
Defines functions redist.metrics

Documented in redist.metrics

## Author: Christopher T Kenny
## Institution: Harvard University
## Date Created: 2020/07/15
## Date Modified: 2022/01/13
## Purpose: R function to compute gerrymandering metrics

#' Calculate gerrymandering metrics for a set of plans
#' \code{redist.metrics} is used to compute different gerrymandering metrics for a
#' set of maps.
#' @param plans A numeric vector (if only one map) or matrix with one row
#' for each precinct and one column for each map. Required.
#' @param measure A vector with a string for each measure desired from list "DSeats", "DVS", "EffGap",
#' "EffGapEqPop", "TauGap", "MeanMedian", "Bias", "BiasV", "Declination",
#' "Responsiveness", "LopsidedWins", "RankedMarginal", and "SmoothedSeat". Use "all" to get all metrics.
#' "DSeats" and "DVS" are always computed, so it is recommended to always return those values.
#' @param rvote A numeric vector with the Republican vote for each precinct.
#' @param dvote A numeric vector with the Democratic vote for each precinct.
#' @param draw A numeric to specify draw number. Defaults to 1 if only one map provided
#' and the column number if multiple maps given. Can also take a factor input, which will become the
#' draw column in the output if its length matches the number of entries in plans. If the `plans` input
#' is a `redist_plans` object, it extracts the `draw` identifier.
#' @param tau A non-negative number for calculating Tau Gap. Only used with option "TauGap". Defaults to 1.
#' @param biasV A value between 0 and 1 to compute bias at. Only used with option "BiasV". Defaults to 0.5.
#' @param respV A value between 0 and 1 to compute responsiveness at. Only used with option "Responsiveness". Defaults to 0.5.
#' @param bandwidth A value between 0 and 1 for computing responsiveness. Only used with option "Responsiveness." Defaults to 0.01.
#' @details This function computes specified compactness scores for a map.  If
#' there is more than one precinct specified for a map, it aggregates to the district level
#' and computes one score.
#' - DSeats is computed as the expected number of Democratic seats with no change in votes.
#' - DVS is the Democratic Vote Share, which is the two party vote share with Democratic votes as the numerator.
#' - EffGap is the Efficiency Gap, calculated with votes directly.
#' - EffGapEqPop is the Efficiency Gap under an Equal Population assumption, calculated with the DVS.
#' - TauGap is the Tau Gap, computed with the Equal Population assumption.
#' - MeanMedian is the Mean Median difference.
#' - Bias is the Partisan Bias computed at 0.5.
#' - BiasV is the Partisan Bias computed at value V.
#' - Declination is the value of declination at 0.5.
#' - Responsiveness is the responsiveness at the user-supplied value with the user-supplied bandwidth.
#' - LopsidedWins computed the Lopsided Outcomes value, but does not produce a test statistic.
#' - RankedMarginal computes the Ranked Marginal Deviation (0-1, smaller is better). This is also known
#' as the "Gerrymandering Index" and is sometimes presented as this value divided by 10000.
#' - SmoothedSeat computes the Smoothed Seat Count Deviation (0-1, smaller is R Bias, bigger is D Bias).
#' @return A tibble with  a column for each specified measure and
#' a column that specifies the map number.
#' @importFrom dplyr select %>% tibble
#' @examples
#' data(fl25)
#' data(fl25_enum)
#' plans_05 <- fl25_enum$plans[, fl25_enum$pop_dev <= 0.05]
#' redist.metrics(plans_05, measure = "all", rvote = fl25$mccain, dvote = fl25$obama)
#' @references
#' Jonathan N. Katz, Gary King, and Elizabeth Rosenblatt. 2020.
#' Theoretical Foundations and Empirical Evaluations of Partisan Fairness in District-Based Democracies.
#' American Political Science Review, 114, 1, Pp. 164-178.
#' Gregory S. Warrington. 2018. "Quantifying Gerrymandering Using the Vote Distribution."
#' Election Law Journal: Rules, Politics, and Policy. Pp. 39-57.http://doi.org/10.1089/elj.2017.0447
#' Samuel S.-H. Wang. 2016. "Three Tests for Practical Evaluation of Partisan Gerrymandering."
#' Stanford Law Review, 68, Pp. 1263 - 1321.
#' Gregory Herschlag, Han Sung Kang, Justin Luo, Christy Vaughn Graves, Sachet Bangia,
#' Robert Ravier & Jonathan C. Mattingly (2020) Quantifying Gerrymandering in North Carolina,
#' Statistics and Public Policy, 7:1, 30-38, DOI: 10.1080/2330443X.2020.1796400
#' @md
#' @concept analyze
#' @export
redist.metrics <- function(plans, measure = "DSeats", rvote, dvote,
                           tau = 1, biasV = 0.5, respV = 0.5, bandwidth = 0.01,
                           draw = 1) {

    # All measures available:
    all_measures <- c("DSeats", "DVS", "EffGap", "EffGapEqPop", "TauGap",
        "MeanMedian", "Bias", "BiasV", "Declination", "Responsiveness",
        "LopsidedWins", "RankedMarginal", "SmoothedSeat")

    # Check Inputs
    if ("all" %in% measure) {
        measure <-  all_measures
    match.arg(arg = measure, several.ok = TRUE, choices = all_measures)

    if (inherits(plans, "redist_plans")) {
        draw <- plans$draw
        plans <- get_plans_matrix(plans)

    if (!is.numeric(plans)) {
        cli_abort("Please provide {.arg plans} as a numeric vector, matrix, or {.cls redist_plans}.")
    if (!is.matrix(plans)) {
        plans <- as.matrix(plans)
    if (any(is.na(plans))) {
        cli_abort("{.val NA} in argument to {.arg plans}.")

    if (any(is.na(rvote))) {
        cli_abort("{.val NA} value in argument to {.arg rvote}.")
    if (any(is.na(dvote))) {
        cli_abort("{.val NA} value in argument to {.arg dvote}.")
    if (!is.numeric(rvote)) {
        cli_abort("Please provide {.arg rvote} as a numeric or integer vector.")
    if (!is.numeric(dvote)) {
        cli_abort("Please provide {.arg dvote} as a numeric or integer vector.")

    rvote <- as.integer(rvote)
    dvote <- as.integer(dvote)
    if (length(rvote) != nrow(plans)) {
        cli_abort("{.arg rvote} length and {.arg plans} row dimension are not equal.")
    if (length(dvote) != nrow(plans)) {
        cli_abort("{.arg dvote} length and {.arg plans} row dimension are not equal.")

    if (!is.numeric(draw) & !is.factor(draw)) {
        cli_abort('Please provide "draw" as a numeric or factor.')

    # Precompute a few useful variables
    nd <- length(unique(plans[, 1]))
    nmap <- ncol(plans)
    dists <- sort(unique(plans[, 1]))

    # Create return tibble:
    if (!(is.factor(draw) && length(draw) == nd*nmap)) {
        if (nmap != 1) {
            draw <- rep(draw + (1:ncol(plans)) - 1, each = nd)
        } else {
            draw <- rep(draw, nd)

    metrics <- tibble(district = rep(x = dists, nmap),
        DSeats = rep(NA_real_, nd*nmap),
        DVS = rep(NA_real_, nd*nmap),
        EffGap = rep(NA_real_, nd*nmap),
        EffGapEqPop = rep(NA_real_, nd*nmap),
        TauGap = rep(NA_real_, nd*nmap),
        MeanMedian = rep(NA_real_, nd*nmap),
        Bias = rep(NA_real_, nd*nmap),
        BiasV = rep(NA_real_, nd*nmap),
        Declination = rep(NA_real_, nd*nmap),
        Responsiveness = rep(NA_real_, nd*nmap),
        LopsidedWins = rep(NA_real_, nd*nmap),
        RankedMarginal = rep(NA_real_, nd*nmap),
        SmoothedSeat = rep(NA_real_, nd*nmap),
        draw = draw) %>%
        dplyr::select(all_of(c("district", measure)), draw)

    # Compute Metrics if desired:
    if ("DSeats" %in% measure) {
        metrics[["DSeats"]] <- redistmetrics::part_dseats(plans = plans, shp = data.frame(),
            rvote = rvote, dvote = dvote)
    if ("DVS" %in% measure) {
        metrics[["DVS"]] <- redistmetrics::part_dvs(plans = plans, shp = data.frame(),
            dvote = dvote, rvote = rvote)
    if ("EffGap" %in% measure) {
        metrics[["EffGap"]] <- redistmetrics::part_egap(plans = plans, shp = data.frame(),
            dvote = dvote, rvote = rvote)
    if ("EffGapEqPop" %in% measure) {
        metrics[["EffGapEqPop"]] <- redistmetrics::part_egap_ep(plans = plans, shp = data.frame(),
            dvote = dvote, rvote = rvote)
    if ("TauGap" %in% measure) {
        metrics[["TauGap"]] <- redistmetrics::part_tau_gap(plans = plans, shp = data.frame(),
            dvote = dvote, rvote = rvote)
    if ("MeanMedian" %in% measure) {
        metrics[["MeanMedian"]] <- redistmetrics::part_mean_median(plans = plans, shp = data.frame(),
            dvote = dvote, rvote = rvote)
    if ("Bias" %in% measure) {
        metrics[["Bias"]] <- redistmetrics::part_bias(plans = plans, shp = data.frame(),
            dvote = dvote, rvote = rvote, v = 0.5)
    if ("BiasV" %in% measure) {
        metrics[["BiasV"]] <- redistmetrics::part_bias(plans = plans, shp = data.frame(),
            dvote = dvote, rvote = rvote, v = biasV)
    if ("Declination" %in% measure) {
        metrics[["Declination"]] <- redistmetrics::part_decl(plans = plans, shp = data.frame(),
            dvote = dvote, rvote = rvote)
    if ("Responsiveness" %in% measure) {
        metrics[["Responsiveness"]] <- redistmetrics::part_resp(plans = plans, shp = data.frame(),
            dvote = dvote, rvote = rvote,
            v = respV, bandwidth = bandwidth)
    if ("LopsidedWins" %in% measure) {
        metrics[["LopsidedWins"]] <- redistmetrics::part_lop_wins(plans = plans, shp = data.frame(),
            dvote = dvote, rvote = rvote)
    if ("RankedMarginal" %in% measure) {
        metrics[["RankedMarginal"]] <- redistmetrics::part_rmd(plans = plans, shp = data.frame(),
            dvote = dvote, rvote = rvote)
    if ("SmoothedSeat" %in% measure) {
        metrics[["SmoothedSeat"]] <- redistmetrics::part_sscd(plans = plans, shp = data.frame(),
            dvote = dvote, rvote = rvote)

    # Return computed results

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redist documentation built on April 3, 2023, 5:46 p.m.