
Defines functions verifytxoutproof verifychain gettxoutproof gettxout getrawmempool getmempooldescendants getmempoolancestors getmempoolentry getchaintxstats getblockheader pruneblockchain gettxoutsetinfo getmempoolinfo getdifficulty getchaintips getblockhash getblockcount getblock getbestblockhash getblockchaininfo

Documented in getbestblockhash getblock getblockchaininfo getblockcount getblockhash getblockheader getchaintips getchaintxstats getdifficulty getmempoolancestors getmempooldescendants getmempoolentry getmempoolinfo getrawmempool gettxout gettxoutproof gettxoutsetinfo pruneblockchain verifychain verifytxoutproof

#' RPC-JSON API: getblockchaininfo
#' Returns an object containing various state info regarding blockchain processing.
#' @param con object of class \code{CONRPC}.
#' @return A S4-object of class \code{ANSRPC}.
#' @family Blockchain RPCs
#' @author Bernhard Pfaff
#' @references \url{https://bitcoin.org/en/developer-reference#getblockchaininfo},
#' \url{https://bitcoin.org/en/developer-reference#remote-procedure-calls-rpcs}
#' @name getblockchaininfo
#' @aliases getblockchaininfo
#' @rdname getblockchaininfo
#' @export
getblockchaininfo <- function(con){
    rpcpost(con, "getblockchaininfo")
#' RPC-JSON API: getbestblockhash
#' Returns the hash of the best (tip) block in the longest blockchain.
#' @param con object of class \code{CONRPC}.
#' @return A S4-object of class \code{ANSRPC}.
#' @family Blockchain RPCs
#' @author Bernhard Pfaff
#' @references \url{https://bitcoin.org/en/developer-reference#getbestblockhash},
#' \url{https://bitcoin.org/en/developer-reference#remote-procedure-calls-rpcs}
#' @name getbestblockhash
#' @aliases getbestblockhash
#' @rdname getbestblockhash
#' @export
getbestblockhash <- function(con){
    rpcpost(con, "getbestblockhash")
#' RPC-JSON API: getblock
#' Returns information of a block hash. The returned level of details depends on the
#' argument \code{verbosity}.
#' @section: Details
#' If verbosity is 'l0', returns a string that is serialized,
#' hex-encoded data for block 'hash'.
#' If verbosity is 'l1' (the default), returns an object with information about block <hash>.
#' If verbosity is 'l2', returns an object with information about block <hash> and
#' information about each transaction.
#' @param con object of class \code{CONRPC}.
#' @param blockhash \code{character}, the block hash.
#' @param verbosity \code{character}, level of returned details.
#' @return A S4-object of class \code{ANSRPC}.
#' @family Blockchain RPCs
#' @author Bernhard Pfaff
#' @references \url{https://bitcoin.org/en/developer-reference#getblock},
#' \url{https://bitcoin.org/en/developer-reference#remote-procedure-calls-rpcs}
#' @name getblock
#' @aliases getblock
#' @rdname getblock
#' @export
getblock <- function(con, blockhash, verbosity = c("l1", "l0", "l2")){
    bh <- as.character(blockhash)
    verbosity <- match.arg(verbosity)
    verb <- switch(verbosity,
                   l0 = 0L,
                   l1 = 1L,
                   l2 = 2L)
    pl <- unname(list(blockhash = bh, verbosity = verb))
    rpcpost(con, "getblock", pl)
#' RPC-JSON API: getblockcount
#' Returns the number of blocks in the longest blockchain.
#' @param con object of class \code{CONRPC}.
#' @return A S4-object of class \code{ANSRPC}.
#' @family Blockchain RPCs
#' @author Bernhard Pfaff
#' @references \url{https://bitcoin.org/en/developer-reference#getblockcount},
#' \url{https://bitcoin.org/en/developer-reference#remote-procedure-calls-rpcs}
#' @name getblockcount
#' @aliases getblockcount
#' @rdname getblockcount
#' @export
getblockcount <- function(con){
    rpcpost(con, "getblockcount")
#' RPC-JSON API: getblockhash
#' Returns hash of block in best-block-chain at height provided.
#' @param con object of class \code{CONRPC}.
#' @param height \code{integer} the height index.
#' @return A S4-object of class \code{ANSRPC}.
#' @family Blockchain RPCs
#' @author Bernhard Pfaff
#' @references \url{https://bitcoin.org/en/developer-reference#getblockhash},
#' \url{https://bitcoin.org/en/developer-reference#remote-procedure-calls-rpcs}
#' @name getblockhash
#' @aliases getblockhash
#' @rdname getblockhash
#' @export
getblockhash <- function(con, height){
    h <- as.integer(height)
    rpcpost(con, "getblockhash", unname(list(height = h)))
#' RPC-JSON API: getchaintips
#' Return information about all known tips in the block tree,
#' including the main chain as well as orphaned branches.
#' @param con object of class \code{CONRPC}.
#' @return A S4-object of class \code{ANSRPC}.
#' @family Blockchain RPCs
#' @author Bernhard Pfaff
#' @references \url{https://bitcoin.org/en/developer-reference#getchaintips},
#' \url{https://bitcoin.org/en/developer-reference#remote-procedure-calls-rpcs}
#' @name getchaintips
#' @aliases getchaintips
#' @rdname getchaintips
#' @export
getchaintips <- function(con){
    rpcpost(con, "getchaintips")
#' RPC-JSON API: getdifficulty
#' Returns the proof-of-work difficulty as a multiple of the minimum difficulty.
#' @param con object of class \code{CONRPC}.
#' @return A S4-object of class \code{ANSRPC}.
#' @family Blockchain RPCs
#' @author Bernhard Pfaff
#' @references \url{https://bitcoin.org/en/developer-reference#getdifficulty},
#' \url{https://bitcoin.org/en/developer-reference#remote-procedure-calls-rpcs}
#' @name getdifficulty
#' @aliases getdifficulty
#' @rdname getdifficulty
#' @export
getdifficulty <- function(con){
    rpcpost(con, "getdifficulty")
#' RPC-JSON API: getmempoolinfo
#' Returns details on the active state of the TX memory pool.
#' @param con object of class \code{CONRPC}.
#' @return A S4-object of class \code{ANSRPC}.
#' @family Blockchain RPCs
#' @author Bernhard Pfaff
#' @references \url{https://bitcoin.org/en/developer-reference#getmempoolinfo},
#' \url{https://bitcoin.org/en/developer-reference#remote-procedure-calls-rpcs}
#' @name getmempoolinfo
#' @aliases getmempoolinfo
#' @rdname getmempoolinfo
#' @export
getmempoolinfo <- function(con){
    rpcpost(con, "getmempoolinfo")
#' RPC-JSON API: gettxoutsetinfo
#' Returns statistics about the unspent transaction output set.
#' Note this call may take some time.
#' @param con object of class \code{CONRPC}.
#' @return A S4-object of class \code{ANSRPC}.
#' @family Blockchain RPCs
#' @author Bernhard Pfaff
#' @references \url{https://bitcoin.org/en/developer-reference#gettxoutsetinfo},
#' \url{https://bitcoin.org/en/developer-reference#remote-procedure-calls-rpcs}
#' @name gettxoutsetinfo
#' @aliases gettxoutsetinfo
#' @rdname gettxoutsetinfo
#' @export
gettxoutsetinfo <- function(con){
    rpcpost(con, "gettxoutsetinfo")
#' RPC-JSON API: pruneblockchain
#' Pruning of blockchain.
#' @param con object of class \code{CONRPC}.
#' @param height \code{integer} The block height to prune up to.
#' @section Details:
#' May be set to a discrete height, or a unix timestamp to prune blocks whose block time
#' is at least 2 hours older than the provided timestamp.
#' @return A S4-object of class \code{ANSRPC}.
#' @family Blockchain RPCs
#' @author Bernhard Pfaff
#' @references \url{https://bitcoin.org/en/developer-reference#pruneblockchain},
#' \url{https://bitcoin.org/en/developer-reference#remote-procedure-calls-rpcs}
#' @name pruneblockchain
#' @aliases pruneblockchain
#' @rdname pruneblockchain
#' @export
pruneblockchain <- function(con, height){
    rpcpost(con, "pruneblockchain",
            unname(list(height = height)))
#' RPC-JSON API: getblockheader
#' Returns the block header for a given hash string.
#' @param con object of class \code{CONRPC}.
#' @param hash \code{character} the block hash.
#' @param verbose \code{logical} \code{TRUE} for a json object,
#' \code{FALSE} for the hex encoded data.
#' @section Details:
#' If verbose is false, returns a string that is serialized,
#' hex-encoded data for blockheader 'hash'. If verbose is true,
#' returns an Object with information about blockheader <hash>.
#' @return A S4-object of class \code{ANSRPC}.
#' @family Blockchain RPCs
#' @author Bernhard Pfaff
#' @references \url{https://bitcoin.org/en/developer-reference#getblockheader},
#' \url{https://bitcoin.org/en/developer-reference#remote-procedure-calls-rpcs}
#' @name getblockheader
#' @aliases getblockheader
#' @rdname getblockheader
#' @export
getblockheader <- function(con, hash, verbose = TRUE){
    hash <- as.character(hash)
    verbose <- as.logical(verbose)
    rpcpost(con, "getblockheader",
            unname(list(hash, verbose)))
#' RPC-JSON API: getchaintxstats
#' Compute statistics about the total number and
#' rate of transactions in the chain.
#' @param con object of class \code{CONRPC}.
#' @param nblocks \code{integer} optional, size of the window in
#' number of blocks (default: one month).
#' @param blockhash \code{character} optional, the hash of the block
#' that ends the window.
#' @return A S4-object of class \code{ANSRPC}.
#' @family Blockchain RPCs
#' @author Bernhard Pfaff
#' @references \url{https://bitcoin.org/en/developer-reference#getchaintxstats},
#' \url{https://bitcoin.org/en/developer-reference#remote-procedure-calls-rpcs}
#' @name getchaintxstats
#' @aliases getchaintxstats
#' @rdname getchaintxstats
#' @export
getchaintxstats <- function(con, nblocks = NULL, blockhash = NULL){
    if (!is.null(nblocks)){
        p <- as.integer(nblocks)
        rpcpost(con, "getchaintxstats",
                unname(list(nblocks = p)))
    } else if (!is.null(blockhash)){
        p <- as.character(blockhash)
        rpcpost(con, "getchaintxstats",
            unname(list(nblocks = 4320, blockhash = p))) # 4320 is the default. 30 days of blocks
    } else {
        rpcpost(con, "getchaintxstats")
#' RPC-JSON API: getmempoolentry
#' Returns mempool data for given transaction.
#' @param con object of class \code{CONRPC}.
#' @param txid \code{character}, the transaction id (must be in mempool).
#' @return A S4-object of class \code{ANSRPC}.
#' @family Blockchain RPCs
#' @author Bernhard Pfaff
#' @references \url{https://bitcoin.org/en/developer-reference#getmempoolentry},
#' \url{https://bitcoin.org/en/developer-reference#remote-procedure-calls-rpcs}
#' @name getmempoolentry
#' @aliases getmempoolentry
#' @rdname getmempoolentry
#' @export
getmempoolentry <- function(con, txid){
    txid <- as.character(txid)
    rpcpost(con, "getmempoolentry",
#' RPC-JSON API: getmempoolancestors
#' If txid is in the mempool, returns all in-mempool ancestors.
#' @param con object of class \code{CONRPC}.
#' @param txid \code{character}, the transaction id (must be in mempool).
#' @param verbose \code{logical}, \code{TrueTRUE} for a json object,
#' \code{FALSE} for array of transaction ids (default).
#' @return A S4-object of class \code{ANSRPC}.
#' @family Blockchain RPCs
#' @author Bernhard Pfaff
#' @references \url{https://bitcoin.org/en/developer-reference#getmempoolancestors},
#' \url{https://bitcoin.org/en/developer-reference#remote-procedure-calls-rpcs}
#' @name getmempoolancestors
#' @aliases getmempoolancestors
#' @rdname getmempoolancestors
#' @export
getmempoolancestors <- function(con, txid, verbose = FALSE){
    txid <- as.character(txid)
    rpcpost(con, "getmempoolancestors",
            unname(list(txid = txid,
                 verbose = verbose)))
#' RPC-JSON API: getmempooldescendants
#' If txid is in the mempool, returns all in-mempool descendants.
#' @param con object of class \code{CONRPC}.
#' @param txid \code{character}, the transaction id (must be in mempool).
#' @param verbose \code{logical}, \code{TrueTRUE} for a json object,
#' \code{FALSE} for array of transaction ids (default).
#' @return A S4-object of class \code{ANSRPC}.
#' @family Blockchain RPCs
#' @author Bernhard Pfaff
#' @references \url{https://bitcoin.org/en/developer-reference#getmempooldescendants},
#' \url{https://bitcoin.org/en/developer-reference#remote-procedure-calls-rpcs}
#' @name getmempooldescendants
#' @aliases getmempooldescendants
#' @rdname getmempooldescendants
#' @export
getmempooldescendants <- function(con, txid, verbose = FALSE){
    txid <- as.character(txid)
    rpcpost(con, "getmempooldescendants",
            unname(list(txid = txid,
                 verbose = verbose)))
#' RPC-JSON API: getrawmempool
#' Returns all transaction ids in memory pool as a json array
#' of string transaction ids.
#' Hint: use getmempoolentry to fetch a specific transaction
#' from the mempool.
#' @param con object of class \code{CONRPC}.
#' @param verbose \code{logical}, \code{TRUE} for a json object,
#' \code{FALSE} for array of transaction ids
#' @return A S4-object of class \code{ANSRPC}.
#' @family Blockchain RPCs
#' @author Bernhard Pfaff
#' @references \url{https://bitcoin.org/en/developer-reference#getrawmempool},
#' \url{https://bitcoin.org/en/developer-reference#remote-procedure-calls-rpcs}
#' @name getrawmempool
#' @aliases getrawmempool
#' @rdname getrawmempool
#' @export
getrawmempool <- function(con, verbose = TRUE){
    rpcpost(con, "getrawmempool",
#' RPC-JSON API: gettxout
#' Returns details about an unspent transaction output.
#' @param con object of class \code{CONRPC}.
#' @param txid \code{charcater} the transaction id.
#' @param n \code{integer} vout number.
#' @param incmempool \code{logical} whether to include the mempool (default \code{TRUE}).
#' @details
#' Note that an unspent output that is spent in the mempool won't appear.
#' @return A S4-object of class \code{ANSRPC}.
#' @family Blockchain RPCs
#' @author Bernhard Pfaff
#' @references \url{https://bitcoin.org/en/developer-reference#gettxout},
#' \url{https://bitcoin.org/en/developer-reference#remote-procedure-calls-rpcs}
#' @name gettxout
#' @aliases gettxout
#' @rdname gettxout
#' @export
gettxout <- function(con, txid, n, incmempool = TRUE){
    txid <- as.character(txid)
    n <- as.integer(n)
    incmempool <- as.logical(incmempool)
    rpcpost(con, "gettxout",
            unname(list(txid = txid,
                 n = n,
                 include_mempool = incmempool)))
#' RPC-JSON API: gettxoutproof
#' Returns a hex-encoded proof that "txid" was included in a block.
#' @param con object of class \code{CONRPC}.
#' @param txids \code{charcater} a json array of txids to filter.
#' @param blockhash \code{integer} looks for txid in the block with this hash,
#' (optional, default \code{NULL}).
#' @details
#' NOTE: By default this function only works sometimes. This is when there is an
#' unspent output in the utxo for this transaction. To make it always work,
#' you need to maintain a transaction index, using the -txindex command line
#' option or specify the block in which the transaction is included manually
#' (by blockhash).
#' @return A S4-object of class \code{ANSRPC}.
#' @family Blockchain RPCs
#' @author Bernhard Pfaff
#' @references \url{https://bitcoin.org/en/developer-reference#gettxoutproof},
#' \url{https://bitcoin.org/en/developer-reference#remote-procedure-calls-rpcs}
#' @name gettxoutproof
#' @aliases gettxoutproof
#' @rdname gettxoutproof
#' @export
gettxoutproof <- function(con, txids, blockhash = NULL){
    txids <- as.character(txids)
    txids <- matrix(txids, ncol = 1)
    if (is.null(blockhash)){
        ans <- rpcpost(con, "gettxoutproof",
                       unname(list(txids = as.list(txids))))
    } else {
        bh <- as.integer(blockhash)
        ans <- rpcpost(con, "gettxoutproof",
                       unname(list(txids = as.list(txids),
                            blockhash = bh)))
#' RPC-JSON API: verifychain
#' Verifies blockchain database.
#' @param con object of class \code{CONRPC}.
#' @param checklevel \code{integer} (optional, 0-4, default=3),
#' how thorough the block verification is.
#' @param nblocks \code{integer} (optional, default=6, 0=all),
#' the number of blocks to check.
#' @return A S4-object of class \code{ANSRPC}.
#' @family Blockchain RPCs
#' @author Bernhard Pfaff
#' @references \url{https://bitcoin.org/en/developer-reference#verifychain},
#' \url{https://bitcoin.org/en/developer-reference#remote-procedure-calls-rpcs}
#' @name verifychain
#' @aliases verifychain
#' @rdname verifychain
#' @export
verifychain <- function(con, checklevel = NULL, nblocks =  NULL){
    if (!is.null(checklevel) && is.null(nblocks)){
        ans <- rpcpost(con, "verifychain",
                       unname(list(checklevel = checklevel)))
    if (is.null(checklevel) && !is.null(nblocks)){
        ans <- rpcpost(con, "verifychain",
                       unname(list(checklevel = 3, nblocks = nblocks)))
    if (!is.null(checklevel) && !is.null(nblocks)){
        ans <- rpcpost(con, "verifychain",
                       unname(list(checklevel = checklevel,
                            nblocks = nblocks)))
    if (is.null(checklevel) && is.null(nblocks)){
        ans <- rpcpost(con, "verifychain",
#' RPC-JSON API: verifytxoutproof
#' Verifies that a proof points to a transaction in a block,
#' returning the transaction it commits to and throwing an
#' RPC error if the block is not in our best chain.
#' @param con object of class \code{CONRPC}.
#' @param proof \code{character} the hex-encoded proof generated
#' by gettxoutproof.
#' @return A S4-object of class \code{ANSRPC}.
#' @family Blockchain RPCs
#' @author Bernhard Pfaff
#' @references \url{https://bitcoin.org/en/developer-reference#verifytxoutproof},
#' \url{https://bitcoin.org/en/developer-reference#remote-procedure-calls-rpcs}
#' @name verifytxoutproof
#' @aliases verifytxoutproof
#' @rdname verifytxoutproof
#' @export
verifytxoutproof <- function(con, proof){
    proof <- as.character(proof)
    rpcpost(con, "verifytxoutproof",
#' RPC-JSON API: decodescript
#' The decodescript RPC decodes a hex-encoded P2SH redeem script.
#' @param con object of class \code{CONRPC}.
#' @param redeem \code{character}, the P2SH.
#' @return A S4-object of class \code{ANSRPC}.
#' @family Blockchain RPCs
#' @author Bernhard Pfaff
#' @references \url{https://bitcoin.org/en/developer-reference#decodescript},
#' \url{https://bitcoin.org/en/developer-reference#remote-procedure-calls-rpcs}
#' @name decodescript
#' @aliases decodescript
#' @rdname decodescript
#' @export
decodescript <- function (con, redeem){
    rs <- as.character(redeem)
    if (length(rs) > 1){
        msg <- paste0("\nLength of 'redeem' greater than one,\n",
                      "using first element, only.\n")
        rs <- rs[1]
    pl <- list(rs)
    rpcpost(con, "decodescript", pl)

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