
Defines functions plot.randomForest

Documented in plot.randomForest

plot.randomForest <- function(x, type="l", main=deparse(substitute(x)), ...) {
  if(x$type == "unsupervised")
    stop("No plot for unsupervised randomForest.")
  test <- !(is.null(x$test$mse) || is.null(x$test$err.rate))
  if(x$type == "regression") {
    err <- x$mse
    if(test) err <- cbind(err, x$test$mse)
  } else {
    err <- x$err.rate
    if(test) err <- cbind(err, x$test$err.rate)
  if(test) {
    colnames(err) <- c("OOB", "Test")
    matplot(1:x$ntree, err, type = type, xlab="trees", ylab="Error",
            main=main, ...)
  } else {
    matplot(1:x$ntree, err, type = type, xlab="trees", ylab="Error",
            main=main, ...)


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randomForest documentation built on May 23, 2022, 9:05 a.m.