#' @title plotRasterly
#' @description Display large data set in \code{plotly}
#' @inheritParams ggRasterly
#' @param as_image Logical value. If \code{FALSE}, image raster will be transformed into a data frame, hence a points layer
#' would be pipped on \code{plotly}; conversely, a raster layer will be added.
#' @param sizing It affects only with \code{as_image = TRUE}. Specifies which dimension of the image to constrain.
#' One of "stretch" "fill", "contain". see
#' @return a \code{plotly} widget
#' @seealso \code{\link{ggRasterly}}, \code{\link{plot.rasterly}}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' library(rasterly)
#' if(requireNamespace("plotly") &&
#' requireNamespace("data.table") &&
#' requireNamespace("lubridate")) {
#' # Load data
#' url1 <- ""
#' ridesRaw_1 <- url1 %>%
#' data.table::fread(stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
#' url2 <- ""
#' ridesRaw_2 <- url2 %>%
#' data.table::fread(stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
#' url3 <- ""
#' ridesRaw_3 <- url3 %>%
#' data.table::fread(stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
#' ridesDf <- list(ridesRaw_1, ridesRaw_2, ridesRaw_3) %>%
#' data.table::rbindlist()
#' time <- lubridate::ymd_hms(ridesDf$`Date/Time`)
#' ridesDf <-
#' ridesDf[, 'Date/Time':=NULL][, list(Lat,
#' Lon,
#' hour = lubridate::hour(time),
#' month = lubridate::month(time),
#' day = lubridate::day(time))]
#' # A point layer is added
#' plotRasterly(data = ridesDf,
#' mapping = aes(x = Lat, y = Lon, color = hour),
#' color = hourColors_map,
#' as_image = FALSE)
#' # An image layer is added
#' plotRasterly(data = ridesDf,
#' mapping = aes(x = Lat, y = Lon, color = hour),
#' color = hourColors_map,
#' as_image = TRUE)
#' }
#' }
plotRasterly <- function(data = NULL,
mapping = aes(),
plot_width = 400, plot_height = 400,
x_range = NULL, y_range = NULL,
background = "white",
color = NULL,
show_raster = TRUE,
drop_data = FALSE,
variable_check = FALSE,
alpha = 0.5,
shape = 19,
point_size = 0.5,
as_image = FALSE,
sizing = c("stretch", "fill", "contain")) {
if(!show_raster) return(plotly::plot_ly())
if(as_image) {
mapping <- rename_mapping(mapping)
rastObj <- rasterly(data = data,
mapping = mapping,
plot_width = plot_width,
plot_height = plot_height,
x_range = x_range,
y_range = y_range,
background = background,
color = color,
show_raster = show_raster,
drop_data = drop_data,
variable_check = variable_check) %>%
rasterly_points() %>%
image <- rastObj$image
stop("No image is found. Consider set `show_raster = TRUE` in `rasterly()`?", call. = FALSE)
var_names <- unlist(rastObj$variable_names)
sizing <- match.arg(sizing)
p <- plotly::plot_ly(
width = rastObj$plot_width,
height = rastObj$plot_height
) %>%
images = list(
source = plotly::raster2uri(image), # converts a raster object to a data URI.
xref = "x",
yref = "y",
x = rastObj$x_range[1],
y = rastObj$y_range[1],
sizex = diff(rastObj$x_range),
sizey = diff(rastObj$y_range),
xanchor = "left",
yanchor = "bottom",
sizing = sizing
xaxis = list(
range = rastObj$x_range,
title = get_varnames(var_names, "x")
yaxis = list(
range = rastObj$y_range,
title = get_varnames(var_names, "y")
plot_bgcolor = rastObj$background
} else {
p <- ggRasterly(
data = data,
mapping = mapping,
plot_width = plot_width,
plot_height = plot_height,
x_range = x_range, y_range = y_range,
background = background,
color = color,
show_raster = show_raster,
drop_data = drop_data,
variable_check = variable_check,
alpha = alpha,
shape = shape,
point_size = point_size
) %>%
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