
#'@importFrom stats quantile rnorm

#' @title Non-Parametric bootstrapped confidence intervals to control RCC
#' @description This function implements Algorithm 3 in the paper (see Section 2.4). 
#' The user supplies individual level data and an analysis function that generates
#' test statistics and point estimates. The function resamples individuals from the 
#' original data and recalculates test statistics and estimates 
#' in order to calculate confidence intervals. 
#' @param data An n by K matrix of data
#' @param analysis.func A function that performs the analysis. This function should take exactly one argument (data) and return a
#' list or data frame including an item called 'estimate' and an item called 'statistic'. 
#' These should both be vectors of length p, the number of parameters.
#' @param rank.func A function that takes, as first argument, the statistics returned by analysis.func.
#' The second argument should be use.abs which can take a logical value. This argument indicates
#' if ranking should be based on signed or absolute value of the statistics. rank.func should
#' return a list including items named order and rank. See rcc:::basic_rank for an example.
#' If NULL, the basic_rank function 
#' will be used which ranks based on the size of the
#' test statistics.
#' @param level Confidence level
#' @param n.rep Number of bootstrap replications
#' @param res.orig Results of applying analysis.funct to the original data if they are already available.
#' If NULL, these will be calculated.
#' @param use.abs Logical. Rank based on absolute value of the statistics
#' @param parallel Logical. If true, use the parallel package to make use of multiple cores.
#' @param ... Additional parameters to pass to rank.func
#' @return A data frame giving original estimates and statistics, 
#' confidence intervals, debiased point estimates, and rank for each parameter.
#' @examples 
#' #Generate some data -- 10 parameters, 30 samples
#' #Most problems will have many more parameters!
#' set.seed(4e8)
#' dat <- matrix(rnorm(n=10*30), nrow=10)
#' #Write a function to do a t-test comparing
#' #the first 15 samples and the last 15 samples
#' my.analysis.func <- function(data){
#'     x <- rep(c(1, 0), each=15)
#'     B <- t(apply(data, MARGIN=1, FUN=function(y){
#'         f <- t.test(y~x)
#'         est <- f$estimate[2]-f$estimate[1]
#'         stat <- f$statistic
#'         return(c(est, stat))
#'     }))
#'     B <- data.frame(B)
#'     names(B) <- c("estimate", "statistic")
#'     return(B)
#' }
#' #Calculate confidence intervals
#' cis <- nonpar_bs_ci(data=dat, analysis.func=my.analysis.func, n.rep=500)
#' head(cis)
nonpar_bs_ci <- function(data, analysis.func, rank.func=NULL, level=0.9, res.orig=NULL,
                         n.rep=1000, use.abs=TRUE, parallel=FALSE, ...){
  n <- dim(data)[1]
  dots <- list(...)
  ndots <- length(dots)
  #Ranking Function
    my.rank.func <- function(stats){basic_rank(stats, use.abs=use.abs)}
  }else if(ndots > 0){
    my.rank.func <- function(stats){rank.func(stats, use.abs=use.abs, ...)}
    my.rank.func <- function(stats){rank.func(stats, use.abs=use.abs)}
  #Analysis with original data
  if(is.null(res.orig)) res.orig <- analysis.func(data)
  rank.orig <- my.rank.func(res.orig$statistic)
  p <- length(res.orig$estimate)
  #Bootstrapping Function
  samples <- replicate(n=n.rep, expr={sample(1:n, size=n, replace=TRUE)})
  bs_func <- function(i){
    data.new <- data[samples[,i],]
    res <- analysis.func(data.new)
    rank.new <- my.rank.func(res$statistic)
      s <- sign(res$estimate[rank.new$order])
      s[res$estimate[rank.new$order] ==0] <- 1
      s <- rep(1, p)
    return(s*(res$estimate[rank.new$order] - res.orig$estimate[rank.new$order]))
  #Do the bootstrap
  save(samples, bs_func, data, analysis.func, my.rank.func, file="temp.RData")
    B <- sapply(1:n.rep, FUN=function(i){
    cores <- parallel::detectCores()-1
    cl <- parallel::makeCluster(cores, type="FORK")
    B <- parallel::parSapply(cl, 1:n.rep, FUN=function(i){
  q1 <- (1-level)/2
  q2 <- 1-(1-level)/2
  qs <- apply(B, MARGIN=1, FUN=function(x){quantile(x, probs=c(q1, q2))})
  my.ci <- cbind(res.orig$estimate[rank.orig$order]-qs[2,], res.orig$estimate[rank.orig$order]-qs[1,])
  #Reflect intervals for negative estimates if using and abs. value ranking
    s <- sign(res.orig$estimate[rank.orig$order])
    s[res.orig$estimate[rank.orig$order]==0] <- 1
    which.neg <- which(s==-1)
    my.ci[ which.neg , ] <- cbind(res.orig$estimate[rank.orig$order][which.neg] + qs[1,which.neg],
    s <- rep(1, p)
  #Re-order the confidence intervals to the orignial order. Note we only get intervals for ranked parameters
  ci <- matrix(NA, nrow=p, ncol=2)
  jinv <- rank.orig$rank[!is.na(rank.orig$rank)]
  ci[!is.na(rank.orig$rank),] <- my.ci[jinv,]
  #While were at it, calculate a debiased mean
  my.mean <- res.orig$estimate[rank.orig$order] - s*rowMeans(B)
  meanest <- rep(NA, p)
  meanest[!is.na(rank.orig$rank)] <- my.mean[jinv]
  ret <- data.frame("est"=res.orig$estimate, "statistic"=res.orig$statistic,
                    "rank"=rank.orig$rank, "ci.lower"=ci[,1], "ci.upper"=ci[,2], 

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