#' @title
#' Interactive Maps of 3D surfaces
#' @description
#' Interactive maps showing the 3-dimensional (\emph{XYZ}) variability in raster
#' layers representing continuous variables. The \emph{XYZ} reference positions
#' will be obtained from an elevation layer and the values of the continuous
#' variables will be used as a surface color gradient. For this function to
#' work, there must be a raster layer of elevation (e.g., digital terrain model)
#' and at least one continuous variable among the raster layers to map. The maps
#' produced are interactive, meaning that manual axis rotation and zoom are
#' possible. Special consideration must be taken with large raster layers (large
#' spatial coverage and/or high spatial resolution). This function can
#' aggregates the spatial resolution (i.e., cell size) in order to handle large
#' raster layers. This is achieved by internally calling
#' \code{\link[terra]{aggregate}}. An aggregation factor will determine the
#' final cell size, where \emph{final cell size = cell size*aggregation factor}.
#' In addition, a spatial extent can be provided to reduce the total mapping
#' area and thus, to further reduce processing time. This function uses the
#' \strong{plotly} library. See \strong{Details} for current limitations.
#' @param var.rast SpatRaster, as in \code{\link[terra]{rast}}. Multi-layer
#' SpatRaster of \emph{n} continuous variables and one layer representing the
#' surface/terrain elevation.
#' @param z Integer. Position (index) of the raster layer of elevation in
#' \emph{var.rast}.
#' @param ex Numeric. Value indicating the \emph{exaggeration} factor for the
#' \emph{Z} axis. This can be useful to enhance the visualization of subtle
#' topographic variability. Default: 0.1
#' @param agg Boolean. Should the spatial resolution be aggregated to reduce
#' processing time? Default: FALSE
#' @param fact Numeric. If \emph{agg = TRUE}, value indicating the aggregation
#' factor. Default: NULL
#' @param spext Numeric. List with the coordinates of the bounding box for
#' spatial subset (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax). SpatRaster or SpatVector from
#' which a spatial extent can be calculated are also an acceptable input.
#' Default: NULL
#' @param pals Character. List of strings with the names of the \emph{n} color
#' ramps (one per continuous variable). See
#' \code{\link[grDevices]{hcl.colors}}. Default: NA
#' @param rev Character. List of \emph{n} Booleans indicating whether or not to
#' reverse the color ramp for each continuous variable. Default: NA
#' @return
#' List with \strong{plotly-htmlwidget} objects. Each object calls the 3D map
#' for a continuous variable in \emph{var.rast}.
#' @details
#' Currently, this function does not allow to adjust the labels for \emph{XY}
#' axes so that actual coordinates are shown. Instead, the relative position
#' values are shown on these axes.
#' @examples
#' require(terra)
#' p <- system.file("exdat", package = "rassta")
#' # Multi-layer SpatRaster of topographic variables
#' ft <- list.files(path = p, pattern = "^height|^slope|^wetness",
#' full.names = TRUE
#' )
#' tvars <- terra::rast(ft)
#' # Single-layer SpatRaster of terrain elevation
#' fe <- list.files(path = p, pattern = "^elevation", full.names = TRUE)
#' e <- terra::rast(fe)
#' # Add elevation to the SpatRaster of topographic variables
#' etvars <- c(e, tvars)
#' # Interactive 3D maps
#' maps <- plot3D(var.rast = etvars, z = 1, ex = 0.2,
#' pals = c("Zissou", "Plasma", "Spectral")
#' )
#' if(interactive()){maps}
#' @export
#' @family
#' Miscellaneous Functions
#' @rdname
#' plot3D
plot3D <- function(var.rast, z, ex = 0.1, agg = FALSE, fact = NULL,
spext = NULL, pals = NA, rev = NA)
#-----Binding variables to prevent devtools::check() notes-----#
i <- NULL
# Set palettes
`%do%` <- foreach::`%do%`
ppal <- foreach::foreach(i = 1:(terra::nlyr(var.rast)-1)) %do% {
# Check if palette has been defined by user
if([i]) == TRUE) {
ppal <- grDevices::hcl.colors(150, "spectral", rev = FALSE)
} else {
revpal <- if([i]) == TRUE) { FALSE } else {rev[i]}
ppal <- grDevices::hcl.colors(150, pals[i], rev = revpal)
# Aggregate spatial resolution?
aggvar <- if(agg == TRUE) {
terra::aggregate(var.rast, fact)
} else {
# Crop raster?
aggvar <- if(base::is.null(spext) == FALSE) {
terra::crop(aggvar, terra::ext(spext))
} else {
# Surface matrix
surf <- terra::as.matrix(aggvar[[z]], wide = TRUE)
surf <- surf[, base::ncol(surf):1]
# Index of variables
vars <- base::seq(1:terra::nlyr(aggvar))[-z]
# Loop for each variable
`%do%` <- foreach::`%do%`
fig <- foreach::foreach(i = 1:base::length(vars)) %do% {
# Define matrix of surface color based on variable values
surfcol <- terra::as.matrix(aggvar[[(vars[i])]], wide = TRUE)
surfcol <- surfcol[, base::ncol(surfcol):1]
# 3D surface map
`%>%` <- dplyr::`%>%`
fig <- plotly::plot_ly(z = surf,
colors = base::unlist(ppal[i]),
type = "surface",
colorbar = base::list(
title = base::list(
text = base::names(aggvar[[(vars[i])]]),
font = base::list(size = 20)
surfacecolor = surfcol
) %>%
plotly::layout(title = base::names(aggvar[[(vars[i])]]),
scene = base::list(xaxis = base::list(title = "X"),
yaxis = base::list(title = "Y"),
zaxis = base::list(title = "Z"),
aspectratio = base::list(
x = 1, y = 1, z = ex
# Return maps
base::names(fig) <- base::names(var.rast)[vars]
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