
Defines functions raw_to_string raw_to_float raw_to_int64 raw_to_int32 raw_to_int16 raw_to_int8 raw_to_uint32 raw_to_uint16 raw_to_uint8

Documented in raw_to_float raw_to_int16 raw_to_int32 raw_to_int64 raw_to_int8 raw_to_string raw_to_uint16 raw_to_uint32 raw_to_uint8

#' @name raw-to-sexp
#' @title Convert raw vectors to R vectors
#' @param x raw vector of bytes
#' @returns Numeric vectors, except for \code{raw_to_string}, which returns
#' a string.
#' @details For numeric conversions, the function names are straightforward.
#' For example,
#' \code{raw_to_uintN} converts raw vectors to unsigned integers, and
#' \code{raw_to_intN} converts raw vectors to signed integers. The number
#' \code{'N'} stands for the number of bits used to store the integer.
#' For example \code{raw_to_uint8} uses 8 bits (1 byte) to store an integer,
#' hence the value range is \code{0-255}.
#' The input data length must be multiple of the element size represented by
#' the underlying data. For example \code{uint16} integer uses 16 bites, and
#' one raw number uses 8 bits, hence two raw vectors can form one unsigned
#' integer-16. That is, \code{raw_to_uint16} requires the length of input
#' to be multiple of two. An easy calculation is: the length of \code{x} times
#' 8, must be divided by \code{'N'} (see last paragraph for definition).
#' The returned data uses the closest available R native data type that can
#' fully represent the data. For example, R does not have single \code{float}
#' type, hence \code{raw_to_float} returns \code{double} type, which can
#' represent all possible values in \code{float}. For \code{raw_to_uint32},
#' the potential value range is \code{0 - (2^32-1)}. This exceeds the limit of
#' R integer type \code{(-2^31) - (2^31-1)}. Therefore, the returned values
#' will be real (double float) data type.
#' There is no native data type that can store integer-64 data in R, package
#' \code{bit64} provides \code{integer64} type, which will be used by
#' \code{raw_to_int64}. Currently there is no solution to convert raw to
#' unsigned integer-64 type.
#' \code{raw_to_string} converts raw to character string. This function respects
#' \code{null} character, hence is slightly different than the native
#' \code{\link{rawToChar}}, which translates raw byte-by-byte. If each
#' raw byte represents a valid character, then the above two functions returns
#' the same result. However, when the characters represented by raw bytes are
#' invalid, \code{raw_to_string} will stop parsing and returns only the valid
#' characters, while \code{\link{rawToChar}} will still try to parse, and
#' most likely to result in errors.
#' Please see Examples for comparisons.
#' @examples
#' # 0x00, 0x7f, 0x80, 0xFF
#' x <- as.raw(c(0, 127, 128, 255))
#' raw_to_uint8(x)
#' # The first bit becomes the integer sign
#' # 128 -> -128, 255 -> -1
#' raw_to_int8(x)
#' ## Comments based on little endian system
#' # 0x7f00 (32512), 0xFF80 (65408 unsigned, or -128 signed)
#' raw_to_uint16(x)
#' raw_to_int16(x)
#' # 0xFF807F00 (4286611200 unsigned, -8356096 signed)
#' raw_to_uint32(x)
#' raw_to_int32(x)
#' # ---------------------------- String ---------------------------
#' # ASCII case: all valid
#' x <- charToRaw("This is an ASCII string")
#' raw_to_string(x)
#' rawToChar(x)
#' x <- c(charToRaw("This is the end."),
#'        as.raw(0),
#'        charToRaw("*** is invalid"))
#' # rawToChar will raise error
#' raw_to_string(x)
#' # ---------------------------- Integer64 ------------------------
#' # Runs on little endian system
#' x <- as.raw(c(0x80, 0x00, 0x7f, 0x80, 0xFF, 0x50, 0x7f, 0x00))
#' # Calculate bitstring, which concaternates the followings
#' # 10000000 (0x80), 00000000 (0x00), 01111111 (0x7f), 10000000 (0x80),
#' # 11111111 (0xFF), 01010000 (0x50), 01111111 (0x7f), 00000000 (0x00)
#' if(.Platform$endian == "little") {
#'   bitstring <- paste0(
#'     "00000000011111110101000011111111",
#'     "10000000011111110000000010000000"
#'   )
#' } else {
#'   bitstring <- paste0(
#'     "00000001000000001111111000000001",
#'     "11111111000010101111111000000000"
#'   )
#' }
#' # This is expected value
#' bit64::as.integer64(structure(
#'   bitstring,
#'   class = "bitstring"
#' ))
#' # This is actual value
#' raw_to_int64(x)

#' @rdname raw-to-sexp
#' @export
raw_to_uint8 <- function(x) { rawToUInt8(x) }

#' @rdname raw-to-sexp
#' @export
raw_to_uint16 <- function(x) { rawToUInt16(x) }

#' @rdname raw-to-sexp
#' @export
raw_to_uint32 <- function(x) { rawToUInt32(x) }

#' @rdname raw-to-sexp
#' @export
raw_to_int8 <- function(x) { rawToInt8(x) }

#' @rdname raw-to-sexp
#' @export
raw_to_int16 <- function(x) { rawToInt16(x) }

#' @rdname raw-to-sexp
#' @export
raw_to_int32 <- function(x) { rawToInt32(x) }

#' @rdname raw-to-sexp
#' @export
raw_to_int64 <- function(x) { rawToInt64(x) }

#' @rdname raw-to-sexp
#' @export
raw_to_float <- function(x) { rawToFloat(x) }

#' @rdname raw-to-sexp
#' @export
raw_to_string <- function(x) { rawToString(x) }

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ravetools documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 9:06 p.m.