

test_that("common subexpr empty code", {
  code <- paste(
    sep = "\n"
  opt_code <- opt_common_subexpr(list(code))$codes[[1]]
  expect_equal(opt_code, paste(
    sep = "\n"

test_that("simple common subexpr elimination", {
  code <- paste(
    "a <- 1 * 2 + 3",
    "b <- 1 * 2 * 3",
    "foo <- function(x) {",
    "  c <- 2 * x + 3",
    "  d <- 2 * x * 3",
    "e <- 1 * 2 - 3",
    sep = "\n"
  opt_code <- opt_common_subexpr(list(code))$codes[[1]]
  expect_equal(opt_code, paste(
    "cs_1 <- 1 * 2",
    "a <- cs_1 + 3",
    "b <- cs_1 * 3",
    "foo <- function(x) {",
    "  cs_1 <- 2 * x",
    "  c <- cs_1 + 3",
    "  d <- cs_1 * 3",
    "e <- cs_1 - 3",
    sep = "\n"

test_that("dont common subexpr elimination for one op or symbol", {
  code <- paste(
    "a <- 1",
    "b <- 1",
    "c <- (2)",
    "d <- (2)",
    "e <- -3",
    "f <- -3",
    sep = "\n"
  opt_code <- opt_common_subexpr(list(code))$codes[[1]]
  expect_equal(opt_code, code)

test_that("common subexpr elimination with precedence", {
  code <- paste(
    "a <- 1 * 2 + 3",
    "b <- 4 * 2 + 3",
    "c <- 1 * (2 + 3)",
    "d <- 4 * (2 + 3)",
    "e <- 2 + 3",
    sep = "\n"
  opt_code <- opt_common_subexpr(list(code))$codes[[1]]
  expect_equal(opt_code, paste(
    "a <- 1 * 2 + 3",
    "b <- 4 * 2 + 3",
    "cs_1 <- 2 + 3",
    "c <- 1 * (cs_1)",
    "d <- 4 * (cs_1)",
    "e <- cs_1",
    sep = "\n"

test_that("common subexpr elimination with spaces", {
  code <- paste(
    " a  <-  1  *  2",
    "b <- 1 * 2 * 3",
    sep = "\n"
  opt_code <- opt_common_subexpr(list(code))$codes[[1]]
  expect_equal(opt_code, paste(
    "cs_1 <- 1  *  2",
    "a  <-  cs_1",
    "b <- cs_1 * 3",
    sep = "\n"

test_that("common subexpr elimination with loop 1", {
  code <- paste(
    "a <- 0",
    "b <- 1",
    "c <- 2",
    "while (a < 5) {",
    "  b <- b + (5 + 1)",
    "  c <- c + (5 + 1)",
    "  a <- a + 1",
    sep = "\n"
  opt_code <- opt_common_subexpr(list(code))$codes[[1]]
  expect_equal(opt_code, paste(
    "a <- 0",
    "b <- 1",
    "c <- 2",
    "while (a < 5) {",
    "  cs_1 <- (5 + 1)",
    "  b <- b +  cs_1 ",
    "  c <- c +  cs_1 ",
    "  a <- a + 1",
    sep = "\n"

test_that("common subexpr elimination with loop 2", {
  code <- paste(
    "a <- 0",
    "b <- 1",
    "c <- 2",
    "while (a < 5) {",
    "  b <- b + (a + 1)",
    "  c <- c + (a + 1)",
    "  a <- a + 1",
    sep = "\n"
  opt_code <- opt_common_subexpr(list(code))$codes[[1]]
  expect_equal(opt_code, paste(
    "a <- 0",
    "b <- 1",
    "c <- 2",
    "while (a < 5) {",
    "  cs_1 <- a + 1",
    "  b <- b + (cs_1)",
    "  c <- c + (cs_1)",
    "  a <- cs_1",
    sep = "\n"

test_that("common subexpr elimination with in/out loop", {
  code <- paste(
    "a <- 0",
    "b <- 1",
    "c <- 2",
    "d <- a + 1",
    "while (a < 5) {",
    "  b <- b + (a + 1)",
    "  c <- c + (a + 1)",
    "  a <- a + 1",
    sep = "\n"
  opt_code <- opt_common_subexpr(list(code))$codes[[1]]
  expect_equal(opt_code, paste(
    "a <- 0",
    "b <- 1",
    "c <- 2",
    "d <- a + 1",
    "while (a < 5) {",
    "  cs_1 <- a + 1",
    "  b <- b + (cs_1)",
    "  c <- c + (cs_1)",
    "  a <- cs_1",
    sep = "\n"

test_that("common subexpr elimination same line", {
  code <- paste(
    "a <- 1; b <- a + 2; a <- 3; c <- a + 2",
    "a <- 1; b <- a + 2; c <- a + 2; a <- 3; d <- a + 2",
    "a <- 1; b <- a + 2; c <- a + 2; a <- 3; d <- a + 2; e <- a + 2",
    sep = "\n"
  opt_code <- opt_common_subexpr(list(code))$codes[[1]]
  expect_equal(opt_code, paste(
    "a <- 1; b <- a + 2; a <- 3; c <- a + 2",
    "a <- 1; cs_1 <- a + 2",
    "b <- cs_1; c <- cs_1; a <- 3; d <- a + 2",
    "a <- 1; cs_2 <- a + 2",
    "b <- cs_2; c <- cs_2; a <- 3; cs_3 <- a + 2",
    "d <- cs_3; e <- cs_3",
    sep = "\n"

test_that("CSE with function call", {
  code <- paste(
    "a <- 1 * 2",
    "rm(list = ls())",
    "b <- 1 * 2",
    "c <- 1 * 2",
    "foo <- function(x) {",
    "  a <- 1 * 2",
    "  rm(list = ls())",
    "  b <- 1 * 2",
    "  c <- 1 * 2",
    "d <- 1 * 2",
    sep = "\n"
  opt_code <- opt_common_subexpr(list(code))$codes[[1]]
  expect_equal(opt_code, paste(
    "a <- 1 * 2",
    "rm(list = ls())",
    "cs_1 <- 1 * 2",
    "b <- cs_1",
    "c <- cs_1",
    "foo <- function(x) {",
    "  a <- 1 * 2",
    "  rm(list = ls())",
    "  cs_1 <- 1 * 2",
    "  b <- cs_1",
    "  c <- cs_1",
    "d <- cs_1",
    sep = "\n"

test_that("CSE function in function", {
  code <- paste(
    "foo <- function() {",
    "  RowNA <- apply(data[, Var], 1, function(x){any(is.na(x))})",
    sep = "\n"
  opt_code <- opt_common_subexpr(list(code))$codes[[1]]
  expect_equal(opt_code, paste(
    "foo <- function() {",
    "  RowNA <- apply(data[, Var], 1, function(x){any(is.na(x))})",
    sep = "\n"

test_that("dont CSE in function call", {
  code <- paste(
    "foo(1, x = 1 + 0, y = 1 + 0 + 2)",
    "bar(foo(1, x = 1 + 0, y = 1 + 0 + 2))",
    sep = "\n"
  opt_code <- opt_common_subexpr(list(code))$codes[[1]]
  expect_equal(opt_code, code)

test_that("CSE in function call with pkg::", {
  code <- paste(
    "foo::foo(1, x = 1 + 0, y = 1 + 0 + 2)",
    "foo::bar(foo(1, x = 1 + 0, y = 1 + 0 + 2))",
    sep = "\n"
  opt_code <- opt_common_subexpr(list(code), in_fun_call = TRUE)$codes[[1]]
  expect_equal(opt_code, paste(
    "cs_1 <- 1 + 0",
    "foo::foo(1, x = cs_1, y = cs_1 + 2)",
    "cs_2 <- 1 + 0",
    "foo::bar(foo(1, x = cs_2, y = cs_2 + 2))",
    sep = "\n"

test_that("CSE in assigned fun", {
  code <- paste(
    "a <- b <- c(0 - 1 * 2, 0 + 1 * 2)",
    sep = "\n"
  opt_code <- opt_common_subexpr(list(code), in_fun_call = TRUE)$codes[[1]]
  expect_equal(opt_code, paste(
    "cs_1 <- 1 * 2",
    "a <- b <- c(0 - cs_1, 0 + cs_1)",
    sep = "\n"

test_that("CSE in right place loops", {
  code <- paste(
    "sapply(indls, function(x) mean(c(dmat[ind == x, ind == x])))",
    "while (x == 3) mean(c(dmat[ind == x, ind == x]))",
    "for (x in 1:10) mean(c(dmat[ind == x, ind == x]))",
    "repeat mean(c(dmat[ind == x, ind == x]))",
    sep = "\n"
  opt_code <- opt_common_subexpr(list(code), in_fun_call = TRUE)$codes[[1]]
  expect_equal(opt_code, paste(
    "sapply(indls, function(x) { ",
    "  cs_1 <- ind == x",
    "  mean(c(dmat[cs_1, cs_1]))",
    "} )",
    "while (x == 3) { ",
    "  cs_1 <- ind == x",
    "  mean(c(dmat[cs_1, cs_1]))",
    "} ",
    "for (x in 1:10) { ",
    "  cs_2 <- ind == x",
    "  mean(c(dmat[cs_2, cs_2]))",
    "} ",
    "repeat { ",
    "  cs_3 <- ind == x",
    "  mean(c(dmat[cs_3, cs_3]))",
    "} ",
    sep = "\n"

test_that("CSE in right place if/else", {
  code <- paste(
    "if (x == 3) mean(c(dmat[ind == x, ind == x]))",
    "if (x == 3) { mean(c(dmat[ind == x, ind == x])) }",
    "if (x == 3) mean(c(dmat[ind == x, ind == x])) else mean(c(dmat[ind == x, ind == x]))",
    "if (x == 3) { mean(c(dmat[ind == x, ind == x])) } else mean(c(dmat[ind == x, ind == x]))",
    "if (x == 3) mean(c(dmat[ind == x, ind == x])) else { mean(c(dmat[ind == x, ind == x])) }",
    "if (x == 3) { mean(c(dmat[ind == x, ind == x])) } else { mean(c(dmat[ind == x, ind == x])) }",
    "if (x == 3) { mean(c(dmat[ind == x, ind == x])) } else if (x != 3) { mean(c(dmat[ind == x, ind == x])) }",
    "if (x == 3) { mean(c(dmat[ind == x, ind == x])) } else if (x != 3) mean(c(dmat[ind == x, ind == x]))",
    sep = "\n"
  opt_code <- opt_common_subexpr(list(code), in_fun_call = TRUE)$codes[[1]]
  expect_equal(opt_code, paste(
    "if (x == 3) { ",
    "  cs_1 <- ind == x",
    "  mean(c(dmat[cs_1, cs_1]))",
    "} ",
    "if (x == 3) { cs_2 <- ind == x",
    "mean(c(dmat[cs_2, cs_2])) }",
    "if (x == 3) { ",
    "  cs_3 <- ind == x",
    "  mean(c(dmat[cs_3, cs_3]))",
    "} else { ",
    "  cs_4 <- ind == x",
    "  mean(c(dmat[cs_4, cs_4]))",
    "} ",
    "if (x == 3) { cs_5 <- ind == x",
    "mean(c(dmat[cs_5, cs_5])) } else { ",
    "  cs_6 <- ind == x",
    "  mean(c(dmat[cs_6, cs_6]))",
    "} ",
    "if (x == 3) { ",
    "  cs_7 <- ind == x",
    "  mean(c(dmat[cs_7, cs_7]))",
    "} else { cs_8 <- ind == x",
    "mean(c(dmat[cs_8, cs_8])) }",
    "if (x == 3) { cs_9 <- ind == x",
    "mean(c(dmat[cs_9, cs_9])) } else { cs_10 <- ind == x",
    "mean(c(dmat[cs_10, cs_10])) }",
    "if (x == 3) { cs_11 <- ind == x",
    "mean(c(dmat[cs_11, cs_11])) } else if (x != 3) { cs_12 <- ind == x",
    "mean(c(dmat[cs_12, cs_12])) }",
    "if (x == 3) { cs_13 <- ind == x",
    "mean(c(dmat[cs_13, cs_13])) } else if (x != 3) { ",
    "  cs_14 <- ind == x",
    "  mean(c(dmat[cs_14, cs_14]))",
    "} ",
    sep = "\n"

test_that("CSE in right place if/else if", {
  code <- paste(
    "if (control == 0) {",
    "  control <- 1 - 1e-8",
    "} else if (control == 1) {",
    "  control <- 1 - 1e-8",
    sep = "\n"
  opt_code <- opt_common_subexpr(list(code), in_fun_call = TRUE)$codes[[1]]
  expect_equal(opt_code, paste(
    "cs_1 <- 1 - 1e-8",
    "if (control == 0) {",
    "  control <- cs_1",
    "} else if (control == 1) {",
    "  control <- cs_1",
    sep = "\n"

test_that("CSE in right place: `;` issue", {
  code <- paste(
    "x <- 3;",
    "foo <- function(x) {",
    "  x1 <- x;",
    "  x1^2 + x1^2;",
    sep = "\n"
  opt_code <- opt_common_subexpr(list(code), in_fun_call = TRUE)$codes[[1]]
  expect_equal(opt_code, paste(
    "x <- 3;",
    "cs_1 <- (x+1)",
    " cs_1 * cs_1 ;",
    "foo <- function(x) {",
    "  x1 <- x;",
    "  cs_1 <-   x1^2",
    "  cs_1 + cs_1;",
    sep = "\n"

test_that("CSE in right place: `;` issue 2", {
  code <- paste(
    "foo <- function(x) {",
    "  n1 = length(x)",
    "  n2 = length(y)",
    "  n3 = (n1*n2+1)/(n1*n2);",
    sep = "\n"
  opt_code <- opt_common_subexpr(list(code), in_fun_call = TRUE)$codes[[1]]
  expect_equal(opt_code, paste(
    "foo <- function(x) {",
    "  n1 = length(x)",
    "  n2 = length(y)",
    "  cs_1 <- n1*n2",
    "  n3 = (cs_1+1)/(cs_1);",
    sep = "\n"

test_that("dont CSE in function def", {
  code <- paste(
    "foo <- function(x = c(1/3, 1/3, 1/3), y = 1/3) 1/3",
    sep = "\n"
  opt_code <- opt_common_subexpr(list(code))$codes[[1]]
  expect_equal(opt_code, code)

test_that("dont CSE in function call", {
  code <- paste(
    "deparse(substitute(c(8 * 8 * 8818, 8 * 8 * 8818)))",
    sep = "\n"
  opt_code <- opt_common_subexpr(list(code))$codes[[1]]
  expect_equal(opt_code, code)

test_that("common subexprs in else if", {
  code <- paste(
    "if (cond) {",
    "  body_1",
    "} else if (b == 'w' | b == 'm' | b == 'a') {",
    "  body_2",
    "} else if (b == 'm' | b == 'a') {",
    "  body_3",
    "} else if (b == 'a') {",
    "  body_4",
    sep = "\n"
  opt_code <- opt_common_subexpr(list(code))$codes[[1]]
  expect_equal(opt_code, paste(
    "if (cond) {",
    "  body_1",
    "} else { ",
    "  cs_1 <- b == 'a'",
    "  cs_2 <- b == 'm'",
    "  if (b == 'w' | cs_2 | cs_1) {",
    "  body_2",
    "} else if (cs_2 | cs_1) {",
    "  body_3",
    "} else if (cs_1) {",
    "  body_4",
    "} ",
    sep = "\n"

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rco documentation built on April 17, 2021, 5:06 p.m.