#' @export getSamples
#' @importFrom utils read.table
#' @importFrom Seurat CreateSeuratObject
#' @importFrom methods new
#' @import Matrix
#' @title Download the expression matrix and annotations from the panglaoDB database.
#' @param sra Filter based on the SRA identifier of the biological sample in the SRA database
#' @param srs Filter based on the SRS identifier of the biological sample in the SRA database
#' @param tissue Filter based on the tissue from which the biological samples originates from
#' @param protocol Filter based on the single-cell library preparation protocol used to generate the data
#' @param specie Filter based on the specie from which the biological samples originates from
#' @param celltype Filter based on the cell-type from which the counts originates from
#' @param include A set of molecular markers to filter the dataset. This set of genes needs to be expressed in each cell.
#' @param exclude A set of molecular markers to filter the dataset. This set of genes needs to be absent in each cell.
#' @param merge A boolean value TRUE or FALSE defining if the samples should be returned as a list or as a unique Seurat object
#' @return A Seurat object, as described in \code{?SeuratObject::`Seurat-class`}
#' @examples
#' # From PanglaoDB SRS3805255
#' #
#' \dontrun{
#' SRS4139632 <- getSamples(srs = 'SRS4139632')
#' SRS4139632}
#' # An object of class Seurat
#' # 19859 features across 102 samples within 1 assay
#' # Active assay: RNA (19859 features, 0 variable features)
#' # Metadata from the PanglaoDB database can be accessed as follows:
#' # head(SRS4139632[[]])
getSamples <- function(sra = 'All', srs = 'All', tissue = 'All', protocol = 'All', specie = 'All', celltype='All', include = NA, exclude = NA, merge = TRUE){
# SampleList
sampleList <- getSampleList()
# Filters
SRA <- match.arg(arg = sra, choices = unique(c('All',sampleList$SRA)), several.ok = TRUE)
if(isTRUE('All' %in% SRA)){
SRA <- unique(sampleList$SRA)
SRS <- match.arg(arg = srs, choices = unique(c('All',sampleList$SRS)), several.ok = TRUE)
if(isTRUE('All' %in% SRS)){
SRS <- unique(sampleList$SRS)
Tissue <- match.arg(arg = tissue, choices = unique(c('All',sampleList$Tissue)), several.ok = TRUE)
if(isTRUE('All' %in% Tissue)){
Tissue <- unique(sampleList$Tissue)
Protocol <- match.arg(arg = protocol, choices = unique(c('All',sampleList$Protocol)), several.ok = TRUE)
if(isTRUE('All' %in% Protocol)){
Protocol <- unique(sampleList$Protocol)
Specie <- match.arg(arg = specie, choices = unique(c('All',sampleList$Species)), several.ok = TRUE)
if(isTRUE('All' %in% Specie)){
Specie <- unique(sampleList$Species)
# Applying filter
F1 <- sampleList$SRA %in% SRA
F2 <- sampleList$SRS %in% SRS
F3 <- sampleList$Tissue %in% Tissue
F4 <- sampleList$Protocol %in% Protocol
F5 <- sampleList$Species %in% Specie
sampleList <- sampleList[F1 & F2 & F3 & F4 & F5,]
# Error
if (nrow(sampleList) == 0){
message('0 Samples Found')
# Filtering by cell-type
ctList <- getSampleComposition(srs = sampleList$SRS, verbose = FALSE)
CellType <- match.arg(arg = celltype, choices = unique(c('All', ctList$`Cell Type`)), several.ok = TRUE)
if(isTRUE('All' %in% CellType)){
CellType <- unique(ctList$`Cell Type`)
ctList <- ctList[ctList$`Cell Type` %in% CellType,]
sampleList <- sampleList[sampleList$SRS %in% ctList$SRS,]
# Error
if (nrow(sampleList) == 0){
message('0 Samples Found')
dataSets <- pbapply::pbapply(sampleList,1, function(X){
oConnection <- url(paste0("",X[1],"&srs=",X[2],"&filetype=R&datatype=readcounts"))
try(load(oConnection), silent = TRUE)
rownames(sm) <- unlist(lapply(strsplit(rownames(sm), '-ENS|_ENS'), function(X){X[1]}))
sm <- sm[rowSums(sm) > 0,]
cNames <- getSampleComposition(srs = as.character(X[2]), verbose = FALSE)
rownames(cNames) <- cNames$Cluster
tempFile <- tempfile()
cClusters <- utils::read.table(paste0('',X[1],'&srs=',X[2],'&datatype=clusters&filetype=txt'), row.names = 1)
sm <- sm[,colnames(sm) %in% rownames(cClusters)]
cClusters <- cClusters[colnames(sm),]
names(cClusters) <- colnames(sm)
# Capital gene names to allow integration across Human and Mice
rownames(sm) <- toupper(rownames(sm))
sm <- suppressWarnings(Seurat::CreateSeuratObject(sm, project = as.character(X[2])))
cellTypes <- cNames[as.character(cClusters),]$`Cell Type`
names(cellTypes) <- colnames(sm)
sm$Sample <- sm$orig.ident
sm$CellTypes <- cellTypes
sm$panglaoCluster <- as.character(cClusters)
sm$Tissue <- X[['Tissue']]
sm <- subset(sm, cells = colnames(sm)[sm$CellTypes %in% CellType])
sm$CellTypes[sm$CellTypes %in% 'Unknown'] <- NA
sm$Specie <- X[['Species']]
# Filtering by genes
include <- include[include %in% rownames(sm@assays$RNA@counts)]
exclude <- exclude[exclude %in% rownames(sm@assays$RNA@counts)]
filterCells <- FALSE
if(length(include) > 0){
include <- colMeans(sm@assays$RNA@counts[include, , drop = FALSE] != 0) == 1
filterCells <- TRUE
} else{
include <- rep(TRUE, ncol(sm))
if(length(exclude) > 0){
exclude <- colMeans(sm@assays$RNA@counts[exclude, , drop = FALSE] != 0) != 0
filterCells <- TRUE
} else {
exclude <- rep(FALSE, ncol(sm))
filterCells <- (include & !exclude)
sm <- subset(sm, cells = colnames(sm)[filterCells])
} else {
sm <- list()
} else {
sm <- list()
names(dataSets) <- sampleList$SRS
dataSets <- dataSets[unlist(lapply(dataSets, class)) %in% 'Seurat']
dataSets <- mergeExperiments(dataSets)
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