
Defines functions repair_world compact_world .nbt_random_seed .nbt_now .rand_world_id_mcpe .rand_world_id_pretty .rand_world_id .fixup_or_create_path .fixup_path get_world_path import_world export_world create_world list_worlds worlds_dir_path

Documented in compact_world create_world export_world get_world_path import_world list_worlds repair_world worlds_dir_path

#' Utilities for working with Minecraft world folders.
#' @name minecraft_worlds
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' create_world(LevelName = "My World", RandomSeed = 10)
#' }

#' @description
#' `world_dir_path()` returns the path to the `minecraftWorlds` directory. Use
#' `options(rbedrock.worlds_dir_path = "custom/path")` to customize the path
#' as needed.
#' @param force_default If `TRUE`, return most likely world path on the system.
#' @rdname minecraft_worlds
#' @export
worlds_dir_path <- function(force_default = FALSE) {
    opt <- getOption("rbedrock.worlds_dir_path")
    if (is_null(opt) || isTRUE(force_default)) {
        if (.Platform$OS.type == "windows") {
            datadir <- rappdirs::user_data_dir(
        } else {
            datadir <- rappdirs::user_data_dir("mcpelauncher")
        opt <- fs::path_abs(fs::path(datadir,

#' @description
#' `list_worlds()` returns a `data.frame()` containing information about
#' Minecraft saved games.
#' @param worlds_dir The path of a `minecraftWorlds` directory.
#' @rdname minecraft_worlds
#' @export
list_worlds <- function(worlds_dir = worlds_dir_path()) {
    out <- fs::dir_map(worlds_dir, function(f) {
        #skip directories that do not contain a level.dat
        if (!fs::file_exists(fs::path(f, "level.dat"))) {
        dat <- read_leveldat(f)
        levelname <- payload(dat$LevelName)
        lastplayed <- as.POSIXct(as.numeric(payload(dat$LastPlayed)),
            origin = "1970-01-01 00:00:00")
        id <- fs::path_file(f)
        list(id = id, levelname = levelname, last_opened = lastplayed)
    }, type = "directory")

    out %>%
        dplyr::bind_rows() %>%

#' @description
#' `create_world()` creates a new Minecraft world.
#' @param id The path to a world folder. If the path is not absolute or does not
#'   exist, it is assumed to be the base name of a world folder in `worlds_dir`.
#'   For `import_world()`, if `id` is `NULL` a unique world id will be
#'   generated. How it is generated is controlled by the
#'   `rbedrock.rand_world_id` global options. Possible values are "pretty" and
#'   "mcpe".
#' @param ... Arguments to customize `level.dat` settings.
#'     Supports dynamic dots via `rlang::list2()`.
#' @rdname minecraft_worlds
#' @export
create_world <- function(id = NULL, ..., worlds_dir = worlds_dir_path()) {

    dirpath <- .fixup_or_create_path(id, worlds_dir)
    params <- list2(...)

    params$RandomSeed <- params$RandomSeed %||% .nbt_random_seed()
    params$LastPlayed <- .nbt_now()

    if (fs::file_exists(dirpath)) {
        abort(str_glue("Cannot create '{path}': it already exists."))

    # create world directory and db directory
    dbpath <- fs::path_real(fs::dir_create(fs::path(dirpath, "db")))

    # create db and close
    db <- bedrock_leveldb_open(dbpath, create_if_missing = TRUE)
    bedrock_leveldb_close(db, TRUE)

    dat <- read_leveldat(rbedrock_example("default_level.dat"))

    # apply customizations
    for (n in names(params)) {
        dat[[n]] <- params[[n]]

    write_leveldat(dat, dirpath)

    levelname <- vec_cast(dat$LevelName, character())
    readr::write_file(levelname, fs::path(dirpath, "levelname.txt"))

    inform(str_glue("Success: Minecraft world created at '{dirpath}'."))
# nolint start: commented_code_linter
# RandomSeed <- 0
# SpawnX <- NA
# SpawnY <- NA
# SpawnZ <- NA
# Time <- 0
# CurrentTick <- 0
# worldStartCount <- 4294967295
# LevelName <- "My RBedrock World"
# LastPlayed <- 0
# nolint end

#' @description
#' `export_world()` exports a world to an archive file.
#' @param file The path to an mcworld file. If exporting, it will be created.
#'   If importing, it will be extracted.
#' @param replace If `TRUE`, overwrite an existing file if necessary.
#' @rdname minecraft_worlds
#' @export
export_world <- function(id, file, worlds_dir = worlds_dir_path(),
    replace = FALSE) {
    vec_assert(file, character(), 1L)
    file <- fs::path_abs(file)
    dirpath <- .fixup_path(id, worlds_dir, verify = TRUE)

    if (fs::file_exists(file)) {
        if (isTRUE(replace) && fs::is_file(file)) {
        } else {
            abort(str_glue("Cannot create '{file}': it already exists."))

    wd <- setwd(dirpath)
    f <- fs::dir_ls()

    if (is_installed("zip")) {
        ret <- zip::zipr(file, f)
    } else {
        ret <- utils::zip(file, f, flags = "-r9Xq")

    inform(str_glue("Success: World '{dirpath}' exported to '{file}'."))

#' @rdname minecraft_worlds
#' @export
import_world <- function(file, id = NULL, ..., worlds_dir = worlds_dir_path()) {
    file <- fs::path_real(file)
    dirpath <- .fixup_or_create_path(id, worlds_dir)

    params <- list2(...)
    params$LastPlayed <- .nbt_now()

    if (is_installed("zip")) {
        zip::unzip(file, exdir = dirpath)
    } else {
        utils::unzip(file, exdir = dirpath)

    dat <- read_leveldat(dirpath)

    # apply customizations
    for (n in names(params)) {
        dat[[n]] <- params[[n]]

    write_leveldat(dat, dirpath)

    levelname <- vec_cast(dat$LevelName, character())
    readr::write_file(levelname, fs::path(dirpath, "levelname.txt"))

    inform(str_glue("Success: '{file}' imported to '{dirpath}'."))

#' @rdname minecraft_worlds
#' @export
get_world_path <- function(id, worlds_dir = worlds_dir_path()) {
    .fixup_path(id, worlds_dir = worlds_dir, verify = TRUE)

.fixup_path <- function(id, worlds_dir = worlds_dir_path(), verify = FALSE) {
    vec_assert(id, size = 1L)
    path <- vec_cast(id, character())

    # if path is absolute, or it already exists don't append it to worlds_dir
    if (!(fs::is_absolute_path(path) || fs::file_exists(path))) {
        path <- fs::path(worlds_dir, path)
    path <- fs::path_abs(path)
    if (verify && fs::is_dir(path)) {
        f <- c("db", "level.dat", "levelname.txt")
        if (!all(fs::file_exists(fs::path(path, f)))) {
            abort(str_glue("Folder '{path}' does not contain Minecraft data."))

.fixup_or_create_path <- function(id = NULL, worlds_dir = worlds_dir_path()) {
    if (is.null(id)) {
        # create a random world directory
        repeat {
            path <- .rand_world_id()
            path <- fs::path(worlds_dir, path)
            # check for collisions
            if (!fs::file_exists(path)) {
    .fixup_path(id, worlds_dir)

.base58 <- c("1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "A", "B", "C", "D",
    "E", "F", "G", "H", "J", "K", "L", "M", "N", "P", "Q", "R", "S", "T", "U",
    "V", "W", "X", "Y", "Z", "a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g", "h", "i", "j",
    "k", "m", "n", "o", "p", "q", "r", "s", "t", "u", "v", "w", "x", "y", "z")

.rand_world_id <- function() {
    opt <- getOption("rbedrock.rand_world_id")
    if (opt == "pretty") {
    } else if (opt == "mcpe") {
    abort(str_glue("Option rand_world_id = '{opt}' is not recognized."))

.rand_world_id_pretty <- function() {
    y <- sample(.base58, 10L, replace = TRUE)
    str_c(y, collapse = "")

.rand_world_id_mcpe <- function() {
    if (!is_installed("jsonlite")) {
        abort(str_c("Creating MCPE-like random world id requires the jsonlite",
        " package. Please install it and try again."))
    y <- as.raw(sample.int(256L, 8L, replace = TRUE) - 1L)
    y <- jsonlite::base64_enc(y)
    str_replace(y, "/", "-")

.nbt_now <- function() {

.nbt_random_seed <- function() {
    s <- bit64::runif64(1)

#' Compact a world database.
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
compact_world <- function(db) {

#' Try to repair a world database.
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
repair_world <- function(id) {
    path <- .fixup_path(id)
    path <- fs::path(path, "db")

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rbedrock documentation built on Oct. 7, 2023, 1:07 a.m.