#' Create an R package structure
#' @description
#' This function creates a new R package structure according to the current
#' best practices.
#' Essential features of an R package are created (`DESCRIPTION` and
#' `NAMESPACE` files, and `R/` and `man/` folders). The project is also
#' **versioned with git** and a generic R `.gitignore` is added.
#' **IMPORTANT -** Before using this function user needs to create a new folder
#' (or a new project if using RStudio) and run this function inside this folder
#' (by using [setwd()] or by opening the `Rproj` in a new RStudio session).
#' **The name of the package will be the same as the name of this folder**.
#' Some rules must be respected:
#' \url{}.
#' Some fields of the `DESCRIPTION` file (maintainer information, package name,
#' license, URLs, and `roxygen2` version) are automatically filled but
#' others (like title and description) need to be edited manually.
#' Additional features are also created: a `CITATION` file, a `README.Rmd`, and
#' `tests/` and `vignettes/` folders (optional). See the vignette
#' [Get started](
#' for a complete overview of the full structure.
#' A GitHub repository can also be created (default) following the
#' "GitHub last" workflow
#' (\url{}).
#' Configuration files for GitHub Actions to automatically 1) check the
#' package, 2) test and report code coverage, and 3) deploy the website using
#' [`pkgdown`](
#' will be added in the `.github/` folder. See below the section
#' **Creating a GitHub repo**.
#' @param license A character vector of length 1. The license to be used for
#' this package. Run [get_licenses()] to choose an appropriate one.
#' Default is `license = 'GPL (>= 2)'`
#' The license can be changed later by calling [add_license()] (and
#' [add_license_badge()] or [refresh()] to update the corresponding badge in
#' the README).
#' @param status A character vector of length 1. The status of the project
#' according to the standard defined by the \url{}
#' project. One among `'concept'`, `'wip'`, `'suspended'`,
#' `'abandoned'`, `'active'`, `'inactive'`, or `'unsupported'`.
#' See [add_repostatus_badge()] for further information.
#' This argument is used to add a badge to the `README.Rmd` to help visitors
#' to better understand your project. If you don't want this badge use
#' `status = NULL` (default).
#' This status can be added/changed later by using [add_repostatus_badge()].
#' @param lifecycle A character vector of length 1. The life cycle stage of the
#' project according to the standard defined at
#' \url{}. One among
#' `'experimental'`, `'stable'`, `'deprecated'`, or `'superseded'`.
#' See [add_lifecycle_badge()] for further information.
#' This argument is used to add a badge to the `README.Rmd` to help visitors
#' to better understand your project. If you don't want this badge use
#' `lifecycle = NULL` (default).
#' This stage can be added/changed later by using [add_lifecycle_badge()].
#' @param contributing A logical value. If `TRUE` (default) adds a
#' `` file and `ISSUE_TEMPLATES`. See [add_contributing()] for
#' further information.
#' @param code_of_conduct A logical value. If `TRUE` (default) adds a
#' `` file. See [add_code_of_conduct()] for further
#' information.
#' @param vignette A logical value. If `TRUE` (default) creates a vignette in
#' `vignettes/`. Packages [`knitr`]( and
#' [`rmarkdown`]( are also added to the
#' `Suggests` field in the `DESCRIPTION` file.
#' @param test A logical value. If `TRUE` (default) initializes units tests by
#' running [usethis::use_testthat()]. Package
#' [`testthat`]( is also added to the `Suggests`
#' field in the `DESCRIPTION` file.
#' @param create_repo A logical value. If `TRUE` (default) creates a repository
#' (public if `private = FALSE` or private if `private = TRUE`) on GitHub.
#' See below the section **Creating a GitHub repo**.
#' @param private A logical value. If `TRUE` creates a private repository on
#' user GitHub account (or organisation). Default is `private = FALSE`.
#' @param gh_check A logical value. If `TRUE` (default) configures GitHub
#' Actions to automatically check and test the package after each push. This
#' will run `R CMD check` on the three major operating systems (Ubuntu, macOS,
#' and Windows) on the latest release of R. See [add_github_actions_check()]
#' for further information.
#' If `create_repo = FALSE` this argument is ignored.
#' @param gh_render A logical value. If `TRUE` (default) configures GitHub
#' Actions to automatically knit the `README.Rmd` after each push.
#' See [add_github_actions_render()] for further information.
#' If `create_repo = FALSE` this argument is ignored.
#' @param gh_citation A logical value. If `TRUE` (default) configures GitHub
#' Actions to automatically update the `CITATION.cff` file.
#' See [add_github_actions_citation()] for further information.
#' If `create_repo = FALSE` this argument is ignored.
#' @param codecov A logical value. If `TRUE` (default) configures GitHub
#' Actions to automatically report the code coverage of units tests after
#' each push. See [add_github_actions_codecov()] for further information.
#' If `create_repo = FALSE` this argument is ignored.
#' @param website A logical value. If `TRUE` (default) configures GitHub
#' Actions to automatically build and deploy the package website
#' (using [`pkgdown`](
#' after each push. A **gh-pages** branch will be created using
#' [usethis::use_github_pages()] and the GitHub repository will be
#' automatically configured to deploy website.
#' If `create_repo = FALSE` this argument is ignored.
#' @param given A character vector of length 1. The given name of the
#' maintainer of the package. If `NULL` (default) the function will try to
#' get this value by reading the `.Rprofile` file.
#' For further information see [set_credentials()] and below the section
#' **Managing credentials**.
#' @param family A character vector of length 1. The family name of the
#' maintainer of the package. If `NULL` (default) the function will try to
#' get this value by reading the `.Rprofile` file.
#' For further information see [set_credentials()] and below the section
#' **Managing credentials**.
#' @param email A character vector of length 1. The email address of the
#' maintainer of the package. If `NULL` (default) the function will try to
#' get this value by reading the `.Rprofile` file.
#' For further information see [set_credentials()] and below the section
#' **Managing credentials**.
#' @param orcid A character vector of length 1. The ORCID of the maintainer of
#' the package. If `NULL` (default) the function will try to get this value
#' by reading the `.Rprofile` file.
#' For further information see [set_credentials()] and below the section
#' **Managing credentials**.
#' @param organisation A character vector of length 1. The GitHub organisation
#' to host the repository. If defined it will overwrite the GitHub pseudo.
#' Default is `organisation = NULL` (the GitHub pseudo will be used).
#' @param overwrite A logical value. If `TRUE` files written from templates and
#' modified by user are erased. Default is `overwrite = FALSE`.
#' **Be careful while using this argument**.
#' @param quiet A logical value. If `TRUE` messages are deleted. Default is
#' `FALSE`.
#' @return No return value.
#' @section Recommended workflow:
#' The purpose of the package `rcompendium` is to make easier the creation of R
#' package/research compendium so that user can focus on the code/analysis
#' instead of wasting time organizing files.
#' The recommended workflow is:
#' 1. Create an empty RStudio project;
#' 2. Store your credentials with [set_credentials()] (if not already done);
#' 3. Run [new_package()] to create a new package structure (and the GitHub
#' repository);
#' 4. Edit some metadata in `DESCRIPTION`, `CITATION`, and `README.Rmd`;
#' 5. Implement, document & test functions (the fun part);
#' 6. Update the project (update `.Rd` files, `NAMESPACE`, external
#' dependencies in `DESCRIPTION`, re-knit `README.Rmd`, and check package
#' integrity) with [refresh()];
#' 7. Repeat steps 5 and 6 while developing the package.
#' @section Managing credentials:
#' You can use the arguments `given`, `family`, `email`, and `orcid`
#' directly with the function [new_package()] (and others). But if you create
#' a lot a projects (packages and/or compendiums) it can be frustrating in the
#' long run.
#' An alternative is to use **ONCE AND FOR ALL** the function
#' [set_credentials()] to permanently store this information in the
#' `.Rprofile` file. If these arguments are set to `NULL` (default) each
#' function of the package `rcompendium` will search in this `.Rprofile` file.
#' It will save your time (it's the purpose of this package).
#' Even if you have stored your information in the `.Rprofile` file you will
#' always be able to modify them on-the-fly (i.e. by using arguments of the
#' [new_package()]) or permanently by re-running [set_credentials()].
#' @section Configuring git:
#' First run [gh::gh_whoami()] to see if your git is correctly configured. If
#' so you should see something like:
#' ```
#' {
#' "name": "John Doe",
#' "login": "jdoe",
#' "html_url": "",
#' ...
#' }
#' ```
#' Otherwise you might need to run:
#' ```
#' gert::git_config_global_set(name = "",
#' value = "John Doe")
#' gert::git_config_global_set(name = "",
#' value = "")
#' gert::git_config_global_set(name = "github.user",
#' value = "jdoe")
#' ```
#' See [gert::git_config_global_set()] for further information.
#' @section Creating a GitHub repo:
#' To create the GitHub repository directly from R, the package `rcompendium`
#' uses the function [usethis::use_github()], an client to the GitHub REST API.
#' The interaction with this API required an authentication method: a
#' **GITHUB PAT** (Personal Access Token).
#' If you don't have a **GITHUB PAT** locally stored, you must:
#' 1. Obtain a new one from your GitHub account. **Make sure to select
#' at least the first two scopes (private repository and workflow)**
#' 2. Store it in the `~/.Renviron` file by using [usethis::edit_r_environ()]
#' and adding the following line: `GITHUB_PAT='ghp_99z9...z9'`
#' Run [usethis::gh_token_help()] for more information about getting and
#' configuring a **GITHUB PAT**.
#' If everything is well configured you should see something like this after
#' calling [gh::gh_whoami()]:
#' ```
#' {
#' "name": "John Doe",
#' "login": "jdoe",
#' "html_url": "",
#' "scopes": "delete_repo, repo, workflow",
#' "token": "ghp_99z9...z9"
#' }
#' ```
#' And you will be able to create a GitHub repository directly from R!
#' @export
#' @family setup functions
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' library(rcompendium)
#' ## Define **ONCE FOR ALL** your credentials ----
#' set_credentials(given = "John", family = "Doe",
#' email = "",
#' orcid = "9999-9999-9999-9999", protocol = "ssh")
#' ## Create an R package ----
#' new_package()
#' ## Start developing functions ----
#' ## ...
#' ## Update package (documentation, dependencies, README, check) ----
#' refresh()
#' }
new_package <- function(license = "GPL (>= 2)", status = NULL,
lifecycle = NULL, contributing = TRUE,
code_of_conduct = TRUE, vignette = TRUE,
test = TRUE, create_repo = TRUE, private = FALSE,
gh_check = TRUE, codecov = TRUE, website = TRUE,
gh_render = TRUE, gh_citation = TRUE, given = NULL,
family = NULL, email = NULL, orcid = NULL,
organisation = NULL, overwrite = FALSE, quiet = FALSE) {
## If not RStudio ----
if (!rstudioapi::isAvailable()) {
if (!file.exists(".here")) file.create(".here")
## Check for inceptions ----
if (!is_valid_name()) stop("Invalid package name.")
## Check if git is well configured ----
github <- gh::gh_whoami()$"login"
if (is.null(github)) {
stop("Unable to find GitHub username. Please run ",
"`?gert::git_config_global` for more information.")
## Check for package name ----
project_name <- get_package_name()
## Check License ----
if (!length(which(licenses$tag == license))) {
stop("Invalid license. Please use `get_licenses()` to choose an ",
"appropriate one.")
## Check mandatory credentials ----
if (is.null(given)) {
given <- getOption("given")
if (is.null(given)) {
stop("Please provide a given name. Use `set_credentials()` to ",
"store it permanently or use the argument `given`.")
if (is.null(family)) {
family <- getOption("family")
if (is.null(family)) {
stop("Please provide a family name. Use `set_credentials()` to ",
"store it permanently or use the argument `family`.")
if (is.null(email)) {
email <- getOption("email")
if (is.null(email)) {
stop("Please provide an email address. Use `set_credentials()` to ",
"store it permanently or use the argument `email`.")
## Check if GitHub Pseudo / Organisation exists ----
if (!is.null(organisation)) {
} else {
## Check GITHUB PAT & Available Repo ----
if (create_repo) {
if (gh::gh_token() == "") {
stop("No GITHUB PAT found. Please run `usethis::gh_token_help()` for ",
"further information or read the vignette.")
if (!is.null(organisation)) {
if (!is.null(is_gh_repo(organisation, project_name))) {
github_url <- paste0("https://", "", organisation, "/",
stop("Repository < ", github_url, " > already exists.")
} else {
if (!is.null(is_gh_repo(github, project_name))) {
github_url <- paste0("https://", "", github, "/",
stop("Repository < ", github_url, " > already exists.")
} else {
gh_check <- FALSE
codecov <- FALSE
website <- FALSE
gh_render <- FALSE
gh_citation <- FALSE
if (!test) codecov <- FALSE
## Check Repo Status ----
if (!is.null(status)) {
if (!(tolower(status) %in% c("concept", "wip", "suspended", "abandoned",
"active", "inactive", "unsupported"))) {
stop("Invalid Repo status. Please run `?add_repostatus_badge` to ",
"select an appropriate one.")
## Check Life cycle ----
if (!is.null(lifecycle)) {
if (!(tolower(lifecycle) %in% c("experimental", "stable", "deprecated",
"superseded"))) {
stop("Invalid Life cycle. Please run `?add_lifecycle_badge` to ",
"select an appropriate one.")
## ... End of Checks ----
ui_title("Initializing Versioning")
## Init GIT (if required) ----
if (!is_git()) {
ui_done("Init {ui_value('git')} versioning")
## Add/Replace R-specific gitignore ----
if (file.exists(file.path(path_proj(), ".gitignore"))) {
invisible(file.remove(file.path(path_proj(), ".gitignore")))
ui_title("Creating Package Structure")
## Ignore files for R CMD ----
add_to_buildignore(paste0(project_name, ".Rproj"), quiet = quiet)
add_to_buildignore(".Rproj.user", quiet = quiet)
add_to_buildignore(".DS_Store", quiet = quiet)
if (!quiet) ui_line()
## Create DESCRIPTION ----
add_description(given, family, email, orcid, organisation, open = FALSE,
overwrite = overwrite, quiet = quiet)
if (!quiet) ui_line()
## Add LICENSE ----
add_license(license, given, family, quiet = quiet)
if (!quiet) ui_line()
## Create folders ----
dir.create(file.path(path_proj(), "R"), showWarnings = FALSE)
if (!quiet) ui_done("Creating {ui_value('R/')} directory")
dir.create(file.path(path_proj(), "man"), showWarnings = FALSE)
if (!quiet) ui_done("Creating {ui_value('man/')} directory")
if (!quiet) ui_line()
## Package doc bonus ----
add_package_doc(open = FALSE, overwrite = overwrite, quiet = quiet)
add_citation(given, family, organisation, open = FALSE,
overwrite = overwrite, quiet = quiet)
## Demo R function ----
if (!file.exists(file.path(path_proj(), "R", "fun-demo.R"))) {
file.copy(system.file(file.path("templates", "fun-demo.R"),
package = "rcompendium"),
file.path(path_proj(), "R", "fun-demo.R"),
overwrite = overwrite))
if (!quiet) ui_line()
if (!quiet) ui_done("Writing {ui_value('R/fun-demo.R')} file")
suppressMessages(devtools::document(quiet = TRUE))
if (test) {
ui_title("Adding Testthat")
if (vignette) {
ui_title("Adding Vignette")
add_vignette(open = FALSE, overwrite = overwrite, quiet = quiet)
if (contributing) {
ui_title("Adding Contributing")
add_contributing(email = email, organisation = organisation, open = FALSE,
overwrite = overwrite, quiet = quiet)
if (code_of_conduct) {
ui_title("Adding Code of conduct")
add_code_of_conduct(email = email, open = FALSE, overwrite = overwrite,
quiet = quiet)
ui_title("Adding README")
add_readme_rmd(type = "package", given, family, organisation, open = FALSE,
overwrite = overwrite, quiet = quiet)
add_sticker(type = "package", overwrite = overwrite, quiet = quiet)
ui_title("Kniting README")
rmarkdown::render(file.path(path_proj(), "README.Rmd"),
output_format = "md_document", quiet = TRUE)
if (!quiet) ui_done("Kniting {ui_value('README.Rmd')}")
ui_title("Committing changes")
## Commit changes ----
invisible(gert::git_commit("init repo"))
if (!quiet) {
ui_done(paste0("Committing changes with the following message: ",
"{ui_value('init repo')}"))
if (create_repo) {
ui_title("Creating GITHUB Repository")
## Create GitHub repo ----
usethis::use_github(organisation = organisation, private = private)
## Update GitHub repo fields ----
owner <- ifelse(is.null(organisation), github, organisation)
update_gh_repo(owner, repo = project_name, website = website,
quiet = quiet)
## GHA R-CMD-Check ----
if (gh_check) {
ui_title("Configuring GH Actions - R CMD CHECK")
add_github_actions_check(quiet = quiet)
## GHA Code coverage ----
if (codecov) {
ui_title("Configuring GH Actions - Code Coverage")
add_github_actions_codecov(quiet = quiet)
## GHA Render README ----
if (gh_render) {
ui_title("Configuring GH Actions - Render README")
add_github_actions_render(quiet = quiet)
## GHA Website deployment ----
if (website) {
ui_title("Configuring GH Actions - Website deployment")
usethis::use_github_pages(branch = "gh-pages")
if (gh_citation) {
ui_title("Configuring GH Actions - CITATION.cff")
add_github_actions_citation(quiet = quiet)
if (gh_check || codecov || gh_render || website || gh_citation) {
ui_title("Committing changes")
invisible(gert::git_commit("ci: setup actions"))
if (!quiet) {
ui_done(paste0("Committing changes with the following message: ",
"{ui_value('ci: setup actions')}"))
ui_title("Adding Badges to README")
add_cran_badge(quiet = quiet)
if (gh_check) {
add_github_actions_check_badge(organisation, quiet = quiet)
if (website) {
add_github_actions_pkgdown_badge(organisation, quiet = quiet)
if (codecov) {
add_github_actions_codecov_badge(organisation, quiet = quiet)
add_codecov_badge(organisation, quiet = quiet)
add_license_badge(quiet = quiet)
if (!is.null(lifecycle)) {
add_lifecycle_badge(lifecycle, quiet = quiet)
if (!is.null(status)) {
add_repostatus_badge(status, quiet = quiet)
# add_dependencies_badge(quiet = quiet)
ui_title("Kniting README")
rmarkdown::render(file.path(path_proj(), "README.Rmd"),
output_format = "md_document", quiet = TRUE)
if (!quiet) ui_done("Kniting {ui_value('README.Rmd')}")
ui_title("Committing changes")
invisible(gert::git_commit("doc: update README"))
if (!quiet) {
ui_done(paste0("Committing changes with the following message: ",
"{ui_value('doc: update README')}"))
if (create_repo) invisible(gert::git_push(verbose = FALSE))
ui_title("What's next?")
ui_todo("Edit project metadata in {ui_value('DESCRIPTION')}")
ui_todo("Edit project citation in {ui_value('inst/CITATION')}")
ui_todo("Edit project description in {ui_value('README.Rmd')}")
ui_todo("Write your R functions in the {ui_value('R/')} directory")
if (test)
ui_todo(paste0("Write your units tests in the ",
"{ui_value('tests/testthat/')} directory"))
ui_todo("...and commit your changes!")
Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.