
#' Plotting a raster image with axis and color legend
#' The function is a wrapper for the \code{image()} function, but with a comfortable
#' control of the z-axis and its color legend. The wrapper also supports image
#' resizing (resolution) and png output for better export.
#' The \code{regularGrid} option forces interpolation in case of irregular spacing
#' of \code{x} or \code{y}. All data is then projected on a regular grid.
#' This correction invokes a spline interpolation. Missing \code{NA} values
#' are ignored.
#' @param x x-axis vector corresponding to the z-matrix
#' @param y y-axis vector corresponding to the z-matrix
#' @param z numeric matrix to be plotted
#' @param zlim sets the range of the color coded z-axis
#' @param dim.max defines the dimensions of the visible area of z. It automatically
#'                invokes a rescale. In case of large data sets this parameter
#'                can improve plotting speed.
#' @param plot.zero.line logical, if a line at \code{x = 0} and \code{y = 0} is
#'                        to be plotted.
#' @param regularGrid logical, if \code{FALSE} then a vector plot is generated,
#'                    which is the slow and standard behaviour of \code{image}.
#'                    If this parameter is \code{TRUE} then a raster image is
#'                    generated, which can be processed much faster, compared to
#'                    the \code{FALSE} option.
#' @param zlab defines the z-label
#' @param z.cex cex value for the z-label. It sets the font size in relation to
#'              the global \code{par()$cex} value
#' @param z.adj a two component vector. It sets the left/right and top/bottom
#'              justification
#' @param z.format controls how the numbers besides the color scale are composed.
#'                 It works like the \code{format} option of \code{\link{formatC}}
#' @param ndz sets the axis breaks right to the color scale
#' @param ncolors number of colors to use in the plot
#' @param palette defines the color palette to be used in the plot
#' @param palette.inv logical, if \code{TRUE} reverts the color palette
#' @param ... further arguments to the plot function, e.g. \code{'xlab'}
#' @inheritParams graphics::plot.default
#' @importFrom graphics abline image mtext par strheight
#' @importFrom plotrix color.legend
#' @importFrom stats sd spline
#' @examples
#'  rasterImage2( z = volcano, palette = "spectral", dim.max = c(500,100)
#'              ,zlab = "Height", z.adj = c(0,1) ,z.cex = 1
#'              ,main = "Volcano Data Set"
#'            )
#' @export
'rasterImage2' <- function(x=NULL,y=NULL,z,zlim=NULL,xlim=NULL,ylim=NULL
                         ,palette="spectral",palette.inv = F
  ## restoring previous setting
  ## even in case of an error
  op <- par()
  par(mar = op$mar + c(0,0,0,3))

  on.exit(par(mar = op$mar))

  if(is.null(x)) x <- 1:dim(z)[1]
  if(is.null(y)) y <- 1:dim(z)[2]

  if(is.null(xlim)) xlim <- range(x,na.rm=T)
  if(is.null(zlim)) zlim <- 1.05*range(z,na.rm=T)
  if(is.null(ylim)) ylim <- range(y,na.rm=T)

  # check if Limits in the interval of data
  tmp <- cbind( c(rep(range(x),2),rep(range(y),2))
                ,rep(c(sort(xlim),sort(ylim)),each = 2)

  if( any( apply(tmp,1,function(x) x[2] - x[1]) * c(1,-1) < 0 ))
    warning("Limits out of range! Invoking extrapolation!")

  # sort matrix and data according to increasing axis
  i <- order(x)
  x <- x[i]
  z <- z[i,]

  j <- order(y)
  y <- y[j]
  z <- z[,j]

  ### resampling of the matrix within plotting area ###
  # - if unevenly sampled, check this in the range of mashine tolerance
  # - interpoaltion also does the croping

  if(!is.null(dim.max) | ( !identical( all.equal(sd(diff(x)),0), T ) |
                           !identical( all.equal(sd(diff(y)),0), T )
      dim.max <- dim(z)

    # respect the ploting region xlim/ylim
    # generate equispaced grid
    x.new <- seq(min(xlim),max(xlim),length.out = dim.max[1])
    y.new <- seq(min(ylim),max(ylim),length.out = dim.max[2])

    tmp <- apply(z, 2, function(d, n, dx) return(spline(x = dx, y = d
                                                        ,xout = n
                                                        ,method = "natural")$y
                 ,n = x.new
                 ,dx  = x
    tmp <- apply(tmp, 1, function(d, n, dx) return(spline(x = y, y = d
                                                          ,xout = n
                                                          ,method = "natural")$y
                 ,n = y.new
                 ,dx = y
    z <- t(tmp)
    x <- x.new
    y <- y.new


  # crop to display region
  # dx <- abs(mean(diff(x)))
  # dy <- abs(mean(diff(y)))
  # z <- z[ which(x >= min(xlim) - 1.05*dx & x <= max(xlim) + 1.05*dx)
  #         ,which(y >= min(ylim) - 1.05*dy & y <= max(ylim) + 1.05*dy)
  #         ]
  # x <- x[which(x >= min(xlim) - 1.05*dx & x <= max(xlim) + 1.05*dx)]
  # y <- y[which(y >= min(ylim) - 1.05*dy & y <= max(ylim) + 1.05*dy)]

  ## calculate color palette ##
  dz <- max(abs(zlim),na.rm=T)/ndz
  lev <- seq(min(zlim,na.rm=T), max(zlim,na.rm=T), length.out = ncolors+1)
  color <- colorPalette(n = length(lev) - 1,type = palette, inv = palette.inv)

  z[is.na(z)] <- 0
  z[!is.finite(z)] <- 0
  z[z > max(zlim)] <- max(zlim)
  z[z < min(zlim)] <- min(zlim)

  ## plotting ##
  # op <- par(no.readonly=T)
  # par(mar = op$mar + c(0,0,0,3))
    ,col = color
    ,breaks = lev
    ,xlim = xlim
    ,ylim = ylim
    ,useRaster = regularGrid
    abline(h = 0,v = 0,lty = 3,col="white")

  usr <- par()$usr
  pin <- par()$pin
  fin <- par()$fin
  cin <- par()$cin

  dx <- par()$cxy[1] * par("cex")
  dy <- par()$cxy[2] * par("cex")
  # number of lines for zlab
  zlab.height <- strheight(zlab,cex=z.cex)+strheight("\n",cex=z.cex)
  p <- c(usr[2] + 1*dx,usr[2] + 2*dx,usr[3],usr[4])

  txt <- formatC(seq(min(zlim), max(zlim), length.out=ndz)
                 ,digits=2, format = z.format)
  txt[1] <- paste("<",txt[1],sep="")
  txt[length(txt)] <- paste(">",txt[length(txt)],sep="")

  plotrix::color.legend( xl = p[1],yb = p[3]
                         ,xr = p[2],yt = p[4] - zlab.height

  mtext(text = zlab,at = p[1],cex = z.cex*par()$cex
        ,adj=z.adj[1],line = z.adj[2] - zlab.height/dy

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rasterImage documentation built on Oct. 30, 2019, 9:44 a.m.