
Defines functions close_menu tb_predic dttable.custom render_table_data render_index_table infoBoxPROMiDAT

#' infoBoxPROMiDAT
#' @description create a box for the information tab
#' @details this function only work correctly on the server side because they need the css and js file.
#' @param title title of the box
#' @param value the content of the box
#' @param icon icon of the box
#' @return shiny.tag object
#' @noRd
infoBoxPROMiDAT <- function(title, value, icon) {
  tags$div(class = "info-box bg-promidat",
           tags$span(class = "info-box-icon", icon),
                    tags$span(class = "info-box-text", title),
                    tags$span(class = "info-box-number", value)))

#' render_index_table
#' @description creates a reactive table for indices panels.
#' @param table the data.frame to be converted
#' @noRd
render_index_table <- function(table){
  renderTable({table}, striped = TRUE, bordered = TRUE,  
              spacing = 'l', width = '100%',  digits = 5,
              align = 'c')

#' render_table_data
#' @description create a table for the shiny application and render it.
#' @param data a data.frame to create a the table.
#' @param editable whether to make an editable table. The default value is TRUE.
#' @param dom define the table control elements to appear on the page and in what order.
#' @param pageLength the number of rows to show. The default value is 10.
#' @param scrollY the heigth of the table.
#' @param server whether to use server-side processing. If TRUE, then the data is kept on the server and the browser requests a page at a time; if FALSE, then the entire data frame is sent to the browser at once.
#' @param languaje string. ("es" for Spanish, "en" for English)
#' @seealso  \code{\link[DT]{datatable}}, \code{\link[DT]{renderDT}}
#' @return a shiny.render.function
#' @noRd
render_table_data <- function(data, editable = TRUE, dom = "frtip", pageLength = 20, scrollY = "27vh", server = T, language = "es") {
  labelsNC <- ifelse(language == c("es", "es"), c("Num\u00E9rico","Categ\u00F3rico"), c("Numerical","Categorical"))
  data <- head(data, n = 100)
  nombre.columnas <- c("ID", colnames(data))
  tipo.columnas <- sapply(colnames(data), function(i) ifelse(class(data[,i]) %in% c("numeric", "integer"),
                                                             paste0("<span data-id='numerico'>", labelsNC[1], "</span>"),
                                                             paste0("<span data-id='categorico'>", labelsNC[2], "</span>")))
  tipo.columnas <- lapply(tipo.columnas, function(i)tags$th(HTML(i)))
  sketch <- withTags(table(DT::tableHeader(nombre.columnas),
                           tags$tfoot(tags$tr(tags$th(), tipo.columnas))))
  return(DT::renderDT(DT::datatable(data, selection = 'none', editable = editable,  container = sketch,
                                    options = list(dom = dom, pageLength = pageLength, scrollY = scrollY)), server = server))

#El parámetro idioma se utiliza para cuando se llama directamente la función
#Cuando se actualiza el idioma simplemente se cambian los nombres del encabezado a traves de los span data-id
dttable.custom <- function(df, decimals = NULL, translatable = FALSE, language = "es"){
  columnas.nombres <- c("ID",colnames(df))
    df <- data.frame(lapply(df, function(x) if(is.numeric(x)) round(x, decimals) else x),
                     row.names = row.names(df))
    columnas.nombres <- sapply(columnas.nombres, function(c) return(HTML(paste0("<span data-id='",c,"'>",tr(c,language),"</span>"))))
  sketch <- withTags(table(DT::tableHeader(columnas.nombres, escape = FALSE)))
                       rownames = TRUE,
                       selection = "none",
                       editable = FALSE,
                       escape  = FALSE,
                       container = sketch,
                       options = list(dom = "frtip", pageLength = 10, 
                                      columnDefs = list(
                                        list(orderable=TRUE, targets=0),
                                        list(className = 'dt-center', targets = "_all"))

#' tb_predic
#' @description creates comparison table between prediction and real data (test data).
#' @param real a data.frame with the real values.
#' @param predic.var a vector with the prediction value.
#' @param languaje string. ("es" for Spanish, "en" for English)
#' @noRd
tb_predic <- function(real, predic.var, decimals = NULL, languaje = "es"){
  df   <- cbind(real, predic.var,  abs(real - predic.var))
  colns <- c(tr("reald",languaje), tr("pred",languaje), tr("dif",languaje))
  colnames(df) <- colns
  sketch <- htmltools::withTags(table(DT::tableHeader(c("ID",colns))))
    df <- round(df,decimals)
                       selection = "none",
                       editable = FALSE,
                       escape  = FALSE,
                       container = sketch,
                       options = list(dom = "frtip", pageLength = 10,
                                      columnDefs = list(
                                        list(orderable=TRUE, targets=0),
                                        list(className = 'dt-center', targets = "_all"))

# Close a menu in the "shiny" application according to your tabName
close_menu <- function(tabname = NA, valor = T) {
  select <- paste0("a[href^='#shiny-tab-", tabname, "']")
    shinyjs::hide(selector = "ul.menu-open")
    shinyjs::disable(selector = select)
  } else {
    shinyjs::enable(selector = select)

Try the regressoR package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

regressoR documentation built on July 9, 2023, 5:26 p.m.