
title: "Global Time-Frequency Baseline Comparison" author: "Zhengjia Wang" date: "Date built: r format(date())" output: html_document

```{r setup, include=FALSE} knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE)

## Objective

We want to sanity-check the global baseline results for time-frequency analysis. Our goal is to make sure the C++ implementation of function `ravetools::baseline_array` result in no difference (within floating error) than the naive R implementation. 

## Methods & Results

This document uses the `DemoSubject`. To start, let's clear the existing cache to make sure we start with a clean environment.

```{r, eval=FALSE}
raveio::clear_cached_files(quiet = TRUE)

To load power data in RAVE, we use the pre-built function raveio::prepare_subject_power to load electrode channel 14, with 1 second before epoch onset and 2 seconds after onset (using default epoch).

repo <- raveio::prepare_subject_power(
  subject = 'demo/DemoSubject',
  electrodes = 14,
  time_windows = c(-1, 2),
  verbose = FALSE

Global Baseline via RAVE

raveio::power_baseline uses ravetools::baseline_array internally, with user-friendly parameters. Please use ?raveio::power_baseline to check the documentation.

The resulting baseline data can be accessed via repo$power$baselined

(Below is power percentage change)

```{r, results='hide'} raveio::power_baseline(repo, baseline_windows = c(-1,0), units = c("Frequency", "Electrode"), method = "percentage") power_percentage_change <- repo$power$baselined[]

*(Below is amplitude percentage change)*

```{r, results='hide'}
raveio::power_baseline(repo, baseline_windows = c(-1,0), 
                       units = c("Frequency", "Electrode"),
                       method = "sqrt_percentage")
amplitude_percentage_change <- repo$power$baselined[]

(Below is decibel-unit change)

```{r, results='hide'} raveio::power_baseline(repo, baseline_windows = c(-1,0), units = c("Frequency", "Electrode"), method = "decibel") decibel_change <- repo$power$baselined[]

*(Below is z-scored power)*

```{r, results='hide'}
raveio::power_baseline(repo, baseline_windows = c(-1,0), units = c("Frequency", "Electrode"), method = "zscore")
power_zscore <- repo$power$baselined[]

(Below is z-scored amplitude)

```{r, results='hide'} raveio::power_baseline(repo, baseline_windows = c(-1,0), units = c("Frequency", "Electrode"), method = "sqrt_zscore") amplitude_zscore <- repo$power$baselined[]

### Native implementation

For native implementation, let's get power data

power <- repo$power$data_list$e_14
  "Margin names are: ",
  paste(names(dimnames(power)), collapse = ", "),
  "\nMargin dimensions are: ",
  paste(dim(power), collapse = " x ")

The variable power is a Frequency x Time x Trial x Electrode (4-mode) tensor array.

The following script obtains the baseline part of the power data

baseline_data <- subset(power, Time ~ Time >= -1 & Time <= 0)
  "Data in the baseline has margin dimensions: ",
  paste(dim(baseline_data), collapse = " x ")

The second margin dimension of baseline_data differs with power. This is because power has r dim(power)[[2]] time-points while baseline window only has r dim(baseline_data)[[2]]

To calculate power percentage change:

# baseline per frequency
power_expected <- (power[] / rowMeans(baseline_data) - 1) * 100

The maximum relative difference (power_percentage_change / power_expected - 1) is:

range(power_percentage_change / power_expected - 1)

Let's compare the rest baseline results:

Amplitude percentage change:

amplitude_expected <- (sqrt(power[]) / rowMeans(sqrt(baseline_data)) - 1) * 100
range(amplitude_percentage_change / amplitude_expected - 1)

Decibel change:

decibel_expected <- 10*log10(power[]) - rowMeans(10*log10(baseline_data))
range(decibel_change / decibel_expected - 1)

Z-scored power:

power_zscore_expected <- (power[] - rowMeans(baseline_data)) / apply(baseline_data, 1, sd)
range(power_zscore / power_zscore_expected - 1)

Z-scored amplitude:

amp_zscore_expected <- (sqrt(power[]) - rowMeans(sqrt(baseline_data))) / apply(sqrt(baseline_data), 1, sd)
range(amplitude_zscore / amp_zscore_expected - 1)


Let's test the speed of running baseline using the entire 5 channels.

repo <- raveio::prepare_subject_power(
  subject = 'demo/DemoSubject',
  electrodes = "13-16,24",
  time_windows = c(-1, 2),
  verbose = FALSE

# RAVE baseline on 5 electrode channels
  raveio::power_baseline(repo, baseline_windows = c(-1,0), 
                       units = c("Frequency", "Electrode"),
                       method = "percentage")

# Naive implementation
  lapply(repo$power$data_list, function(power) {
    baseline_data <- subset(power, Time ~ Time >= -1 & Time <= 0)
    power_expected <- (power[] / apply(baseline_data, 1, mean) - 1) * 100

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ravetools documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 9:06 p.m.