
Defines functions check_phypartition

#' check_phypartition
#' \code{check_phypartition()} is used to validate partition matrices for use
#' with phylogenies.
#' @param tip_labels vector containing elements of class \code{character}.
#' @param partition two-dimensional \code{matrix} of mode \code{numeric}
#' with rows as types (species), columns as subcommunities, and each
#' element containing the relative abundance of types in each subcommunity
#' relative to the metacommunity as a whole. In the phylogenetic case, this
#' corresponds to the proportional abundance of historical species, which is
#' calculated from the proportional abundance of terminal taxa
#' @return Returns a two-dimensions \code{matrix} of mode \code{numeric}. If
#' the partition matrix was valid, this should be identical to that which was
#' input as an argument.
#' @noRd
check_phypartition <- function(tip_labels, partition){
  partition <- check_partition(partition)

  if (is.null(row.names(partition)))
    stop(paste("Partition object must have row names.",
                "\nThese should match some or all of the tip labels in the phylogeny"))

  # Remove species from the partition that aren't in the phylogeny
  if (any(!row.names(partition) %in% tip_labels)) {
    absent <- row.names(partition)[!row.names(partition) %in% tip_labels]
    warning(paste("The following species are not in the phylogeny:",
                  paste0(absent, collapse = ","),
                  "\nThey have been removed from the partition."))
    partition <- partition[-which(row.names(partition) %in% absent), ]
    partition <- partition / sum(partition)

  # Add species to the partition that are in the phylogeny
  if (any(!tip_labels %in% row.names(partition))) {
    absent <- tip_labels[!tip_labels %in% row.names(partition)]
    warning(paste("The following species are not in the partition:",
                  paste0(absent, collapse = ","),
                  "\nThey have been added to the partition as empty rows."))
    missing <- lapply(absent, function(x) matrix(rep(0, ncol(partition)),
                                                 nrow = 1))
    missing <- do.call(rbind.data.frame, missing)
    row.names(missing) <- absent
    colnames(missing) <- colnames(partition)
    partition <- rbind(partition, missing)

  # Reorder partition to match phylogeny
  partition <- partition[tip_labels, ]
  partition <- check_partition(partition)

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rdiversity documentation built on May 6, 2022, 9:06 a.m.