
Defines functions get_fun_last_exprs get_unassigned_exprs de_one_pd de_one_file opt_dead_expr

Documented in opt_dead_expr

#' Optimizer: Dead Expression Elimination.
#' Performs one dead expression elimination pass.
#' Carefully examine the results after running this function!
#' @param texts A list of character vectors with the code to optimize.
#' @examples
#' code <- paste(
#'   "foo <- function(x) {",
#'   "  x ^ 3",
#'   "  return(x ^ 3)",
#'   "}",
#'   sep = "\n"
#' )
#' cat(opt_dead_expr(list(code))$codes[[1]])
#' @export
opt_dead_expr <- function(texts) {
  # todo: check if dead expressions have never assigned vars.
  # foo() { x; return(8818) } is not equivalent to foo() { return(8818) }
  # as the first one might have an error.
  res <- list()
  res$codes <- lapply(texts, de_one_file)

# Executes dead expression elimination on one file of code
# @param text A character vector with code to optimize.
de_one_file <- function(text) {
  pd <- parse_text(text)
  res_pd <- pd[pd$parent < 0, ] # keep lines with just comments
  new_pd <- pd[pd$parent >= 0, ] # keep lines with just comments
  new_pd <- de_one_pd(new_pd)
  res_pd <- rbind(res_pd, new_pd)
  if (nrow(res_pd) > 0) {
    res_pd <- res_pd[order(res_pd$pos_id), ]


# Executes dead expression elimination of a pd.
# @param pd A parsed data data.frame.
de_one_pd <- function(pd) {
  res_pd <- pd

  # exprs in functions dont have any effect. However, on the global env they
  # print on console, so just analyze function definitions
  fun_def_ids <- pd[pd$token == "FUNCTION", "parent"]

  # get unassigned expressions
  dead_exprs_ids <- unlist(lapply(fun_def_ids, function(act_id) {
    get_unassigned_exprs(pd, act_id)

  # remove the ones that are last expression of functions
  return_ids <- unlist(lapply(fun_def_ids, function(act_id) {
    get_fun_last_exprs(pd, act_id)
  dead_exprs_ids <- dead_exprs_ids[!dead_exprs_ids %in% return_ids]

  pretty_remove_nodes(res_pd, dead_exprs_ids)

# Returns the ids of expressions that are not being assigned to a var.
# @param pd A parsed data data.frame.
# @param id A numeric indicating the node ID of the function to search for
#   unassigned expressions.
get_unassigned_exprs <- function(pd, id) {
  funs_body_ids <- sapply(id, function(act_id) {
    utils::tail(pd$id[pd$parent == act_id & pd$token == "expr"], 1)
  act_pd <- get_children(pd, funs_body_ids)

  # start visiting root nodes
  visit_nodes <- get_roots(act_pd)$id
  exprs_ids <- c()
  while (length(visit_nodes) > 0) {
    new_visit <- c()
    for (act_parent in visit_nodes) {
      act_prnt_pd <- get_children(act_pd, act_parent)
      act_sblngs <- act_prnt_pd[act_prnt_pd$parent == act_parent, ]
      if (act_sblngs$token[[1]] == "'{'") {
        new_visit <- c(new_visit, act_sblngs$id[act_sblngs$token == "expr"])
      } else if (all(act_prnt_pd$token %in%
        c(constants, ops, precedence_ops, "expr", "SYMBOL"))) {
        # it is an expression
        exprs_ids <- c(exprs_ids, act_parent)
      } else if (any(c(loops, "IF") %in% act_sblngs$token)) {
        # remove conditional expr
        body_ids <- act_sblngs$id[!act_sblngs$terminal]
        body_ids <- body_ids[seq(
          any(c("')'", "forcond") %in% act_sblngs$token) + 1, length(body_ids)

        for (body_id in body_ids) {
          act_terms <- get_children(act_prnt_pd, body_id)
          act_terms <- act_terms$text[act_terms$terminal]
          # dont eliminate in `if (cond) NULL`
          if (!(length(act_terms) == 1 && act_terms == "NULL")) {
            new_visit <- c(new_visit, body_id)
      } else {
    visit_nodes <- new_visit

  # remove assigned exprs and others
  exprs_ids[!sapply(exprs_ids, function(act_id) {
    act_sblngs <- act_pd[act_pd$parent ==
      act_pd$parent[act_pd$id == act_id], ]
    any(assigns %in% act_sblngs$token) # the expr is being assigned

# Returns the IDs of the exprs that can return in a function.
# @param pd A parsed data data.frame.
# @param id A numeric indicating the fun node ID to check.
get_fun_last_exprs <- function(pd, id) {
  fun_body <- pd$id[pd$parent == id & pd$token == "expr"]
  act_pd <- get_children(pd, fun_body)

  # start visiting root nodes
  visit_nodes <- get_roots(act_pd)$id
  last_exprs_ids <- c()
  while (length(visit_nodes) > 0) {
    new_visit <- c()
    for (act_parent in visit_nodes) {
      act_prnt_pd <- get_children(act_pd, act_parent)
      act_sblngs <- act_prnt_pd[act_prnt_pd$parent == act_parent, ]
      if (act_sblngs$token[[1]] == "'{'") {
        # has multiple exprs, check only the last one
        new_visit <- c(
          utils::tail(act_sblngs$id[act_sblngs$token == "expr"], 1)
      } else if (any(loops %in% act_sblngs$token)) {
      } else if ("IF" %in% act_sblngs$token) {
        # visit if body and else body
        if_else_body_ids <- act_sblngs$id[act_sblngs$token == "expr"][-1]
        new_visit <- c(new_visit, if_else_body_ids)
      } else {
        last_exprs_ids <- c(last_exprs_ids, act_parent)
    visit_nodes <- new_visit

  # returns last exprs and their children ids
  get_children(pd, last_exprs_ids)$id

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rco documentation built on April 17, 2021, 5:06 p.m.