{\link{get_kpi}}, \code{\link{get_kpi_groups}},
#'  \code{\link{get_municipality}},
#'  \code{\link{get_municipality_groups}},
#'  \code{\link{get_ou}}
#' @export
get_metadata <- function(
  entity = "kpi",
  title = NULL,
  id = NULL,
  municipality = NULL,
  max_results = NULL,
  cache = FALSE,
  cache_location = tempdir,
  verbose = FALSE
) {
  ch <- cache_handler(entity, cache, cache_location)

  if (ch("discover"))

  if (isTRUE(verbose))
    message("Downloading Kolada metadata using URL(s):")

  next_page <- TRUE
  page <- 1
  per_page <- 2000

  while(isTRUE(next_page)) {

    if(!is.null(max_results) && page * per_page > max_results)
      page_size <- max_results %% per_page
      page_size <- per_page

    query <- compose_metadata_query(entity, title, id, municipality, page = page, per_page = page_size)

    if (isTRUE(verbose))

    res <- try(httr::GET(query, httr::config(verbose = verbose)), silent = TRUE)

    if(inherits(res, "try-error")) {
      warning("\nCould not connect to the Kolada database. Please check your internet connection. Did you misspel the query?\nRe-run query with verbose = TRUE to see the URL used in the query.")

    contents_raw <- httr::content(res, as = "text")
    contents <- try(jsonlite::fromJSON(contents_raw), silent = TRUE)

    if(inherits(contents, "try-error")) {
      warning("\nKolada returned a 404 or malformatted HTML/JSON. Did you misspel the query?\nRe-run query with verbose = TRUE to see the URL used in the query.")

    if(page == 1)
      vals <- tibble::as_tibble(contents$values)
      vals <- dplyr::bind_rows(vals, tibble::as_tibble(contents$values))

      next_page <- FALSE
      page <- page + 1

    if(!is.null(max_results) && nrow(vals) == max_results)
      next_page <- FALSE

  vals <- ch("store", vals)


#' Download metadata for a specific entity from the Kolada API
#' There are five different types of metadata entities in the Kolada database:
#' "kpi", "kpi_groups", "municipality", "municipality_groups", and "ou". For
#' every entity there is a corresponding function \code{get_ENTITY} which
#' retrieves a table with the metadata for that entity. The \code{get_ENTITY}
#' functions are thin wrappers around \code{\link{get_metadata}}.
#' @param id (Optional) One or several KPI IDs
#' @param max_results (Optional) Specify the maximum number of results
#'  returned by the query.
#' @param cache Logical. If TRUE, downloaded data are stored to the local disk
#'  in the place specified by \code{cache_location}. If data is already present
#'  on the local disk, this data is returned instead of downloading data from
#'  the API.
#' @param cache_location Where to store and search for cached data. Can be a
#'  path to a directory or the name of any function that returns the path to a
#'  directory when called, like \code{\link{getwd}}. Defaults to
#'  \code{\link{tempdir}}.
#' @param municipality (Optional) A string or vector of strings containing
#' municipality codes. If getting OU data, you can use this parameter to narrow
#' the search.
#' @param verbose Whether to print the call to the Kolada API as a message to
#' the R console.
#' @return Returns a tibble with metadata for the specified entity. In rKolada
#' terminology, a table returned by e.g. \code{\link{get_kpi}} is referred to
#' as a \code{kpi_df} and can be passed to functions starting with "kpi" such
#' as \code{\link{kpi_bind_keywords}}.
#' @examples
#' # Download KPI table and store a cache copy of the results in a temporary folder
#' # (to actually download all available data, don't specify max_results)
#' if (kolada_available()) {
#' kpi_df <- get_kpi(cache = TRUE, max_results = 100)
#' }
#' @export
get_kpi <- function(
  id = NULL, max_results = NULL, cache = FALSE,
  cache_location = tempdir, verbose = FALSE
) {
    entity = "kpi", id = id, max_results = max_results, cache = cache,
    cache_location = cache_location, verbose = verbose

#' @export
#' @rdname get_kpi
get_kpi_groups <- function(
  id = NULL, cache = FALSE, max_results = NULL,
  cache_location = tempdir, verbose = FALSE
) {
    entity = "kpi_groups", id = id, max_results = max_results, cache = cache,
    cache_location = cache_location, verbose = verbose

#' @export
#' @rdname get_kpi
get_ou <- function(
  id = NULL, municipality = NULL, max_results = NULL, cache = FALSE,
  cache_location = tempdir, verbose = FALSE
) {
  munic_df <- get_municipality(cache = cache, cache_location = cache_location)

    entity = "ou", id = id, max_results = max_results, municipality = municipality,
    cache = cache, cache_location = cache_location, verbose = verbose
  ) %>%
      municipality_id = .data$municipality,
      municipality = municipality_id_to_name(.env$munic_df, .data$municipality_id)
    ) %>%
    dplyr::select(.data$id, .data$title, .data$municipality, .data$municipality_id)

#' @export
#' @rdname get_kpi
get_municipality <- function(
  id = NULL, cache = FALSE, max_results = NULL,
  cache_location = tempdir, verbose = FALSE
) {
    entity = "municipality", id = id, max_results = max_results, cache = cache,
    cache_location = cache_location, verbose = verbose

#' @export
#' @rdname get_kpi
get_municipality_groups <- function(
  id = NULL, cache = FALSE, max_results = NULL,
  cache_location = tempdir, verbose = FALSE
) {
    entity = "municipality_groups", id = id, max_results = max_results, cache = cache,
    cache_location = cache_location, verbose = verbose

Try the rKolada package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

rKolada documentation built on May 29, 2024, 2:09 a.m.