
Defines functions sampdp

Documented in sampdp

sampdp <- function(X, k, diss = c("eucl", "mahal")) {

    diss <- match.arg(diss)
    X <- .mat(X)
    n <- dim(X)[1]
    zn <- seq_len(n)
    if(k > round(n / 2))
        stop("\n\n Argument 'k' must be <= half of the data. \n\n") 
    if(diss == "eucl")
        D <- euclsq(X)
    if(diss == "mahal")
        D <- mahsq(X)
    colnames(D) <- rownames(D) <- zn
    ## initial 2 selections 
    ## train
    s1 <- which(D == max(D), arr.ind = TRUE)[1, ]
    zD <- D
    zD[s1, ] <- zD[, s1] <- NA
    ## test
    s2 <- which(D == max(zD, na.rm = TRUE), arr.ind = TRUE)[1, ]
    ## candidates
    cand <- seq_len(n)[-c(s1, s2)]
    for(i in seq_len(k - 2)) {
        zD <- D[s1, cand, drop = TRUE]
        u <- apply(zD, MARGIN = 2, FUN = min)
        zs <- cand[which(u == max(u))[1]]
        s1 <- c(s1, zs)
        cand <- zn[-c(s1, s2)]
        zD <- D[s2, cand, drop = TRUE]
        u <- apply(zD, MARGIN = 2, FUN = min)
        zs <- cand[which(u == max(u))[1]]
        s2 <- c(s2, zs)
        cand <- zn[-c(s1, s2)]
    names(s2) <- names(s1) <- NULL
    list(train = s1, test = s2, remain = cand)


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