prepare_scene_list: Prepare the scene list

View source: R/prepare_scene_list.R

prepare_scene_listR Documentation

Prepare the scene list


Prepare the scene list


  width = 400,
  height = 400,
  fov = 20,
  lookfrom = c(0, 1, 10),
  lookat = c(0, 0, 0),
  camera_up = c(0, 1, 0),
  samples = 100,
  camera_description_file = NA,
  camera_scale = 1,
  iso = 100,
  film_size = 22,
  min_variance = 5e-05,
  min_adaptive_size = 8,
  sample_method = "sobol",
  max_depth = NA,
  roulette_active_depth = 100,
  ambient_light = FALSE,
  aperture = 0.1,
  clamp_value = Inf,
  filename = NULL,
  backgroundhigh = "#80b4ff",
  backgroundlow = "#ffffff",
  shutteropen = 0,
  shutterclose = 1,
  focal_distance = NULL,
  ortho_dimensions = c(1, 1),
  tonemap = "gamma",
  bloom = TRUE,
  parallel = TRUE,
  bvh_type = "sah",
  environment_light = NULL,
  rotate_env = 0,
  intensity_env = 1,
  debug_channel = "none",
  return_raw_array = FALSE,
  progress = interactive(),
  verbose = FALSE,
  sample_dist = Inf,
  keep_colors = FALSE



rayrender documentation built on June 8, 2023, 6:34 a.m.