#' Theme default
#' Reactable-inspired default theme
#' @param font_size Numeric value representing the size of the font within the table (in px).
#' Default is 15.
#' @param font_color Color of the font for the text within the table and the group headers.
#' Default is #333333.
#' @param header_font_size Numeric value representing the size of the font within the table (in px).
#' Default is 15.
#' @param header_font_color Color of the font for the header text.
#' Default is #333333.
#' @param cell_padding Numeric value representing the padding size between cells (in px).
#' Default is 6.
#' @param centered Logical: vertically center the contents of the table.
#' Default is FALSE.
#' @return an object of class theme that is applied to a reactable table.
#' @import reactable
#' @examples
#' data <- iris[10:29, ]
#' ## Standard default theme
#' reactable(data,
#' theme = default())
#' ## Additional options applied
#' reactable(data,
#' theme = default(font_size = 12, font_color = "grey", cell_padding = 3))
#' @export
default <- function(font_size = 15,
font_color = "#333333",
header_font_size = 15,
header_font_color = "#333333",
cell_padding = 6,
centered = FALSE) {
if (!is.logical(centered)) {
stop("`centered` must be TRUE or FALSE")
if (centered == TRUE) {
centered_content = list(display = "flex", flexDirection = "column", justifyContent = "center")
} else { centered_content = NULL }
cellStyle = centered_content,
color = font_color,
cellPadding = cell_padding,
tableStyle = list(fontSize = font_size),
headerStyle = list(
color = header_font_color,
fontSize = header_font_size
groupHeaderStyle = list(color = font_color,
fontSize = header_font_size)
#' Theme cerulean
#' Bootstrap-inspired cerulean theme
#' @param font_size Numeric value representing the size of the font within the table (in px).
#' Default is 14.
#' @param font_color Color of the font for the text within the table and the group headers.
#' Default is #141415.
#' @param header_font_size Numeric value representing the size of the font within the table (in px).
#' Default is 15.
#' @param header_font_color Color of the font for the header text.
#' Default is #cfe9f7.
#' @param cell_padding Numeric value representing the padding size between cells (in px).
#' Default is 6.
#' @param centered Logical: vertically center the contents of the table.
#' Default is FALSE.
#' @return an object of class theme that is applied to a reactable table.
#' @import reactable
#' @examples
#' data <- iris[10:29, ]
#' ## Standard cerulean theme
#' reactable(data,
#' theme = cerulean())
#' ## Additional options applied
#' reactable(data,
#' theme = cerulean(font_size = 12, font_color = "grey", cell_padding = 3))
#' @export
cerulean <- function(font_size = 14,
font_color = "#141415",
header_font_size = 15,
header_font_color = "#cfe9f7",
cell_padding = 6,
centered = FALSE) {
if (!is.logical(centered)) {
stop("`centered` must be TRUE or FALSE")
if (centered == TRUE) {
centered_content = list(display = "flex", flexDirection = "column", justifyContent = "center")
} else { centered_content = NULL }
cellStyle = centered_content,
color = font_color,
backgroundColor = "#ffffff",
borderColor = "#e9ecef",
borderWidth = "1px",
stripedColor = "#e9ecef",
highlightColor = "#e9ecef",
cellPadding = cell_padding,
tableStyle = list(fontSize = font_size),
headerStyle = list(
borderWidth = "2px",
backgroundColor = "#3ba9e8",
borderBottomColor = "#eaedf0",
color = header_font_color,
transitionDuration = "0.5s",
"&:hover[aria-sort]" = list(color = "#ffffff"),
"&[aria-sort='ascending'], &[aria-sort='descending']" = list(color = "#ffffff"),
fontSize = header_font_size
groupHeaderStyle = list(
"&:not(:empty)" = list(color = font_color,
fontSize = header_font_size),
"&:hover" = list(
fontWeight = "bold",
transitionDuration = "1s",
transitionTimingFunction = "ease-out",
color = "#1782c0"
searchInputStyle = list(
backgroundColor = "#ffffff",
color = "#141415",
"&:focus" = list(color = "#141415")
inputStyle = list(backgroundColor = "#ffffff", color = "#141415"),
rowSelectedStyle = list(backgroundColor = "rgba(52, 156, 244, 0.5)"),
selectStyle = list(
backgroundColor = "#2fa4e7",
color = "#ffffff",
borderColor = "#ffffff",
outlineColor = "#ffffff",
"&:hover" = list(backgroundColor = "#e9ecef", color = "#2fa4e7")
pageButtonStyle = list(
backgroundColor = "#ffffff",
color = "#2fa4e7",
"&:hover" = list(backgroundColor = "#e9ecef", color = "#2fa4e7")
pageButtonHoverStyle = list(backgroundColor = "#e9ecef", color = "#2fa4e7"),
pageButtonActiveStyle = list(backgroundColor = "#2fa4e7", color = "#ffffff"),
pageButtonCurrentStyle = list(backgroundColor = "#2fa4e7", color = "#ffffff")
#' Theme cosmo
#' Bootstrap-inspired cosmo theme
#' @param font_size Numeric value representing the size of the font within the table (in px).
#' Default is 14.
#' @param font_color Color of the font for the text within the table and the group headers.
#' Default is #141415.
#' @param header_font_size Numeric value representing the size of the font within the table (in px).
#' Default is 15.
#' @param header_font_color Color of the font for the header text.
#' Default is #ffffff.
#' @param cell_padding Numeric value representing the padding size between cells (in px).
#' Default is 6.
#' @param centered Logical: vertically center the contents of the table.
#' Default is FALSE.
#' @return an object of class theme that is applied to a reactable table.
#' @import reactable
#' @examples
#' data <- iris[10:29, ]
#' ## Standard cosmo theme
#' reactable(data,
#' theme = cosmo())
#' ## Additional options applied
#' reactable(data,
#' theme = cosmo(font_size = 12, font_color = "grey", cell_padding = 3))
#' @export
cosmo <- function(font_size = 14,
font_color = "#141415",
header_font_size = 15,
header_font_color = "#ffffff",
cell_padding = 6,
centered = FALSE) {
if (!is.logical(centered)) {
stop("`centered` must be TRUE or FALSE")
if (centered == TRUE) {
centered_content = list(display = "flex", flexDirection = "column", justifyContent = "center")
} else { centered_content = NULL }
cellStyle = centered_content,
color = font_color,
backgroundColor = "#f8f9fa",
borderColor = "#f8f9fa",
borderWidth = "1px",
stripedColor = "white",
highlightColor = "white",
cellPadding = cell_padding,
tableStyle = list(fontSize = font_size),
headerStyle = list(
borderWidth = "2px",
backgroundColor = "#373a3c",
color = header_font_color,
transitionDuration = "0.5s",
"&:hover[aria-sort]" = list(color = "#ffffff"),
"&[aria-sort='ascending'], &[aria-sort='descending']" = list(color = "#ffffff"),
fontSize = header_font_size
groupHeaderStyle = list(
"&:not(:empty)" = list(color = font_color,
fontSize = header_font_size),
"&:hover" = list(
fontWeight = "bold",
transitionDuration = "1s",
transitionTimingFunction = "ease-out",
color = "#111111"
searchInputStyle = list(
backgroundColor = "#ffffff",
color = "#9a9a9a",
borderColor = "#b3cecc",
"&:focus" = list(color = "#888888")
inputStyle = list(backgroundColor = "#ffffff", color = "#9a9a9a"),
rowSelectedStyle = list(backgroundColor = "#78c2ad", color = "#ffffff"),
selectStyle = list(
backgroundColor = "#2780e3",
color = "#ffffff",
borderColor = "#ffffff",
outlineColor = "#ffffff"
pageButtonStyle = list(
backgroundColor = "#ffffff",
color = "#2780e3",
"&:hover" = list(backgroundColor = "#2780e3", color = "#ffffff")
pageButtonHoverStyle = list(backgroundColor = "#2780e3", color = "#ffffff"),
pageButtonActiveStyle = list(backgroundColor = "#2780e3", color = "#ffffff"),
pageButtonCurrentStyle = list(backgroundColor = "#2780e3", color = "#ffffff")
#' Theme cyborg
#' Bootstrap-inspired cyborg theme
#' @param font_size Numeric value representing the size of the font within the table (in px).
#' Default is 14.
#' @param font_color Color of the font for the text within the table and the group headers.
#' Default is #888888.
#' @param header_font_size Numeric value representing the size of the font within the table (in px).
#' Default is 15.
#' @param header_font_color Color of the font for the header text.
#' Default is #7b7b7b.
#' @param cell_padding Numeric value representing the padding size between cells (in px).
#' Default is 6.
#' @param centered Logical: vertically center the contents of the table.
#' Default is FALSE.
#' @return an object of class theme that is applied to a reactable table.
#' @import reactable
#' @examples
#' data <- iris[10:29, ]
#' ## Standard cyborg theme
#' reactable(data,
#' theme = cyborg())
#' ## Additional options applied
#' reactable(data,
#' theme = cyborg(font_size = 12, font_color = "grey", cell_padding = 3))
#' @export
cyborg <- function(font_size = 14,
font_color = "#888888",
header_font_size = 15,
header_font_color = "#7b7b7b",
cell_padding = 6,
centered = FALSE) {
if (!is.logical(centered)) {
stop("`centered` must be TRUE or FALSE")
if (centered == TRUE) {
centered_content = list(display = "flex", flexDirection = "column", justifyContent = "center")
} else { centered_content = NULL }
cellStyle = centered_content,
color = font_color,
backgroundColor = "#060606",
borderColor = "#888888",
borderWidth = "1px",
stripedColor = "#282828",
highlightColor = "#282828",
cellPadding = cell_padding,
tableStyle = list(fontSize = font_size),
headerStyle = list(
borderWidth = "2px",
backgroundColor = "#060606",
color = header_font_color,
transitionDuration = "0.5s",
"&:hover[aria-sort]" = list(backgroundColor = "#2a9fd6", color = "#ffffff"),
"&[aria-sort='ascending'], &[aria-sort='descending']" = list(backgroundColor = "#2a9fd6", color = "#ffffff"),
fontSize = "15px"
groupHeaderStyle = list(
"&:not(:empty)" = list(color = font_color,
fontSize = header_font_size),
"&:hover" = list(
fontWeight = "bold",
transitionDuration = "1s",
transitionTimingFunction = "ease-out",
color = "#349cf4"
searchInputStyle = list(
backgroundColor = "#ffffff",
color = "#888888",
"&:focus" = list(color = "#888888")
inputStyle = list(backgroundColor = "#ffffff", color = "#888888"),
rowSelectedStyle = list(backgroundColor = "#2a9fd6", color = "#ffffff"),
selectStyle = list(
backgroundColor = "#282828",
color = "#ffffff",
borderColor = "#ffffff",
outlineColor = "#ffffff",
"&:hover" = list(backgroundColor = "#2a9fd6", color = "#ffffff")
pageButtonStyle = list(
backgroundColor = "#282828",
color = "#ffffff",
"&:hover" = list(backgroundColor = "#2a9fd6", color = "#ffffff")
pageButtonHoverStyle = list(backgroundColor = "#2a9fd6", color = "#ffffff"),
pageButtonActiveStyle = list(backgroundColor = "#2a9fd6", color = "#ffffff"),
pageButtonCurrentStyle = list(backgroundColor = "#2a9fd6", color = "#ffffff")
#' Theme darkly
#' Bootstrap-inspired darkly theme
#' @param font_size Numeric value representing the size of the font within the table (in px).
#' Default is 14.
#' @param font_color Color of the font for the text within the table and the group headers.
#' Default is #ffffff.
#' @param header_font_size Numeric value representing the size of the font within the table (in px).
#' Default is 15.
#' @param header_font_color Color of the font for the header text.
#' Default is #afbdcc.
#' @param cell_padding Numeric value representing the padding size between cells (in px).
#' Default is 6.
#' @param centered Logical: vertically center the contents of the table.
#' Default is FALSE.
#' @return an object of class theme that is applied to a reactable table.
#' @import reactable
#' @examples
#' data <- iris[10:29, ]
#' ## Standard darkly theme
#' reactable(data,
#' theme = darkly())
#' ## Additional options applied
#' reactable(data,
#' theme = darkly(font_size = 12, font_color = "grey", cell_padding = 3))
#' @export
darkly <- function(font_size = 14,
font_color = "#ffffff",
header_font_size = 15,
header_font_color = "#afbdcc",
cell_padding = 6,
centered = FALSE) {
if (!is.logical(centered)) {
stop("`centered` must be TRUE or FALSE")
if (centered == TRUE) {
centered_content = list(display = "flex", flexDirection = "column", justifyContent = "center")
} else { centered_content = NULL }
cellStyle = centered_content,
color = font_color,
backgroundColor = "#222222",
borderColor = "#222222",
borderWidth = "1px",
stripedColor = "#adb5bd",
highlightColor = "#adb5bd",
cellPadding = cell_padding,
tableStyle = list(fontSize = font_size),
headerStyle = list(
borderWidth = "2px",
backgroundColor = "#375a7f",
color = header_font_color,
transitionDuration = "0.5s",
"&:hover[aria-sort]" = list(color = "#ffffff"),
"&[aria-sort='ascending'], &[aria-sort='descending']" = list(color = "#ffffff"),
fontSize = header_font_size
groupHeaderStyle = list(
"&:not(:empty)" = list(color = font_color,
fontSize = header_font_size),
"&:hover" = list(
fontWeight = "bold",
transitionDuration = "1s",
transitionTimingFunction = "ease-out",
color = "#afbdcc"
searchInputStyle = list(
backgroundColor = "#ffffff",
color = "#212529",
borderColor = "#222222",
"&:focus" = list(color = "#212529")
inputStyle = list(backgroundColor = "#ffffff", color = "#212529"),
rowSelectedStyle = list(backgroundColor = "#375a7f", color = "#ffffff"),
selectStyle = list(
backgroundColor = "#00bc8c",
color = "#ffffff",
borderColor = "#ffffff",
outlineColor = "#ffffff",
"&:hover" = list(backgroundColor = "#00efb2")
pageButtonStyle = list(
backgroundColor = "#00bc8c",
color = "#ffffff",
"&:hover" = list(backgroundColor = "#00efb2")
pageButtonHoverStyle = list(backgroundColor = "#00efb2", color = "#ffffff"),
pageButtonActiveStyle = list(backgroundColor = "#00efb2", color = "#ffffff"),
pageButtonCurrentStyle = list(backgroundColor = "#00efb2", color = "#ffffff")
#' Theme flatly
#' Bootstrap-inspired flatly theme
#' @param font_size Numeric value representing the size of the font within the table (in px).
#' Default is 14.
#' @param font_color Color of the font for the text within the table and the group headers.
#' Default is #212529.
#' @param header_font_size Numeric value representing the size of the font within the table (in px).
#' Default is 15.
#' @param header_font_color Color of the font for the header text.
#' Default is #ffffff.
#' @param cell_padding Numeric value representing the padding size between cells (in px).
#' Default is 6.
#' @param centered Logical: vertically center the contents of the table.
#' Default is FALSE.
#' @return an object of class theme that is applied to a reactable table.
#' @import reactable
#' @examples
#' data <- iris[10:29, ]
#' ## Standard flatly theme
#' reactable(data,
#' theme = flatly())
#' ## Additional options applied
#' reactable(data,
#' theme = flatly(font_size = 12, font_color = "grey", cell_padding = 3))
#' @export
flatly <- function(font_size = 14,
font_color = "#212529",
header_font_size = 15,
header_font_color = "#ffffff",
cell_padding = 6,
centered = FALSE) {
if (!is.logical(centered)) {
stop("`centered` must be TRUE or FALSE")
if (centered == TRUE) {
centered_content = list(display = "flex", flexDirection = "column", justifyContent = "center")
} else { centered_content = NULL }
cellStyle = centered_content,
color = font_color,
backgroundColor = "#ffffff",
borderColor = "#ffffff",
borderWidth = "1px",
stripedColor = "#ecf0f1",
highlightColor = "#ecf0f1",
cellPadding = cell_padding,
tableStyle = list(fontSize = font_size),
headerStyle = list(
borderWidth = "2px",
backgroundColor = "#2c3e50",
color = header_font_color,
transitionDuration = "0.5s",
"&:hover[aria-sort]" = list(color = "#1cbc9c"),
"&[aria-sort='ascending'], &[aria-sort='descending']" = list(color = "#1cbc9c"),
fontSize = header_font_size
groupHeaderStyle = list(
"&:not(:empty)" = list(color = font_color,
fontSize = header_font_size),
"&:hover" = list(
fontWeight = "bold",
transitionDuration = "1s",
transitionTimingFunction = "ease-out",
color = "#1cbc9c"
searchInputStyle = list(
backgroundColor = "#ffffff",
color = "#212529",
"&:focus" = list(color = "#212529")
inputStyle = list(backgroundColor = "#ffffff", color = "#212529"),
rowSelectedStyle = list(backgroundColor = "#2c3e50", color = "#ffffff"),
selectStyle = list(
backgroundColor = "#18bc9c",
color = "#ffffff",
borderColor = "#ffffff",
outlineColor = "#ffffff",
"&:hover" = list(backgroundColor = "#0f7864")
pageButtonStyle = list(
backgroundColor = "#18bc9c",
color = "#ffffff",
"&:hover" = list(backgroundColor = "#0f7864")
pageButtonHoverStyle = list(backgroundColor = "#0f7864", color = "#ffffff"),
pageButtonActiveStyle = list(backgroundColor = "#0f7864", color = "#ffffff"),
pageButtonCurrentStyle = list(backgroundColor = "#0f7864", color = "#ffffff")
#' Theme journal
#' Bootstrap-inspired journal theme
#' @param font_size Numeric value representing the size of the font within the table (in px).
#' Default is 14.
#' @param font_color Color of the font for the text within the table and the group headers.
#' Default is #222222.
#' @param header_font_size Numeric value representing the size of the font within the table (in px).
#' Default is 15.
#' @param header_font_color Color of the font for the header text.
#' Default is #fad9d8.
#' @param cell_padding Numeric value representing the padding size between cells (in px).
#' Default is 6.
#' @param centered Logical: vertically center the contents of the table.
#' Default is FALSE.
#' @return an object of class theme that is applied to a reactable table.
#' @import reactable
#' @examples
#' data <- iris[10:29, ]
#' ## Standard journal theme
#' reactable(data,
#' theme = journal())
#' ## Additional options applied
#' reactable(data,
#' theme = journal(font_size = 12, font_color = "grey", cell_padding = 3))
#' @export
journal <- function(font_size = 14,
font_color = "#222222",
header_font_size = 15,
header_font_color = "#fad9d8",
cell_padding = 6,
centered = FALSE) {
if (!is.logical(centered)) {
stop("`centered` must be TRUE or FALSE")
if (centered == TRUE) {
centered_content = list(display = "flex", flexDirection = "column", justifyContent = "center")
} else { centered_content = NULL }
cellStyle = centered_content,
color = font_color,
backgroundColor = "#ffffff",
borderColor = "#aaaaaa",
borderWidth = "1px",
stripedColor = "#eeeeee",
highlightColor = "#eeeeee",
cellPadding = cell_padding,
tableStyle = list(fontSize = font_size),
headerStyle = list(
borderWidth = "2px",
backgroundColor = "#ef8683",
color = header_font_color,
transitionDuration = "0.5s",
"&:hover[aria-sort]" = list(color = "#ffffff"),
"&[aria-sort='ascending'], &[aria-sort='descending']" = list(color = "#ffffff"),
fontSize = header_font_size
groupHeaderStyle = list(
"&:not(:empty)" = list(color = font_color),
"&:hover" = list(
fontWeight = "bold",
transitionDuration = "1s",
transitionTimingFunction = "ease-out",
color = "#000000"
searchInputStyle = list(
backgroundColor = "#ffffff",
color = "#212529",
borderColor = "#df9696",
"&:focus" = list(color = "#212529")
inputStyle = list(backgroundColor = "#ffffff", color = "#212529"),
rowSelectedStyle = list(backgroundColor = "#f9d5d4", color = "#ffffff"),
selectStyle = list(
backgroundColor = "#ffffff",
color = "#eb6864",
borderColor = "#ffffff",
outlineColor = "#ffffff",
"&:hover" = list(backgroundColor = "#eb6864", color = "#ffffff")
pageButtonStyle = list(
backgroundColor = "#ffffff",
color = "#eb6864",
"&:hover" = list(backgroundColor = "#eb6864", color = "#ffffff")
pageButtonHoverStyle = list(backgroundColor = "#eb6864", color = "#ffffff"),
pageButtonActiveStyle = list(backgroundColor = "#eb6864", color = "#ffffff"),
pageButtonCurrentStyle = list(backgroundColor = "#eb6864", color = "#ffffff")
#' Theme lux
#' Bootstrap-inspired lux theme
#' @param font_size Numeric value representing the size of the font within the table (in px).
#' Default is 14.
#' @param font_color Color of the font for the text within the table and the group headers.
#' Default is #8c8c8c.
#' @param header_font_size Numeric value representing the size of the font within the table (in px).
#' Default is 15.
#' @param header_font_color Color of the font for the header text.
#' Default is #7f7f7f.
#' @param cell_padding Numeric value representing the padding size between cells (in px).
#' Default is 6.
#' @param centered Logical: vertically center the contents of the table.
#' Default is FALSE.
#' @return an object of class theme that is applied to a reactable table.
#' @import reactable
#' @examples
#' data <- iris[10:29, ]
#' ## Standard lux theme
#' reactable(data,
#' theme = lux())
#' ## Additional options applied
#' reactable(data,
#' theme = lux(font_size = 12, font_color = "grey", cell_padding = 3))
#' @export
lux <- function(font_size = 14,
font_color = "#8c8c8c",
header_font_size = 15,
header_font_color = "#7f7f7f",
cell_padding = 6,
centered = FALSE) {
if (!is.logical(centered)) {
stop("`centered` must be TRUE or FALSE")
if (centered == TRUE) {
centered_content = list(display = "flex", flexDirection = "column", justifyContent = "center")
} else { centered_content = NULL }
cellStyle = centered_content,
color = font_color,
backgroundColor = "#ffffff",
borderColor = "#f7f7f9",
borderWidth = "1px",
stripedColor = "#dadada",
highlightColor = "#f7f7f9",
cellPadding = cell_padding,
tableStyle = list(fontSize = font_size),
headerStyle = list(
borderWidth = "2px",
backgroundColor = "#1a1a1a",
color = header_font_color,
textTransform = "uppercase",
transitionDuration = "0.5s",
"&:hover[aria-sort]" = list(color = "#ffffff"),
"&[aria-sort='ascending'], &[aria-sort='descending']" = list(color = "#ffffff"),
fontSize = header_font_size
groupHeaderStyle = list(
"&:not(:empty)" = list(textTransform = "uppercase",
color = font_color,
fontSize = header_font_size),
"&:hover" = list(
fontWeight = "bold",
transitionDuration = "1s",
transitionTimingFunction = "ease-out",
color = "#000000"
searchInputStyle = list(
backgroundColor = "#f7f7f9",
color = "#8c8c8c",
borderColor = "#f7f7f9",
"&:focus" = list(color = "#888888")
inputStyle = list(backgroundColor = "#f7f7f9", color = "#8c8c8c"),
rowSelectedStyle = list(backgroundColor = "#1a1a1a", color = "#ffffff"),
selectStyle = list(
backgroundColor = "#282828",
color = "#ffffff",
borderColor = "#ffffff",
outlineColor = "#ffffff",
"&:hover" = list(backgroundColor = "#f7f7f9", color = "#1a1a1a")
pageButtonStyle = list(
backgroundColor = "#ffffff",
color = "#1a1a1a",
"&:hover" = list(backgroundColor = "#f7f7f9", color = "#1a1a1a")
pageButtonHoverStyle = list(backgroundColor = "#f7f7f9", color = "#1a1a1a"),
pageButtonActiveStyle = list(backgroundColor = "#1a1a1a", color = "#ffffff"),
pageButtonCurrentStyle = list(backgroundColor = "#1a1a1a", color = "#ffffff")
#' Theme minty
#' Bootstrap-inspired minty theme
#' @param font_size Numeric value representing the size of the font within the table (in px).
#' Default is 15.
#' @param font_color Color of the font for the text within the table and the group headers.
#' Default is #9a9a9a.
#' @param header_font_size Numeric value representing the size of the font within the table (in px).
#' Default is 16.
#' @param header_font_color Color of the font for the header text.
#' Default is #c9e7de.
#' @param cell_padding Numeric value representing the padding size between cells (in px).
#' Default is 6.
#' @param centered Logical: vertically center the contents of the table.
#' Default is FALSE.
#' @return an object of class theme that is applied to a reactable table.
#' @import reactable
#' @examples
#' data <- iris[10:29, ]
#' ## Standard minty theme
#' reactable(data,
#' theme = minty())
#' ## Additional options applied
#' reactable(data,
#' theme = minty(font_size = 12, font_color = "grey", cell_padding = 3))
#' @export
minty <- function(font_size = 15,
font_color = "#9a9a9a",
header_font_size = 16,
header_font_color = "#c9e7de",
cell_padding = 6,
centered = FALSE) {
if (!is.logical(centered)) {
stop("`centered` must be TRUE or FALSE")
if (centered == TRUE) {
centered_content = list(display = "flex", flexDirection = "column", justifyContent = "center")
} else { centered_content = NULL }
cellStyle = centered_content,
color = font_color,
backgroundColor = "#ffffff",
borderColor = "#f7f7f9",
borderWidth = "1px",
stripedColor = "#ededed",
highlightColor = "#f7f7f9",
cellPadding = cell_padding,
tableStyle = list(fontSize = font_size),
headerStyle = list(
borderWidth = "2px",
backgroundColor = "#78c2ad",
color = header_font_color,
transitionDuration = "0.5s",
"&:hover[aria-sort]" = list(color = "#ffffff"),
"&[aria-sort='ascending'], &[aria-sort='descending']" = list(color = "#ffffff"),
fontSize = header_font_size
groupHeaderStyle = list(
"&:not(:empty)" = list(color = font_color,
fontSize = header_font_size),
"&:hover" = list(
fontWeight = "bold",
transitionDuration = "1s",
transitionTimingFunction = "ease-out",
color = "#111111"
searchInputStyle = list(
backgroundColor = "#ffffff",
color = "#9a9a9a",
borderColor = "#b3cecc",
"&:focus" = list(color = "#888888")
inputStyle = list(backgroundColor = "#ffffff", color = "#9a9a9a"),
rowSelectedStyle = list(backgroundColor = "#78c2ad", color = "#ffffff"),
selectStyle = list(
backgroundColor = "#f3969a",
color = "#ffffff",
borderColor = "#ffffff",
outlineColor = "#ffffff"
pageButtonStyle = list(
backgroundColor = "#78c2ad",
color = "#ffffff",
"&:hover" = list(backgroundColor = "#f3969a", color = "#ffffff")
pageButtonHoverStyle = list(backgroundColor = "#f3969a", color = "#ffffff"),
pageButtonActiveStyle = list(backgroundColor = "#f3969a", color = "#ffffff"),
pageButtonCurrentStyle = list(backgroundColor = "#f3969a", color = "#ffffff")
#' Theme sandstone
#' Bootstrap-inspired sandstone theme
#' @param font_size Numeric value representing the size of the font within the table (in px).
#' Default is 15.
#' @param font_color Color of the font for the text within the table and the group headers.
#' Default is #3e3f3a.
#' @param header_font_size Numeric value representing the size of the font within the table (in px).
#' Default is 16.
#' @param header_font_color Color of the font for the header text.
#' Default is #7c7a78.
#' @param cell_padding Numeric value representing the padding size between cells (in px).
#' Default is 6.
#' @param centered Logical: vertically center the contents of the table.
#' Default is FALSE.
#' @return an object of class theme that is applied to a reactable table.
#' @import reactable
#' @examples
#' data <- iris[10:29, ]
#' ## Standard sandstone theme
#' reactable(data,
#' theme = sandstone())
#' ## Additional options applied
#' reactable(data,
#' theme = sandstone(font_size = 12, font_color = "grey", cell_padding = 3))
#' @export
sandstone <- function(font_size = 15,
font_color = "#3e3f3a",
header_font_size = 16,
header_font_color = "#7c7a78",
cell_padding = 6,
centered = FALSE) {
if (!is.logical(centered)) {
stop("`centered` must be TRUE or FALSE")
if (centered == TRUE) {
centered_content = list(display = "flex", flexDirection = "column", justifyContent = "center")
} else { centered_content = NULL }
cellStyle = centered_content,
color = font_color,
backgroundColor = "#ffffff",
borderColor = "#f8f5f0",
borderWidth = "1px",
stripedColor = "#ededed",
highlightColor = "#f8f5f0",
cellPadding = cell_padding,
tableStyle = list(fontSize = font_size),
headerStyle = list(
borderWidth = "2px",
backgroundColor = "#f8f5f0",
color = header_font_color,
transitionDuration = "0.5s",
"&:hover[aria-sort]" = list(color = "#000000"),
"&[aria-sort='ascending'], &[aria-sort='descending']" = list(color = "#000000"),
fontSize = header_font_size
groupHeaderStyle = list(
"&:not(:empty)" = list(color = font_color,
fontSize = header_font_size),
"&:hover" = list(
fontWeight = "bold",
transitionDuration = "1s",
transitionTimingFunction = "ease-out",
color = "#000000"
searchInputStyle = list(
backgroundColor = "#ffffff",
color = "#3e3f3a",
borderColor = "#bcbfc1",
"&:focus" = list(color = "#3e3f3a")
inputStyle = list(
backgroundColor = "#ffffff",
borderColor = "#bcbfc1",
color = "#3e3f3a"
rowSelectedStyle = list(backgroundColor = "#dfd7ca", color = "#8e8c84"),
selectStyle = list(
backgroundColor = "#dfd7ca",
color = "#8e8c84",
borderColor = "#ffffff",
outlineColor = "#ffffff"
pageButtonStyle = list(
backgroundColor = "#f8f5f0",
color = "#8e8c84",
"&:hover" = list(backgroundColor = "#f3969a", color = "#8e8c84")
pageButtonHoverStyle = list(backgroundColor = "#dfd7ca", color = "#8e8c84"),
pageButtonActiveStyle = list(backgroundColor = "#dfd7ca", color = "#8e8c84"),
pageButtonCurrentStyle = list(backgroundColor = "#dfd7ca", color = "#8e8c84")
#' Theme slate
#' Bootstrap-inspired slate theme
#' @param font_size Numeric value representing the size of the font within the table (in px).
#' Default is 15.
#' @param font_color Color of the font for the text within the table and the group headers.
#' Default is #aaaaaa.
#' @param header_font_size Numeric value representing the size of the font within the table (in px).
#' Default is 16.
#' @param header_font_color Color of the font for the header text.
#' Default is #97999b.
#' @param cell_padding Numeric value representing the padding size between cells (in px).
#' Default is 6.
#' @param centered Logical: vertically center the contents of the table.
#' Default is FALSE.
#' @return an object of class theme that is applied to a reactable table.
#' @import reactable
#' @examples
#' data <- iris[10:29, ]
#' ## Standard slate theme
#' reactable(data,
#' theme = slate())
#' ## Additional options applied
#' reactable(data,
#' theme = slate(font_size = 12, font_color = "grey", cell_padding = 3))
#' @export
slate <- function(font_size = 15,
font_color = "#aaaaaa",
header_font_size = 16,
header_font_color = "#97999b",
cell_padding = 6,
centered = FALSE) {
if (!is.logical(centered)) {
stop("`centered` must be TRUE or FALSE")
if (centered == TRUE) {
centered_content = list(display = "flex", flexDirection = "column", justifyContent = "center")
} else { centered_content = NULL }
cellStyle = centered_content,
color = font_color,
backgroundColor = "#272b30",
borderColor = "#272b30",
borderWidth = "1px",
stripedColor = "#464a4d",
highlightColor = "#464a4d",
cellPadding = cell_padding,
tableStyle = list(fontSize = font_size),
headerStyle = list(
borderWidth = "2px",
backgroundColor = "#3a3f44",
color = header_font_color,
transitionDuration = "0.5s",
"&:hover[aria-sort]" = list(backgroundColor = "#141516", color = "#ffffff"),
"&[aria-sort='ascending'], &[aria-sort='descending']" = list(backgroundColor = "#141516", color = "#ffffff"),
fontSize = header_font_size
groupHeaderStyle = list(
"&:not(:empty)" = list(color = font_color,
fontSize = header_font_size),
"&:hover" = list(
fontWeight = "bold",
transitionDuration = "1s",
transitionTimingFunction = "ease-out",
color = "#ffffff"
searchInputStyle = list(
backgroundColor = "#ffffff",
color = "#aaaaaa",
borderColor = "#dfe3e7",
"&:focus" = list(color = "#aaaaaa")
inputStyle = list(backgroundColor = "#ffffff", color = "#aaaaaa"),
rowSelectedStyle = list(backgroundColor = "#181a1c", color = "#ffffff"),
selectStyle = list(
backgroundColor = "#41464c",
color = "#ffffff",
borderColor = "#ffffff",
outlineColor = "#ffffff",
"&:hover" = list(backgroundColor = "#17191b", color = "#ffffff")
pageButtonStyle = list(
backgroundColor = "#41464c",
color = "#ffffff",
"&:hover" = list(backgroundColor = "#17191b", color = "#ffffff")
pageButtonHoverStyle = list(backgroundColor = "#17191b", color = "#ffffff"),
pageButtonActiveStyle = list(backgroundColor = "#17191b", color = "#ffffff"),
pageButtonCurrentStyle = list(backgroundColor = "#17191b", color = "#ffffff")
#' Theme spacelab
#' Bootstrap-inspired spacelab theme
#' @param font_size Numeric value representing the size of the font within the table (in px).
#' Default is 14.
#' @param font_color Color of the font for the text within the table and the group headers.
#' Default is #8e8e8e.
#' @param header_font_size Numeric value representing the size of the font within the table (in px).
#' Default is 15.
#' @param header_font_color Color of the font for the header text.
#' Default is #8e8e8e.
#' @param cell_padding Numeric value representing the padding size between cells (in px).
#' Default is 6.
#' @param centered Logical: vertically center the contents of the table.
#' Default is FALSE.
#' @return an object of class theme that is applied to a reactable table.
#' @import reactable
#' @examples
#' data <- iris[10:29, ]
#' ## Standard spacelab theme
#' reactable(data,
#' theme = spacelab())
#' ## Additional options applied
#' reactable(data,
#' theme = spacelab(font_size = 12, font_color = "grey", cell_padding = 3))
#' @export
spacelab <- function(font_size = 14,
font_color = "#8e8e8e",
header_font_size = 15,
header_font_color = "#8e8e8e",
cell_padding = 6,
centered = FALSE) {
if (!is.logical(centered)) {
stop("`centered` must be TRUE or FALSE")
if (centered == TRUE) {
centered_content = list(display = "flex", flexDirection = "column", justifyContent = "center")
} else { centered_content = NULL }
cellStyle = centered_content,
color = font_color,
backgroundColor = "#ffffff",
borderColor = "#eeeeee",
borderWidth = "1px",
stripedColor = "#dadada",
highlightColor = "#dadada",
cellPadding = cell_padding,
tableStyle = list(fontSize = font_size),
headerStyle = list(
borderWidth = "2px",
backgroundColor = "#ededed",
color = header_font_color,
transitionDuration = "0.5s",
"&:hover[aria-sort]" = list(color = "#349cf4"),
"&[aria-sort='ascending'], &[aria-sort='descending']" = list(color = "#349cf4"),
fontSize = header_font_size
groupHeaderStyle = list(
"&:not(:empty)" = list(color = font_color,
fontSize = header_font_size),
"&:hover" = list(
fontWeight = "bold",
transitionDuration = "1s",
transitionTimingFunction = "ease-out",
color = "#349cf4"
searchInputStyle = list(
backgroundColor = "#ffffff",
color = "#8e8e8e",
"&:focus" = list(color = "#8e8e8e")
inputStyle = list(backgroundColor = "#ffffff", color = "#8e8e8e"),
rowSelectedStyle = list(backgroundColor = "rgba(52, 156, 244, 0.5)"),
selectStyle = list(
backgroundColor = "#436d99",
color = "#ffffff",
borderColor = "#ffffff",
outlineColor = "#ffffff"
pageButtonHoverStyle = list(backgroundColor = "#ededed", color = "#8e8e8e"),
pageButtonActiveStyle = list(backgroundColor = "#436d99", color = "#ffffff"),
pageButtonCurrentStyle = list(backgroundColor = "#436d99", color = "#ffffff")
#' Theme superhero
#' Bootstrap-inspired superhero theme
#' @param font_size Numeric value representing the size of the font within the table (in px).
#' Default is 14.
#' @param font_color Color of the font for the text within the table and the group headers.
#' Default is #ebebeb.
#' @param header_font_size Numeric value representing the size of the font within the table (in px).
#' Default is 15.
#' @param header_font_color Color of the font for the header text.
#' Default is #ebebeb.
#' @param cell_padding Numeric value representing the padding size between cells (in px).
#' Default is 6.
#' @param centered Logical: vertically center the contents of the table.
#' Default is FALSE.
#' @return an object of class theme that is applied to a reactable table.
#' @import reactable
#' @examples
#' data <- iris[10:29, ]
#' ## Standard superhero theme
#' reactable(data,
#' theme = superhero())
#' ## Additional options applied
#' reactable(data,
#' theme = superhero(font_size = 12, font_color = "grey", cell_padding = 3))
#' @export
superhero <- function(font_size = 14,
font_color = "#ebebeb",
header_font_size = 15,
header_font_color = "#ebebeb",
cell_padding = 6,
centered = FALSE) {
if (!is.logical(centered)) {
stop("`centered` must be TRUE or FALSE")
if (centered == TRUE) {
centered_content = list(display = "flex", flexDirection = "column", justifyContent = "center")
} else { centered_content = NULL }
cellStyle = centered_content,
color = font_color,
backgroundColor = "#2b3e50",
borderColor = "#2b3e50",
borderWidth = "1px",
stripedColor = "#4a5969",
highlightColor = "#4a5969",
cellPadding = cell_padding,
tableStyle = list(fontSize = font_size),
headerStyle = list(
borderWidth = "2px",
backgroundColor = "#4e5d6c",
color = header_font_color,
transitionDuration = "0.5s",
"&:hover[aria-sort], &:focus" = list(color = "#ffffff"),
"&[aria-sort='ascending'], &[aria-sort='descending']" = list(color = "#ffffff"),
fontSize = header_font_size
groupHeaderStyle = list(
"&:not(:empty)" = list(color = font_color,
fontSize = header_font_size),
"&:hover" = list(
fontWeight = "bold",
transitionDuration = "1s",
transitionTimingFunction = "ease-out",
color = "#ffffff"
searchInputStyle = list(
backgroundColor = "#ffffff",
border = "none",
"&:focus" = list(color = "#2b3e50", border = "none")
inputStyle = list(backgroundColor = "#ffffff", color = "#2b3e50"),
rowSelectedStyle = list(backgroundColor = "rgba(223, 105, 26, 1)"),
selectStyle = list(backgroundColor = "rgba(223, 105, 26, 1)", color = "#ebebeb"),
pageButtonHoverStyle = list(backgroundColor = "#abb6c2"),
pageButtonActiveStyle = list(backgroundColor = "rgba(223, 105, 26, 1)"),
pageButtonCurrentStyle = list(backgroundColor = "rgba(223, 105, 26, 1)")
#' Theme espn
#' ESPN-inspired table theme
#' @param font_size Numeric value representing the size of the font within the table (in px).
#' Default is 12.
#' @param font_color Color of the font for the text within the table and the group headers.
#' Default is #6C6D6F.
#' @param header_font_size Numeric value representing the size of the font within the table (in px).
#' Default is 11.
#' @param header_font_color Color of the font for the header text.
#' Default is #48494a.
#' @param cell_padding Numeric value representing the padding size between cells (in px).
#' Default is 7.
#' @param centered Logical: vertically center the contents of the table.
#' Default is FALSE.
#' @return an object of class theme that is applied to a reactable table.
#' @import reactable
#' @examples
#' data <- iris[10:29, ]
#' ## Standard espn theme
#' reactable(data,
#' theme = espn())
#' ## Additional options applied
#' reactable(data,
#' theme = espn(font_size = 12, font_color = "grey", cell_padding = 3))
#' @export
espn <- function(font_size = 12,
font_color = "#6C6D6F",
header_font_size = 11,
header_font_color = "#48494a",
cell_padding = 7,
centered = FALSE) {
if (!is.logical(centered)) {
stop("`centered` must be TRUE or FALSE")
if (centered == TRUE) {
centered_content = list(display = "flex", flexDirection = "column", justifyContent = "center")
} else { centered_content = NULL }
cellStyle = centered_content,
color = font_color,
backgroundColor = "#ffffff",
borderWidth = "1px",
borderColor = "#ededed",
stripedColor = "#fafafa",
highlightColor = "#fafafa",
cellPadding = cell_padding,
tableStyle = list(fontSize = font_size),
headerStyle = list(
borderTop = "1px solid #e1e2e4",
borderBottom = "1px solid #e1e2e4",
padding = "4px",
background = "#ffffff",
borderColor = "#ffffff",
color = header_font_color,
textTransform = "uppercase",
"&:hover" = list(color = "#004D9A"),
fontSize = header_font_size
groupHeaderStyle = list(
borderTop = "1px solid #e1e2e4",
borderLeft = "1px solid #e1e2e4",
borderRight = "1px solid #e1e2e4",
backgroundColor = "#ffffff",
textTransform = "uppercase",
fontSize = "11px",
color = font_color,
fontSize = header_font_size
searchInputStyle = list(color = "#6C6D6F",
fontSize = "13px"),
inputStyle = list(backgroundColor = "#ffffff", color = "#6C6D6F"),
rowSelectedStyle = list(backgroundColor = "#48494a"),
selectStyle = list(color = "#48494a"),
pageButtonStyle = list(color = "#48494a", fontSize = "13px"),
paginationStyle = list(color = "#48494a", fontSize = "13px")
#' Theme fivethirtyeight
#' 538-inspired table theme
#' @param font_size Numeric value representing the size of the font within the table (in px).
#' Default is 14.
#' @param font_color Color of the font for the text within the table and the group headers.
#' Default is #222222.
#' @param header_font_size Numeric value representing the size of the font within the table (in px).
#' Default is 12.
#' @param header_font_color Color of the font for the header text.
#' Default is #000000.
#' @param cell_padding Numeric value representing the padding size between cells (in px).
#' Default is 5.
#' @param centered Logical: vertically center the contents of the table.
#' Default is FALSE.
#' @return an object of class theme that is applied to a reactable table.
#' @import reactable
#' @examples
#' data <- iris[10:29, ]
#' ## Standard fivethirtyeight theme
#' reactable(data,
#' theme = fivethirtyeight())
#' ## Additional options applied
#' reactable(data,
#' theme = fivethirtyeight(font_size = 12, font_color = "grey", cell_padding = 3))
#' @export
fivethirtyeight <- function(font_size = 14,
font_color = "#222222",
header_font_size = 12,
header_font_color = "#000000",
cell_padding = 5,
centered = FALSE) {
if (!is.logical(centered)) {
stop("`centered` must be TRUE or FALSE")
if (centered == TRUE) {
centered_content = list(display = "flex", flexDirection = "column", justifyContent = "center")
} else { centered_content = NULL }
cellStyle = centered_content,
color = font_color,
backgroundColor = "#ffffff",
borderWidth = "1px",
borderColor = "#dddddd",
stripedColor = "#dddddd",
highlightColor = "#f0f0f0",
cellPadding = cell_padding,
tableStyle = list(
fontSize = font_size,
borderBottom = "3px solid #222222"
headerStyle = list(
borderWidth = "3px",
paddingTop = "12px",
verticalAlign = "bottom",
textAlign = "bottom",
background = "#ffffff",
textTransform = "uppercase",
borderColor = "#222222",
color = header_font_color,
"&:hover" = list(background = "#dddddd"),
"&[aria-sort='ascending'], &[aria-sort='descending']" = list(background = "#5b5e5f", color = "#ffffff"),
borderColor = "#333",
fontSize = header_font_size
groupHeaderStyle = list(
"&:not(:empty)" = list(
paddingBottom = "3px",
verticalAlign = "bottom",
textAlign = "bottom",
backgroundColor = "#ffffff",
textTransform = "uppercase",
fontSize = header_font_size,
color = font_color
searchInputStyle = list(
textTransform = "uppercase",
color = "#222222",
fontSize = "14px"
inputStyle = list(backgroundColor = "#ffffff", color = "#222222"),
rowSelectedStyle = list(backgroundColor = "#dddddd"),
pageButtonStyle = list(textTransform = "uppercase", fontSize = "14px"),
paginationStyle = list(textTransform = "uppercase", fontSize = "14px")
#' Theme nytimes
#' The New York Times-inspired table theme
#' @param font_size Numeric value representing the size of the font within the table (in px).
#' Default is 13.
#' @param font_color Color of the font for the text within the table and the group headers.
#' Default is #333333.
#' @param header_font_size Numeric value representing the size of the font within the table (in px).
#' Default is 11.
#' @param header_font_color Color of the font for the header text.
#' Default is #999999.
#' @param cell_padding Numeric value representing the padding size between cells (in px).
#' Default is 5.
#' @param centered Logical: vertically center the contents of the table.
#' Default is FALSE.
#' @return an object of class theme that is applied to a reactable table.
#' @import reactable
#' @examples
#' data <- iris[10:29, ]
#' ## Standard nytimes theme
#' reactable(data,
#' theme = nytimes())
#' ## Additional options applied
#' reactable(data,
#' theme = nytimes(font_size = 12, font_color = "grey", cell_padding = 3))
#' @export
nytimes <- function(font_size = 13,
font_color = "#333333",
header_font_size = 11,
header_font_color = "#999999",
cell_padding = 5,
centered = FALSE) {
if (!is.logical(centered)) {
stop("`centered` must be TRUE or FALSE")
if (centered == TRUE) {
centered_content = list(display = "flex", flexDirection = "column", justifyContent = "center")
} else { centered_content = NULL }
cellStyle = centered_content,
color = font_color,
backgroundColor = "#ffffff",
borderWidth = "1px",
borderColor = "#e7e7e7",
stripedColor = "#e7e7e7",
highlightColor = "#eeeeee",
cellPadding = cell_padding,
tableStyle = list(fontSize = font_size),
headerStyle = list(
borderWidth = "0px",
padding = "5px",
background = "#ffffff",
borderColor = "#ffffff",
color = header_font_color,
fontWeight = "500",
textTransform = "uppercase",
fontSize = header_font_size
groupHeaderStyle = list(
"&:not(:empty)" = list(
borderWidth = "0px",
backgroundColor = "#ffffff",
textTransform = "uppercase",
fontSize = header_font_size,
borderColor = "#ffffff",
color = font_color
searchInputStyle = list(color = "#333333",
fontSize = "13px"),
inputStyle = list(backgroundColor = "#ffffff", color = "#333333"),
rowSelectedStyle = list(backgroundColor = "#e9edf0"),
selectStyle = list(color = "#333333"),
pageButtonStyle = list(color = "#333333", fontSize = "14px"),
paginationStyle = list(color = "#333333", fontSize = "14px")
#' Theme pff
#' Pro Football Focus-inspired table theme
#' @param font_size Numeric value representing the size of the font within the table (in px).
#' Default is 16.
#' @param font_color Color of the font for the text within the table and the group headers.
#' Default is #878e94.
#' @param header_font_size Numeric value representing the size of the font within the table (in px).
#' Default is 12.
#' @param header_font_color Color of the font for the header text.
#' Default is #ffffff.
#' @param cell_padding Numeric value representing the padding size between cells (in px).
#' Default is 4.
#' @param centered Logical: vertically center the contents of the table.
#' Default is FALSE.
#' @return an object of class theme that is applied to a reactable table.
#' @import reactable
#' @examples
#' data <- iris[10:29, ]
#' ## Standard pff theme
#' reactable(data,
#' theme = pff())
#' ## Additional options applied
#' reactable(data,
#' theme = pff(font_size = 12, font_color = "grey", cell_padding = 3))
#' @export
pff <- function(font_size = 16,
font_color = "#878e94",
header_font_size = 12,
header_font_color = "#ffffff",
cell_padding = 4,
centered = FALSE) {
if (!is.logical(centered)) {
stop("`centered` must be TRUE or FALSE")
if (centered == TRUE) {
centered_content = list(display = "flex", flexDirection = "column", justifyContent = "center")
} else { centered_content = NULL }
cellStyle = centered_content,
color = font_color,
backgroundColor = "#ffffff",
borderWidth = "0px",
stripedColor = "#f9f9fb",
highlightColor = "#f1f3f4",
cellPadding = cell_padding,
tableStyle = list(fontSize = font_size),
headerStyle = list(
borderWidth = "1px",
padding = "7px",
borderTop = "1px solid #595d63",
backgroundColor = "#595d63",
textTransform = "uppercase",
borderColor = "#595d63",
color = header_font_color,
transitionDuration = "0.1s",
"&:hover[aria-sort]" = list(backgroundColor = "#4d5056", color = "#ffffff"),
"&[aria-sort='ascending']" = list(
backgroundColor = "#393c40",
color = "#ffffff",
boxShadow = "inset 0 3px 0 0 #ffffff"
"&[aria-sort='descending']" = list(
backgroundColor = "#393c40",
color = "#ffffff",
boxShadow = "inset 0 -3px 0 0 #ffffff"
fontSize = header_font_size,
fontWeight = "bold"
groupHeaderStyle = list(
"&:not(:empty)" = list(
backgroundColor = "#e4e8ed",
textTransform = "uppercase",
fontWeight = "bold",
color = font_color,
fontSize = header_font_size,
boxShadow = "inset 3px 0 0 0 #ffffff"
searchInputStyle = list(
fontSize = "14px",
textTransform = "uppercase",
backgroundColor = "#ffffff",
color = "#878e94",
"&:focus" = list(color = "#878e94")
inputStyle = list(backgroundColor = "#ffffff", color = "#878e94"),
rowSelectedStyle = list(backgroundColor = "#e4e8ed"),
selectStyle = list(
backgroundColor = "#073c57",
color = "#ffffff",
borderColor = "#ffffff",
outlineColor = "#ffffff"
pageButtonStyle = list(
textTransform = "uppercase",
fontSize = "15px",
backgroundColor = "#ffffff",
color = "#164861",
"&:hover" = list(backgroundColor = "#052c3f", color = "#ffffff")
pageButtonHoverStyle = list(backgroundColor = "#052c3f", color = "#ffffff"),
pageButtonActiveStyle = list(backgroundColor = "#073c57", color = "#ffffff"),
pageButtonCurrentStyle = list(backgroundColor = "#073c57", color = "#ffffff"),
paginationStyle = list(textTransform = "uppercase", fontSize = "15px")
#' Theme sanfran
#' San Francisco Chronicles-inspired table theme
#' @param font_size Numeric value representing the size of the font within the table (in px).
#' Default is 14.
#' @param font_color Color of the font for the text within the table.
#' Default is #222222.
#' @param header_font_size Numeric value representing the size of the font within the table (in px).
#' Default is 15.
#' @param header_font_color Color of the font for the header text.
#' Default is transparent
#' @param cell_color Color of the background of the cells.
#' Default is #f5f5f5.
#' @param cell_border_width Numeric value representing the border width of the cells.
#' Default is 6.
#' @param cell_border_color Numeric value representing the border color of the cells.
#' Default is #ffffff.
#' @param cell_padding Numeric value representing the padding size between cells (in px).
#' Default is 6.
#' @param pagination_color Color of the pagination below the table.
#' Default is #222222.
#' @param centered Logical: vertically center the contents of the table.
#' Default is FALSE.
#' @return an object of class theme that is applied to a reactable table.
#' @import reactable
#' @examples
#' data <- iris[10:29, ]
#' ## Standard void theme
#' reactable(data,
#' theme = sanfran())
#' ## Additional options applied
#' reactable(data,
#' theme = sanfran(font_size = 12, font_color = "grey"))
#' @export
sanfran <- function(font_size = 14,
font_color = "#222222",
header_font_size = 15,
header_font_color = "#212121",
cell_color = "#f5f5f5",
cell_border_width = 6,
cell_border_color = "#ffffff",
cell_padding = 6,
pagination_color = "#222222",
centered = FALSE) {
if (!is.logical(centered)) {
stop("`centered` must be TRUE or FALSE")
if (centered == TRUE) {
centered_content = list(display = "flex",
flexDirection = "column",
justifyContent = "center",
background = cell_color,
borderWidth = cell_border_width,
borderColor = cell_border_color)
} else {
centered_content = list(background = cell_color,
borderWidth = cell_border_width,
borderColor = cell_border_color)
color = font_color,
backgroundColor = "transparent",
borderColor = "#f5f5f5",
stripedColor = "lightgrey",
highlightColor = "lightgrey",
cellPadding = cell_padding,
cellStyle = centered_content,
tableStyle = list(fontSize = font_size),
headerStyle = list(color = header_font_color,
fontSize = header_font_size),
selectStyle = list(color = pagination_color),
paginationStyle = list(color = pagination_color)
#' Theme hoverdark
#' Changes from light-themed to dark-themed on hover
#' @param font_size Numeric value representing the size of the font within the table (in px).
#' Default is 15.
#' @param font_color Color of the font for the text within the table.
#' Default is #222222.
#' @param header_font_size Numeric value representing the size of the font within the table (in px).
#' Default is 15.
#' @param cell_padding Numeric value representing the padding size between cells (in px).
#' Default is 4.
#' @param centered Logical: vertically center the contents of the table.
#' Default is FALSE.
#' @return an object of class theme that is applied to a reactable table.
#' @import reactable
#' @examples
#' data <- iris[10:29, ]
#' ## Standard hoverdark theme
#' reactable(data,
#' theme = hoverdark())
#' ## Additional options applied
#' reactable(data,
#' theme = hoverdark(font_size = 12, font_color = "grey", cell_padding = 3))
#' @export
hoverdark <- function(font_size = 15,
font_color = "#222222",
header_font_size = 15,
cell_padding = 4,
centered = FALSE) {
if (!is.logical(centered)) {
stop("`centered` must be TRUE or FALSE")
if (centered == TRUE) {
centered_content = list(display = "flex", flexDirection = "column", justifyContent = "center")
} else { centered_content = NULL }
cellStyle = centered_content,
color = font_color,
backgroundColor = "#ffffff",
borderColor = "grey",
borderWidth = "1px",
stripedColor = "#D6D6D6",
highlightColor = "#CACACA",
cellPadding = cell_padding,
tableStyle = list(
transitionDuration = "2s",
"&:hover" = list(backgroundColor = "black", color = "#ffffff"),
fontSize = font_size
headerStyle = list(
borderWidth = "2px",
"&:hover" = list(borderColor = "#ffffff"),
fontSize = header_font_size
#' Theme hoverlight
#' Changes from dark-themed to light-themed on hover
#' @param font_size Numeric value representing the size of the font within the table (in px).
#' Default is 15.
#' @param font_color Color of the font for the text within the table.
#' Default is #ffffff.
#' @param header_font_size Numeric value representing the size of the font within the table (in px).
#' Default is 15.
#' @param cell_padding Numeric value representing the padding size between cells (in px).
#' Default is 4.
#' @param centered Logical: vertically center the contents of the table.
#' Default is FALSE.
#' @return an object of class theme that is applied to a reactable table.
#' @import reactable
#' @examples
#' data <- iris[10:29, ]
#' ## Standard hoverlight theme
#' reactable(data,
#' theme = hoverlight())
#' ## Additional options applied
#' reactable(data,
#' theme = hoverlight(font_size = 12, font_color = "grey", cell_padding = 3))
#' @export
hoverlight <- function(font_size = 15,
font_color = "#ffffff",
header_font_size = 15,
cell_padding = 4,
centered = FALSE) {
if (!is.logical(centered)) {
stop("`centered` must be TRUE or FALSE")
if (centered == TRUE) {
centered_content = list(display = "flex", flexDirection = "column", justifyContent = "center")
} else { centered_content = NULL }
cellStyle = centered_content,
color = font_color,
backgroundColor = "#000000",
borderColor = "grey",
borderWidth = "1px",
stripedColor = "lightgrey",
highlightColor = "lightgrey",
cellPadding = cell_padding,
tableStyle = list(
transitionDuration = "2s",
"&:hover" = list(backgroundColor = "white", color = "#000000"),
fontSize = font_size
headerStyle = list(
borderWidth = "2px",
"&:hover" = list(borderColor = "black"),
fontSize = header_font_size
paginationStyle = list(backgroundColor = "#ffffff", color = "black")
#' Theme dark
#' dark table theme
#' @param font_size Numeric value representing the size of the font within the table (in px).
#' Default is 15.
#' @param font_color Color of the font for the text within the table and the group headers.
#' Default is #FFFFFF.
#' @param header_font_size Numeric value representing the size of the font within the table (in px).
#' Default is 16.
#' @param header_font_color Color of the font for the header text.
#' Default is #FFFFFF.
#' @param cell_padding Numeric value representing the padding size between cells (in px).
#' Default is 6.
#' @param centered Logical: vertically center the contents of the table.
#' Default is FALSE.
#' @return an object of class theme that is applied to a reactable table.
#' @import reactable
#' @examples
#' data <- iris[10:29, ]
#' ## Standard dark theme
#' reactable(data,
#' theme = dark())
#' ## Additional options applied
#' reactable(data,
#' theme = dark(font_size = 12, font_color = "red", cell_padding = 3))
#' @export
dark <- function(font_size = 15,
font_color = "#FFFFFF",
header_font_size = 16,
header_font_color = "#FFFFFF",
cell_padding = 6,
centered = FALSE) {
if (!is.logical(centered)) {
stop("`centered` must be TRUE or FALSE")
if (centered == TRUE) {
centered_content <- list(display = "flex", flexDirection = "column", justifyContent = "center")
} else {
centered_content <- list(display = "flex")
color = font_color,
backgroundColor = "#252525",
borderWidth = "1px",
borderColor = "#434343",
stripedColor = "#303030",
highlightColor = "#303030",
cellPadding = cell_padding,
style = list(backgroundColor = "#252525"),
tableStyle = list(fontSize = font_size),
cellStyle = centered_content,
headerStyle = list(
borderWidth = "2px",
backgroundColor = "#252525",
color = header_font_color,
borderColor = "#ececec",
fontSize = header_font_size
groupHeaderStyle = list(
backgroundColor = "#252525",
fontSize = header_font_size,
color = font_color
searchInputStyle = list(
backgroundColor = "#ffffff",
color = "#252525"
inputStyle = list(backgroundColor = "#ffffff", color = "#252525"),
rowSelectedStyle = list(backgroundImage = "linear-gradient(#191919, #252525)"),
selectStyle = list(
backgroundImage = "linear-gradient(#191919, #252525)",
backgroundColor = "#999999",
borderColor = "#ffffff",
outlineColor = "#ffffff"
pageButtonStyle = list(
backgroundImage = "linear-gradient(#191919, #252525)"
pageButtonHoverStyle = list(color = "#ffffff"),
pageButtonActiveStyle = list(color = "#ffffff"),
pageButtonCurrentStyle = list(color = "#ffffff"),
paginationStyle = list(backgroundImage = "linear-gradient(#191919, #252525)")
#' Theme midnight
#' midnight table theme
#' @param font_size Numeric value representing the size of the font within the table (in px).
#' Default is 15.
#' @param font_color Color of the font for the text within the table and the group headers.
#' Default is #727272.
#' @param header_font_size Numeric value representing the size of the font within the table (in px).
#' Default is 15.
#' @param header_font_color Color of the font for the header text.
#' Default is #666666.
#' @param cell_padding Numeric value representing the padding size between cells (in px).
#' Default is 6.
#' @param centered Logical: vertically center the contents of the table.
#' Default is FALSE.
#' @return an object of class theme that is applied to a reactable table.
#' @import reactable
#' @examples
#' data <- iris[10:29, ]
#' ## Standard midnight theme
#' reactable(data,
#' theme = midnight())
#' ## Additional options applied
#' reactable(data,
#' theme = midnight(font_size = 12, font_color = "grey", cell_padding = 3))
#' @export
midnight <- function(font_size = 15,
font_color = "#727272",
header_font_size = 15,
header_font_color = "#666666",
cell_padding = 6,
centered = FALSE) {
if (!is.logical(centered)) {
stop("`centered` must be TRUE or FALSE")
if (centered == TRUE) {
centered_content <- list(display = "flex", flexDirection = "column", justifyContent = "center",
"&:hover" = list(
transitionDuration = "0.25s",
transitionTimingFunction = "ease-out",
color = "#ffffff"
} else {
centered_content <- list(
"&:hover" = list(
transitionDuration = "0.25s",
transitionTimingFunction = "ease-out",
color = "#ffffff"
color = font_color,
backgroundColor = "#141518",
borderWidth = "0px",
stripedColor = "#00468c",
highlightColor = "#00468c",
cellPadding = cell_padding,
style = list(backgroundColor = "#000000"),
tableStyle = list(fontSize = font_size),
cellStyle = centered_content,
tableBodyStyle = list(backgroundImage = "linear-gradient(#000000, #0d0d0d, #191919)"),
headerStyle = list(
borderWidth = "0px",
backgroundColor = "#000000",
color = header_font_color,
transitionDuration = "0.5s",
transitionTimingFunction = "ease-out",
"&:hover[aria-sort]" = list(color = "#ffffff"),
"&[aria-sort='ascending']" = list(color = "#ffffff"),
"&[aria-sort='descending']" = list(
color = "#ffffff",
borderBottomColor = "#ffffff",
borderWidth = "1px"
fontSize = header_font_size
groupHeaderStyle = list(
backgroundColor = "#000000",
fontSize = header_font_size,
color = font_color,
"&:hover" = list(
fontWeight = "bold",
transitionDuration = "1s",
transitionTimingFunction = "ease-out",
color = "#ffffff"
searchInputStyle = list(
backgroundColor = "#ffffff",
color = "#262626",
"&:focus" = list(color = "#262626")
inputStyle = list(backgroundColor = "#ffffff", color = "#262626"),
rowSelectedStyle = list(backgroundImage = "linear-gradient(#191919, #262626)"),
selectStyle = list(
backgroundImage = "linear-gradient(#191919, #262626)",
backgroundColor = "#00468c",
borderColor = "#ffffff",
outlineColor = "#ffffff"
pageButtonStyle = list(
backgroundImage = "linear-gradient(#191919, #262626)",
"&:hover" = list(color = "#ffffff")
pageButtonHoverStyle = list(color = "#ffffff"),
pageButtonActiveStyle = list(color = "#ffffff"),
pageButtonCurrentStyle = list(color = "#ffffff"),
paginationStyle = list(backgroundImage = "linear-gradient(#191919, #262626)")
#' Theme midnightblue
#' midnightblue table theme
#' @param font_size Numeric value representing the size of the font within the table (in px).
#' Default is 15.
#' @param font_color Color of the font for the text within the table and the group headers.
#' Default is #bababa.
#' @param header_font_size Numeric value representing the size of the font within the table (in px).
#' Default is 15.
#' @param header_font_color Color of the font for the header text.
#' Default is lightgrey.
#' @param cell_padding Numeric value representing the padding size between cells (in px).
#' Default is 6.
#' @param centered Logical: vertically center the contents of the table.
#' Default is FALSE.
#' @return an object of class theme that is applied to a reactable table.
#' @import reactable
#' @examples
#' data <- iris[10:29, ]
#' ## Standard midnightblue theme
#' reactable(data,
#' theme = midnightblue())
#' ## Additional options applied
#' reactable(data,
#' theme = midnightblue(font_size = 12, font_color = "grey", cell_padding = 3))
#' @export
midnightblue <- function(font_size = 15,
font_color = "#bababa",
header_font_size = 15,
header_font_color = "lightgrey",
cell_padding = 6,
centered = FALSE) {
if (!is.logical(centered)) {
stop("`centered` must be TRUE or FALSE")
if (centered == TRUE) {
centered_content <- list(display = "flex", flexDirection = "column", justifyContent = "center",
"&:hover" = list(
transitionDuration = "0.25s",
transitionTimingFunction = "ease-out",
color = "#ffffff"
} else {
centered_content <- list(
"&:hover" = list(
transitionDuration = "0.25s",
transitionTimingFunction = "ease-out",
color = "#ffffff"
color = font_color,
backgroundColor = "#002853",
borderWidth = "0px",
stripedColor = "#00468c",
highlightColor = "#00468c",
cellPadding = cell_padding,
style = list(backgroundColor = "#001021"),
tableStyle = list(fontSize = font_size),
cellStyle = centered_content,
tableBodyStyle = list(backgroundImage = "linear-gradient(#001021, #001c3a, #002853)"),
headerStyle = list(
borderWidth = "1px",
backgroundColor = "#001021",
borderColor = "#001021",
color = header_font_color,
transitionDuration = "1s",
transitionTimingFunction = "ease-out",
"&:hover[aria-sort]" = list(color = "#ffffff"),
"&[aria-sort='ascending']" = list(color = "#ffffff"),
"&[aria-sort='descending']" = list(
color = "#ffffff",
borderBottomColor = "#ffffff",
borderWidth = "1px"
fontSize = header_font_size
groupHeaderStyle = list(
backgroundColor = "#001021",
fontSize = header_font_size,
color = font_color,
"&:hover" = list(
fontWeight = "bold",
transitionDuration = "1s",
transitionTimingFunction = "ease-out",
color = "#ffffff"
searchInputStyle = list(
backgroundColor = "#ffffff",
color = "#141415",
"&:focus" = list(color = "#141415")
inputStyle = list(backgroundColor = "#ffffff", color = "#141415"),
rowSelectedStyle = list(backgroundImage = "linear-gradient(#002853, #003766)"),
selectStyle = list(
backgroundImage = "linear-gradient(#002853, #003766)",
backgroundColor = "#00468c",
borderColor = "#ffffff",
outlineColor = "#ffffff"
pageButtonStyle = list(
backgroundImage = "linear-gradient(#002853, #003766)",
"&:hover" = list(color = "#ffffff")
pageButtonHoverStyle = list(color = "#ffffff"),
pageButtonActiveStyle = list(color = "#ffffff"),
pageButtonCurrentStyle = list(color = "#ffffff"),
paginationStyle = list(backgroundImage = "linear-gradient(#002853, #003766)")
#' Theme sunrise
#' sunrise table theme
#' @param font_size Numeric value representing the size of the font within the table (in px).
#' Default is 15.
#' @param font_color Color of the font for the text within the table and the group headers.
#' Default is #8069ff.
#' @param header_font_size Numeric value representing the size of the font within the table (in px).
#' Default is 15.
#' @param header_font_color Color of the font for the header text.
#' Default is #8069ff.
#' @param cell_padding Numeric value representing the padding size between cells (in px).
#' Default is 6.
#' @param centered Logical: vertically center the contents of the table.
#' Default is FALSE.
#' @return an object of class theme that is applied to a reactable table.
#' @import reactable
#' @examples
#' data <- iris[10:29, ]
#' ## Standard sunrise theme
#' reactable(data,
#' theme = sunrise())
#' ## Additional options applied
#' reactable(data,
#' theme = sunrise(font_size = 12, font_color = "grey", cell_padding = 3))
#' @export
sunrise <- function(font_size = 15,
font_color = "#8069ff",
header_font_size = 15,
header_font_color = "#8069ff",
cell_padding = 6,
centered = FALSE) {
if (!is.logical(centered)) {
stop("`centered` must be TRUE or FALSE")
if (centered == TRUE) {
centered_content <- list(display = "flex", flexDirection = "column", justifyContent = "center",
"&:hover" = list(
transitionDuration = "0.25s",
transitionTimingFunction = "ease-out",
color = "#699dff"
} else {
centered_content <- list(
"&:hover" = list(
transitionDuration = "0.25s",
transitionTimingFunction = "ease-out",
color = "#699dff"
color = font_color,
backgroundColor = "#ffcb69",
borderWidth = "0px",
stripedColor = "lightblue",
highlightColor = "#ffffff",
cellPadding = cell_padding,
style = list(backgroundColor = "#fffa85"),
tableStyle = list(
fontSize = font_size
cellStyle = centered_content,
tableBodyStyle = list(backgroundImage = "linear-gradient(#fffa85, #ffe269, #ffcb69, #f98d77)"),
headerStyle = list(
borderWidth = "1px",
backgroundColor = "#fffa85",
borderColor = "#fffa85",
color = header_font_color,
transitionDuration = "1s",
transitionTimingFunction = "ease-out",
"&:hover[aria-sort]" = list(color = "#699dff"),
"&[aria-sort='ascending']" = list(color = "#699dff", boxShadow = "inset 0 1px 0 0 #699dff"),
"&[aria-sort='descending']" = list(color = "#699dff", borderBottomColor = "#699dff", borderWidth = "1px"),
fontSize = header_font_size),
groupHeaderStyle = list(
backgroundColor = "#fffa85",
"&:hover" = list(
fontWeight = "bold",
transitionDuration = "1s",
transitionTimingFunction = "ease-out",
color = font_color,
fontSize = header_font_size
searchInputStyle = list(
backgroundColor = "#ffffff",
color = "#8069ff",
"&:focus" = list(color = "#8069ff")),
inputStyle = list(backgroundColor = "#ffffff", color = "#8069ff"),
rowSelectedStyle = list(backgroundImage = "linear-gradient(#f98d77, #e65c6f)"),
selectStyle = list(backgroundImage = "linear-gradient(#f98d77, #e65c6f)",
backgroundColor = "#00468c",
borderColor = "#ffffff", outlineColor = "#ffffff"),
pageButtonStyle = list(backgroundImage = "linear-gradient(#f98d77, #e65c6f)",
"&:hover" = list(color = "#ffffff")),
pageButtonHoverStyle = list(color = "#ffffff"),
pageButtonActiveStyle = list(color = "#ffffff"),
pageButtonCurrentStyle = list(color = "#ffffff"),
paginationStyle = list(backgroundImage = "linear-gradient(#f98d77, #e65c6f)")
#' Theme clean
#' Simple clean-look theme
#' @param font_size Numeric value representing the size of the font within the table (in px).
#' Default is 14.
#' @param font_color Color of the font for the text within the table.
#' Default is #222222.
#' @param header_font_size Numeric value representing the size of the font within the table (in px).
#' Default is 15.
#' @param header_font_color Color of the font for the header text.
#' Default is #222222.
#' @param cell_padding Numeric value representing the padding size between cells (in px).
#' Default is 6.
#' @param centered Logical: vertically center the contents of the table.
#' Default is FALSE.
#' @return an object of class theme that is applied to a reactable table.
#' @import reactable
#' @examples
#' data <- iris[10:29, ]
#' ## Standard clean theme
#' reactable(data,
#' theme = clean())
#' ## Additional options applied
#' reactable(data,
#' theme = clean(font_size = 12, font_color = "grey", cell_padding = 3))
#' @export
clean <- function(font_size = 14,
font_color = "#222222",
header_font_size = 15,
header_font_color = "#222222",
cell_padding = 6,
centered = FALSE) {
if (!is.logical(centered)) {
stop("`centered` must be TRUE or FALSE")
if (centered == TRUE) {
centered_content = list(display = "flex", flexDirection = "column", justifyContent = "center")
} else { centered_content = NULL }
cellStyle = centered_content,
color = font_color,
backgroundColor = "#ffffff",
borderColor = "#ffffff",
stripedColor = "#e0e0e0",
highlightColor = "#e0e0e0",
cellPadding = cell_padding,
tableStyle = list(fontSize = font_size),
headerStyle = list(
borderWidth = "2px",
borderColor = "#3b3b3b",
color = header_font_color,
fontSize = header_font_size
rowSelectedStyle = list(backgroundColor = "#e0e0e0")
#' Theme no_lines
#' A table style with no lines or borders
#' @param font_size Numeric value representing the size of the font within the table (in px).
#' Default is 14.
#' @param font_color Color of the font for the text within the table.
#' Default is #222222.
#' @param header_font_size Numeric value representing the size of the font within the table (in px).
#' Default is 15.
#' @param header_font_color Color of the font for the header text.
#' Default is transparent
#' @param centered Logical: vertically center the contents of the table.
#' Default is FALSE.
#' @param cell_padding Numeric value representing the padding size between cells (in px).
#' Default is 6.
#' @return an object of class theme that is applied to a reactable table.
#' @import reactable
#' @examples
#' data <- iris[10:29, ]
#' ## Standard no_lines theme
#' reactable(data,
#' theme = no_lines())
#' ## Additional options applied
#' reactable(data,
#' theme = no_lines(font_size = 12, font_color = "grey", cell_padding = 3))
#' @export
no_lines <- function(font_size = 14,
font_color = "#222222",
header_font_size = 15,
header_font_color = "#222222",
centered = FALSE,
cell_padding = 6) {
if (!is.logical(centered)) {
stop("`centered` must be TRUE or FALSE")
if (centered == TRUE) {
centered_content = list(display = "flex",
flexDirection = "column",
justifyContent = "center",
borderColor = "transparent")
} else { centered_content = list(borderColor = "transparent") }
color = font_color,
backgroundColor = "transparent",
stripedColor = "lightgrey",
highlightColor = "lightgrey",
cellPadding = cell_padding,
cellStyle = centered_content,
tableStyle = list(fontSize = font_size),
headerStyle = list(color = header_font_color,
borderColor = "transparent",
fontSize = header_font_size),
selectStyle = list(color = "transparent"),
paginationStyle = list(color = "transparent",
borderColor = "transparent")
#' Theme void
#' A table style completely void of borders and headers
#' @param font_size Numeric value representing the size of the font within the table (in px).
#' Default is 14.
#' @param font_color Color of the font for the text within the table.
#' Default is #222222.
#' @param header_font_size Numeric value representing the size of the font within the table (in px).
#' Default is 15.
#' @param header_font_color Color of the font for the header text.
#' Default is transparent
#' @param border_color Color of the borders between cells.
#' Default is transparent.
#' @param border_width Numeric value representing the border width between cells (in px).
#' Default is 0.
#' @param header_border_color Color of the bottom border of the header.
#' Default is transparent.
#' @param header_border_width Numeric value representing the bottom border width of the header (in px).
#' Default is 0.
#' @param centered Logical: vertically center the contents of the table.
#' Default is FALSE.
#' @param cell_padding Numeric value representing the padding size between cells (in px).
#' Default is 6.
#' @return an object of class theme that is applied to a reactable table.
#' @import reactable
#' @examples
#' data <- iris[10:29, ]
#' ## Standard void theme
#' reactable(data,
#' theme = void())
#' ## Additional options applied
#' reactable(data,
#' theme = void(font_size = 12, font_color = "grey", cell_padding = 3))
#' @export
void <- function(font_size = 14,
font_color = "#222222",
header_font_size = 15,
header_font_color = "transparent",
border_color = "transparent",
border_width = 0,
header_border_color = "transparent",
header_border_width = 0,
centered = FALSE,
cell_padding = 6) {
if (!is.logical(centered)) {
stop("`centered` must be TRUE or FALSE")
if (centered == TRUE) {
centered_content = list(display = "flex",
flexDirection = "column",
justifyContent = "center",
borderColor = border_color,
borderWidth = border_width)
} else { centered_content = list(borderColor = border_color,
borderWidth = border_width) }
color = font_color,
backgroundColor = "transparent",
stripedColor = "lightgrey",
highlightColor = "lightgrey",
cellPadding = cell_padding,
cellStyle = centered_content,
tableStyle = list(fontSize = font_size),
headerStyle = list(color = header_font_color,
borderBottom = paste0("", header_border_width, "px solid ", header_border_color, ""),
fontSize = header_font_size),
selectStyle = list(color = "transparent"),
paginationStyle = list(color = "transparent")
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