
Defines functions parse_type types_GET_ types_GET `cr_types_` `cr_types`

#' Search CrossRef types
#' @export
#' @family crossref
#' @param types (character) Type identifier, e.g., journal
#' @template args
#' @template moreargs
#' @template cursor_args
#' @template field_queries
#' @template sorting
#' @param facet (logical) Include facet results. Boolean or string with
#' field to facet on. Valid fields are *, affiliation, funder-name,
#' funder-doi, orcid, container-title, assertion, archive, update-type,
#' issn, published, source, type-name, publisher-name, license,
#' category-name, assertion-group. Default: `FALSE`
#' @param works (logical) If `TRUE`, works returned as well, if not then not.
#' @param parse (logical) Whether to output json `FALSE` or parse to
#' list `TRUE`. Default: `FALSE`
#' @details BEWARE: The API will only work for CrossRef DOIs.
#' @references
#' https://github.com/CrossRef/rest-api-doc
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' cr_types()
#' cr_types("monograph")
#' cr_types("monograph", works=TRUE)
#' cr_types(c('monograph', 'book-set', 'book', 'book-track'))
#' cr_types(c('monograph', 'book-set'), works=TRUE)
#' ## get facets back
#' cr_types("journal-article", works=TRUE, facet=TRUE)$facets
#' cr_types("monograph", works=TRUE, facet="license:*", limit = 0)
#' cr_types(c('monograph', 'book-set'), works=TRUE, facet=TRUE)
#' # Use the cursor for deep paging
#' cr_types("journal-article", works = TRUE, cursor = "*",
#'    cursor_max = 500, limit = 100)
#' cr_types(c('monograph', 'book-set'), works = TRUE, cursor = "*",
#'    cursor_max = 300, limit = 100)
#' ## with optional progress bar
#' cr_types("journal-article", works = TRUE, cursor = "*",
#'    cursor_max = 500, limit = 100, .progress = TRUE)
#' # query doesn't work unless using works=TRUE
#' ### you get results, but query param is silently dropped
#' cr_types(query = "ecology")
#' # print progress - only works when passing more than one type
#' cr_types(c('monograph', 'book-set'), works=TRUE, .progress='text')
#' # Low level function - does no parsing to data.frame, get json or a list
#' cr_types_('monograph')
#' cr_types_('monograph', parse = TRUE)
#' cr_types_("journal-article", works = TRUE, cursor = "*",
#'    cursor_max = 300, limit = 100)
#' # field queries
#' ## query.container-title
#' cr_types("journal-article", works = TRUE,
#'   flq = c(`query.container-title` = 'Ecology'))
#' # select only certain fields to return
#' res <- cr_types("journal-article", works = TRUE, select = c('DOI', 'title'))
#' names(res$data)
#' }

`cr_types` <- function(types = NULL, query = NULL, filter = NULL,
  offset = NULL, limit = NULL, sample = NULL, sort = NULL, order = NULL,
  facet = FALSE, works = FALSE, cursor = NULL, cursor_max = 5000,
  .progress="none", flq = NULL, select = NULL, ...) {

  args <- prep_args(query, filter, offset, limit, sample, sort, order,
                    facet, cursor, flq, select)
  if (length(types) > 1) {
    res <- llply(types, types_GET, args = args, works = works,
                 cursor = cursor, cursor_max = cursor_max, ...,
                 .progress = .progress)
    if (!is.null(cursor)) {
      out <- lapply(res, "[[", "data")
    } else {
      out <- lapply(res, "[[", "message")
      out <- if (works) {
        do.call(c, lapply(out, function(x) lapply(x$items, parse_works)))
      } else {
        lapply(out, DataFrame)
      df <- bind_rows(out)
      meta <- if (works) {
          types = types,
          do.call(rbind, lapply(res, parse_meta)),
          stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
      } else {
      if (facet) {
        ft <- Map(function(x, y){
          rr <- list(parse_facets(x$message$facets)); names(rr) <- y; rr
        }, res, types)
      } else {
        ft <- list()
      list(meta = meta, data = df, facets = ft)
  } else {
    res <- types_GET(types, args, works = works, cursor = cursor,
                     cursor_max = cursor_max, .progress = .progress, ...)
    if (!is.null(cursor)) {
    } else {
      if (all(is.na(res))) {
        list(meta = NA, data = NA)
      } else {
        if (is.null(types)) {
          list(meta = list(count = res$message$`total-results`),
               data = bind_rows(lapply(res$message$items, parse_type)))
        } else {
          if (works) {
            wout <- bind_rows(lapply(res$message$items, parse_works))
            meta <- parse_meta(res)
          } else {
            wout <- parse_type(res$message)
            meta <- NULL
            meta = meta,
            data = wout,
            facets = parse_facets(res$message$facets)

#' @export
#' @rdname cr_types
`cr_types_` <- function(types = NULL, query = NULL, filter = NULL,
  offset = NULL, limit = NULL, sample = NULL, sort = NULL, order = NULL,
  facet=FALSE, works = FALSE, cursor = NULL, cursor_max = 5000,
  .progress="none", parse=FALSE, flq = NULL, select = NULL, ...) {

  args <- prep_args(query, filter, offset, limit, sample, sort, order,
                    facet, cursor, flq, select)
  if (length(types) > 1) {
    llply(types, types_GET_, args = args, works = works,
          cursor = cursor, cursor_max = cursor_max, parse = parse, ...,
          .progress = .progress)
  } else {
    types_GET_(types, args, works = works, cursor = cursor,
              cursor_max = cursor_max, parse = parse, ...)

types_GET <- function(x, args, works, cursor = NULL, cursor_max = NULL,
  .progress="none", ...) {

  path <- if (!is.null(x)) {
    if (works) sprintf("types/%s/works", x) else sprintf("types/%s", x)
  } else {

  if (!is.null(cursor) && works) {
    rr <- Requestor$new(path = path, args = args, cursor_max = cursor_max,
                        should_parse = TRUE, .progress = .progress)
  } else {
    cr_GET(path, args, todf = FALSE, ...)

types_GET_ <- function(x, args, works, cursor = NULL, cursor_max = NULL, 
  .progress="none", parse, ...) {

  path <- if (!is.null(x)) {
    if (works) sprintf("types/%s/works", x) else sprintf("types/%s", x)
  } else {

  if (!is.null(cursor) && works) {
    rr <- Requestor$new(path = path, args = args, cursor_max = cursor_max,
                        should_parse = parse, .progress = .progress)
  } else {
    cr_GET(path, args, todf = FALSE, parse = parse, ...)

parse_type <- function(x){
  x[vapply(x, length, 1) == 0] <- NA
  data.frame(x, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

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rcrossref documentation built on Nov. 12, 2022, 1:17 a.m.