
#' @title Gets depths from data frame containing profile info.
#' @description Extracts the depth information from a data frame containing multi-depth
#' observation data. Relies on the format of the header to get information and
#' may fail if your file format is incorrect. Please follow 'VAR_##.#' format,
#' where ##.# is the depth of data for that column. VAR is typically 'wtr' to
#' indicate water temperature.
#' @param data Data frame returned from \code{\link{load.ts}}.
#' @return A numeric vector of depth values. Should be the \code{ncol(data) -
#' 1} in length as the first column contains date/time data.
#' @seealso \code{\link{load.ts}}
#' @keywords manip
#' @examples
#' #Get the path for the package example file included
#' exampleFilePath <- system.file('extdata', 'Sparkling.wtr', package="rLakeAnalyzer")
#' #Load
#' sparkling.temp = load.ts(exampleFilePath)
#' #get the lake depths associated with each column
#' depths = get.offsets(sparkling.temp)
#' print(depths)
#' @export
get.offsets <- function(data){
  header = names(drop.datetime(data))
  #check for existence of datetime header and drop if there
  dt_indx = grep(pattern= "datetime", x= header, ignore.case= TRUE)
  if(length(dt_indx) > 0){
  	header = header[-dt_indx] #Drop datetime
  #match anything digits after the last _ (at the end of the line)
  matches = regexpr("_\\d+\\.?\\d*$" ,header)
  lengths = attr(matches,'match.length')
  offsets = vector(mode="numeric", length=length(matches))
  for(i in 1:length(matches)){
    offsets[i] = as.numeric(substr(header[i], matches[i]+1, matches[i] + lengths[i]))
    warning('Problem determining variable depths from column names.
Please use the \'var_#.#\' format for your data.frame header.' )

get.drho_dz <- function(wtr, depths){
	numDepths = length(wtr)
	rhoVar = water.density(wtr)
	drho_dz = vector(mode="double", length=numDepths-1);
	#Calculate the first derivative of density
	for(i in 1:numDepths-1){
		drho_dz[i] = ( rhoVar[i+1]-rhoVar[i] )/( depths[i+1] - depths[i] );

#' @title Find and drop the datetime column from the datatable
#' @description Liberally looks for a datetime column and drops it, 
#'  returning a data.frame with only water temperature. Errors if datetime column is 
#'  ambiguous. Warns if there is no match.
#' @param data data arg
#' @param error defaults to FALSE
#' @return A data.frame with only the data, after datetime has been dropped

drop.datetime = function(data, error=FALSE){
  datetime.pattern = "(datetime|timestamp|time|date)"
	header = names(data)
	dt_indx = grep(datetime.pattern, header, ignore.case=TRUE)
	if(length(dt_indx) < 1){
			stop('Unable to find a datetime column. Datetime column was supplied.')
			warning('Unable to find a datetime column. Assuming no datetime column was supplied.')
	}else if(length(dt_indx) > 1){
		stop('datetime column ambiguity. You can only have one column of datetime.')
	return(data[,-dt_indx, drop=FALSE])

#' @title Search for and return the datetime column from a ts data.frame
#' @description Warns if unavailable then returns NULL.
#' @inheritParams drop.datetime
get.datetime = function(data, error=FALSE){
  datetime.pattern = "(datetime|timestamp|time|date)"
	header = names(data)
	dt_indx = grep(datetime.pattern, header, ignore.case=TRUE)
	if(length(dt_indx) < 1){
			stop('Unable to find a datetime column.')
			warning('Unable to find a datetime column, attempting to ignore.')
	}else if(length(dt_indx) > 1){
		stop('datetime column ambiguity. You can only have one column of datetime.')

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rLakeAnalyzer documentation built on June 10, 2019, 1:02 a.m.