#' @title
#' Select Constrained Univariate Distribution Functions
#' @description
#' Selection of distribution functions for continuous raster layers that were
#' used to create a raster layer of classification units. The distribution
#' functions currently supported are the probability density function (PDF), the
#' empirical cumulative density function (ECDF), and the inverse of the
#' empirical cumulative density function (iECDF). Please note that
#' \code{\link{select_functions}} DOES NOT calculate the aforementioned
#' distribution functions. The sole purpose of \code{\link{select_functions}} is
#' to assist in the knowledge-driven selection of the most appropriate
#' distribution function for each continuous variable used to create a given
#' classification unit (see \strong{Details}).
#' @param cu.rast SpatRaster, as in \code{\link[terra]{rast}}. Single-layer
#' SpatRaster representing the classification units occurring across
#' geographic space. The cell values (i.e., numeric IDs) for classification
#' units must be integer values.
#' @param var.rast SpatRaster. Multi-layer SpatRaster containing the \emph{n}
#' continuous raster layers of the variables used to create the classification
#' units.
#' @param fun Character. Descriptive statistical measurement (e.g., mean, max).
#' See \code{\link[terra]{zonal}}. Default: mean
#' @param varscale Character. Variable scaling method. See \emph{scale} argument
#' in \code{\link[GGally]{ggparcoord}}. Default: "uniminmax"
#' @param mode Character. String specifying the selection mode for univariate
#' distribution functions. Possible values are "inter" for interactive
#' selection, and "auto" for automatic selection (see Details). Default:
#' "auto"
#' @param verbose Boolean. Show warning messages in the console? Default: FALSE
#' @param ... Additional arguments as for \code{\link[GGally]{ggparcoord}}.
#' @return
#' If \emph{mode = "inter"}:
#' \strong{distfun}: A DT table (DataTables library) with the following
#' attributes: (1) \emph{Class.Unit} = numeric ID for classification units, (2)
#' \emph{Variable} = each of the \emph{n} continuous raster layers of a
#' classification unit, and (3) \emph{Dist.Func} = Empty column whose cells can
#' be filled with the following strings: "PDF, "ECDF", and "iECDF" (unquoted).
#' This table can be saved on disk through the Shiny interface.
#' \strong{parcoord}: A plotly-based parallel coordinate plot which can be saved
#' on disk using the R package htmlwidgets.
#' If \emph{mode = "auto"}:
#' \strong{distfun}: Same as \strong{distfun} when \emph{mode = "inter"}, except
#' for column "Dist.Func" whose cells were automatically filled.
#' \strong{parcoord}: Same as \strong{parcoord} when \emph{mode = "inter"}.
#' @details
#' The selection of distribution functions is univariate, that is, for each
#' variable, and it is constrained, meaning that the selection has to be made
#' for each classification unit. Overall, the distribution functions are used to
#' characterize typical values of a given continuous variable within a given
#' classification unit. When the PDF is selected, values closer to, or at the
#' peak of the PDF will be considered as the most typical. Contrarily, values at
#' the tails of the PDF will be considered as the less typical. When the ECDF or
#' the iECDF are selected, values toward (+)infinity and (-)infinity will be
#' considered as the most typical values, respectively.
#' In order to assist the selection process, when \emph{mode = "inter"}, this
#' function displays an interactive parallel coordinates plot (see
#' \code{\link[plotly]{ggplotly}}) and a writable table (built in Shiny). For
#' each variable, the parallel coordinates plot shows a trend of a descriptive
#' statistical measurement (argument \emph{fun}) across all of the
#' classification units. Using this trend, one can then select the most
#' appropriate distribution function for each variable based on the
#' occurrence/absence of \strong{"peaks"} and \strong{"pits"} in the observed
#' trend. For instance, a peak (highest point in the trend) would indicate that
#' the given classification unit contains on average, the highest values of that
#' variable. Conversely, a pit (lowest point in the trend) would indicate that
#' the given classification unit contains on average, the lowest values of that
#' variable. Thus, an ECDF and an iECDF can be selected for the peak and the
#' pit, respectively. The PDF can be selected for classification units whose
#' trend does not show either a peak or a pit. Please consider that peaks and
#' pits are only reference points and thus, one should validate the selection of
#' distribution functions based on domain knowledge.
#' When \emph{mode = "auto"}, the criteria for the selection of distribution
#' functions will be based on peaks and pits in the parallel coordinates plot.
#' The output table (\strong{distfun}) is intended to be used as input in the
#' \code{\link{predict_functions}} function.
#' The selection of distribution functions is similar to the selection of
#' membership functions in fuzzy logic. For example, if one wants to describe a
#' phenomenon through distribution functions of continuous variables, then the
#' functions can be considered to be membership curves. Accordingly, the PDF,
#' ECDF, and iECDF will be equivalent to the Gaussian, S, and Z membership
#' functions, respectively.
#' @examples
#' require(terra)
#' p <- system.file("exdat", package = "rassta")
#' # Multi-layer SpatRaster of topographic variables
#' ## 3 topographic variables
#' tf <- list.files(path = p, pattern = "^height|^slope|^wetness",
#' full.names = TRUE
#' )
#' tvars <- terra::rast(tf)
#' # Single-layer SpatRaster of topographic classification units
#' ## 5 classification units
#' tcf <- list.files(path = p, pattern = "topography.tif", full.names = TRUE)
#' tcu <- terra::rast(tcf)
#' # Automatic selection of distribution functions
#' tdif <- select_functions(cu.rast = tcu, var.rast = tvars, fun = mean)
#' # Parallel coordinates plot
#' if(interactive()){tdif$parcoord}
#' @export
#' @family
#' Landscape Correspondence Metrics
#' @rdname
#' select_functions
select_functions <- function(cu.rast, var.rast, fun = mean,
varscale = "uniminmax", mode = "auto",
verbose = TRUE, ...)
#-----Binding variables to prevent devtools::check() notes-----#
i <- Variable <- Class.Unit <- NULL
# Raster-based constrained statistics per classification unit
cu.stat <- terra::zonal(var.rast, cu.rast, fun = fun)
# Data table with constrained statistics
cu.stat <- data.table::data.table(cu.stat)
# Classification units as factors
cu.stat[[1]] <- base::as.factor(cu.stat[[1]])
base::colnames(cu.stat)[1] <- "CU"
# Parallel coordinates plot
if (base::ncol(cu.stat) < 3) {
parcoord <-
"Nothing to plot. A parallel coordinates plot needs at least 2 variables."
} else {
.data <-
pcp <- GGally::ggparcoord(cu.stat,
columns = 2:base::ncol(cu.stat),
groupColumn = 1,
scale = varscale,
showPoints = TRUE,
alphaLines = 1,
mapping = ggplot2::aes(colour = .data[["CU"]]),
) + ggplot2::labs(colour = "CU")
parcoord <- plotly::ggplotly(pcp)
# Construct table for class-constrained, univariate distribution functions
## Get names of continuous variables
vars <- base::colnames(cu.stat)[2:base::ncol(cu.stat)]
## First version
### Expansion of rows based on variables * classification units
distfunc <-[[1]],
## Second version
### Sorted by classification units
distfunc <- dplyr::arrange(distfunc, distfunc[[1]])
## Third version
### Column for distribution functions
dif <- base::rep(NA, length = base::nrow(distfunc))
distfunc <- base::cbind(distfunc, dif)
## Final version
### Renamed columns
data.table::setnames(distfunc, c("Class.Unit", "Variable", "Dist.Func"))
if (mode == "inter") {
# Interactive table of unit-wise statistics
## Set UI
ui <- shiny::fluidPage(
shiny::titlePanel("Constrained Univariate Distribution Functions"),
id = 'dataset',
"Variables and Distribution Functions per Classification Unit",
# Graphic elements
shiny:: br(),
## Define server function
server <- function(input, output) {
# Table
output$distfunc <- DT::renderDataTable(
editable = TRUE,
options = base::list(paging = FALSE)
# 'Interactiveness'
## Editing cells
input$distfunc_cell_edit$col] <<- input$distfunc_cell_edit$value
## Pressing buttons
### 'View' button
view_fun <- shiny::eventReactive(
if(base::is.null(input$saveBtn)||input$saveBtn == 0) {
} else {
DT::datatable(distfunc, selection = 'none')
### 'Save' button
utils::write.csv(distfunc, "cu_distfun.csv", row.names = FALSE)
### Update after 'view'
output$distfunc_updated <- DT::renderDataTable({view_fun()})
## Shiny app
distfun <- shiny::shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)
# Return objects (parallel coordinates plot & Shiny App)
base::list(parcoord = parcoord, distfun = distfun)
} else if (mode == "auto") {
# Loop through variables to set distribution functions...
# ...per classification unit
`%do%` <- foreach::`%do%`
`%>%` <- dplyr::`%>%`
distlist <- foreach::foreach(i = 2:base::ncol(cu.stat)) %do% {
# Get name of current variable
var <- base::colnames(cu.stat)[i]
# Get ID of classification unit for which the statistic is minimized
min_cu <- base::order(cu.stat[[i]])[1]
min_cu <- cu.stat[min_cu, 1]
min_cu <- as.numeric(as.matrix(min_cu)[1])
# Get ID of classification unit for which the statistic is maximized
max_cu <- base::order(cu.stat[[i]], decreasing = TRUE)[1]
max_cu <- cu.stat[max_cu, 1]
max_cu <- as.numeric(as.matrix(max_cu)[1])
# Inverse ECDF for classification unit that minimizes the statistic
a <- distfunc %>%
dplyr::filter(Variable == var) %>%
dplyr::filter(Class.Unit == min_cu)
a$Dist.Func <- 'iECDF'
# ECDF for classification unit that maximizes the statistic
b <- distfunc %>%
dplyr::filter(Variable == var) %>%
dplyr::filter(Class.Unit == max_cu)
b$Dist.Func <- 'ECDF'
# PDF for the rest of classification units
if (nrow(cu.stat) > 2) {
# Select PDF
c <- distfunc %>%
dplyr::filter(Variable == var) %>%
dplyr::filter(Class.Unit != min_cu & Class.Unit != max_cu)
c$Dist.Func[] <- 'PDF'
# Build variable table
d <- base::rbind(a,b,c)
d <- dplyr::arrange(d, d[[1]])
} else {
# Build variable table
d <- base::rbind(a,b)
d <- dplyr::arrange(d, d[[1]])
# Build final table (all variables, all classification units)
distfun <- base::Reduce(function(...) base::merge(...,
by = colnames(distlist[[1]]),
all = T
# Return objects (parallel coordinates plot & final table)
base::list(parcoord = parcoord, distfun = distfun)
} else {
if(verbose == TRUE){
base::warning("Nothing was done. Please select a valid selection mode.")
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