#' Retrieve raw R code from an .R file hosted on github website
#' @name github
#' @usage github(url, method, padding)
#' @param url Link to an R file on github website
#' @param method Not all websites are formatted consistently. To overcome this, try a different
#' method by setting the method
#' parameter to integers 2 and greater to try other available methods
#' @param padding Specify what goes between the last character of one code block and the
#' first character of the next code block. Default is a two new lines, which appears
#' visually as one new line between code blocks.
#' @return A character vector of length 1 containing the R code from the target url. All code
#' at the target url (including javascript, ruby, python) will be returned.
#' @import dplyr jsonlite xml2
#' @importFrom rvest html_nodes html_text html_attr
#' @importFrom utils file.edit
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' library(dplyr)
#' github("")
#' # Same as above but provided to cat for easy viewing
#' github("") %>%
#' cat
#' # A jupyter/ipython notebook
#' constructed_url <- paste0("",
#' "master/Jupyter/SIT742P11A-MLlib-Supervised.ipynb")
#' github(constructed_url)
github <- function(url, method, padding = "\n\n") {
if(substr(url, 1, 4) != "http") { stop("Invalid url - must start with https or http") }
# .md files on github have the .md extension, but the contents of is also
# displayed at the repository root, e.g.
# So we should scan for these special cases and treat appropriately
# Github repository names can have letters, numbers, -, _ and .
# Logic: if we see$ (note the end of string), then
# we consider it a README and parse accordingly
# Check by looking for ($)
# if(grepl("*/[[:alnum:]]", url))
# Simple logic: if the url has a file extension, parse it as R / Rmd code,
# otherise assume it's a README
is_readme <- function(url) {
# If url contains, it's not a readme
if(grepl("githubusercontent", url)) {
# Checks what's after in the url, if nothing, it's a readme
url %>% str_split("github\\.com") %>% .[[1]] %>% .[2] %>%
str_split("\\.") %>% .[[1]] %>% { length(.) == 1 }
# url <- "" # test 1
# url <- "" # test 2
# url <- "" # test 3
# url <- "" # Jupyter test 1
# url <- "" # Jupyter test 2
# is_readme(url)
url_is_a_readme <- is_readme(url)
# User may provide a github 'raw' or regular url, this block converts the url to
# one containing if it doesn't already
if(!grepl("githubusercontent", url) & !url_is_a_readme) {
# Remove 'blob' from url
url <- url %>% strsplit(., "/") %>% unlist %>% .[-6] %>% paste0(collapse="/") %>%
# replace domain and read
sub("", "", .)
if(!url_is_a_readme) {
# Special case where github page is a jupyter/ipython notebook
if(substr(url, nchar(url)-5, nchar(url)) == ".ipynb"){
temp <- fromJSON(url)
output <- temp[[1]] %>%
filter(.data$cell_type == "code") %>%
pull(source) %>%
lapply(function(x) { paste0(x, collapse="") }) %>%
output <- url %>%
readLines %>%
if(url_is_a_readme) {
output <- url %>% read_html %>%
html_nodes("div.highlight.highlight-source-r") %>%
html_text %>% paste0(collapse=padding)
Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.