
#' @title A transition in a semi-Markov model
#' @description An R6 class representing a transition in a semi-Markov model.
#' @details A specialism of class \code{Arrow} which is used in a semi-Markov
#' model to represent a transition between two \code{MarkovState}s. The
#' transition is optionally associated with a cost. The transition probability
#' is associated with the model (\code{SemiMarkovModel}) rather than the
#' transition.
#' @docType class
#' @author Andrew J. Sims \email{andrew.sims@@newcastle.ac.uk}
#' @export
Transition <- R6::R6Class(
  classname = "Transition",
  lock_class = TRUE,
  inherit = Arrow,
  private = list(
    transition.cost = NULL
  public = list(

    #' @description Create an object of type \code{MarkovTransition}.
    #' @param source_state \code{MarkovState} from which the transition starts.
    #' @param target_state \code{MarkovState} to which the transition ends.
    #' @param cost Cost associated with the transition.
    #' @param label Character string containing a label for the transition (the
    #' name of the event).
    #' @return A new \code{Transition} object.
    initialize = function(source_state, target_state, cost = 0.0, label = "") {
      # initialize base class
        source_node = source_state, target_node = target_state, label = label
      # check that source inherits from MarkovState
      abortifnot(inherits(source_state, what = "MarkovState"),
        message = "Node 'source_state' must be a MarkovState",
        class = "invalid_source"
      # check that target inherits from MarkovState
      abortifnot(inherits(target_state, what = "MarkovState"),
        message = "Node 'target_state' must be a MarkovState",
        class = "invalid_target"
      # check and set cost, ensuring initialization
      # Return reaction node

    #' @description Find all the model variables.
    #' @details Find variables of type \code{ModVar} that have been
    #' specified as values associated with this \code{MarkovTransition}.
    #' Includes operands of these \code{ModVar}s, if they are expressions.
    #' @return A list of \code{ModVar}s.
    modvars = function() {
      # create lists of input variables and output Modvars
      iv <- c(private$transition.cost)
      ov <- list()
      for (v in iv) {
        if (inherits(v, what = "ModVar")) {
          ov <- c(ov, v)
          if (inherits(v, what = "ExprModVar")) {
            for (o in v$operands()) {
              ov <- c(ov, o)
      # return the unique list

    #' @description Set the cost associated with the transition.
    #' @param c Cost associated with the transition.
    #' @return Updated \code{Transition} object.
    set_cost = function(c = 0.0) {
      abortifnot(inherits(c, what = c("numeric", "ModVar")),
        message = "Argument 'c' must be of type 'numeric' or 'ModVar'.",
        class = "invalid_cost"
      private$transition.cost <- c

    #' @description Return the cost associated with traversing the edge.
    #' @return Cost.
    cost = function() {
      rv <- as_numeric(private$transition.cost)

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