
Defines functions renv_paths_root_default_tempdir renv_paths_root_default_impl_v1 renv_paths_root_default_impl_v2_fallback renv_paths_root_default_impl_v2 renv_paths_root_default_impl renv_paths_root_default renv_paths_root renv_paths_index renv_paths_p3m renv_paths_extsoft renv_paths_rtools renv_paths_cache renv_paths_binary renv_paths_source renv_paths_local renv_paths_cellar renv_paths_renv renv_paths_sandbox renv_paths_activate renv_paths_settings renv_paths_lockfile renv_paths_library renv_paths_library_root renv_paths_common renv_paths_override

the$root <- NULL

renv_paths_override <- function(name) {

  # # check for value from option
  # optname <- paste("renv.paths", name, sep = ".")
  # optval <- getOption(optname)
  # if (!is.null(optval))
  #   return(optval)

  # check for value from envvar
  envname <- paste("RENV_PATHS", toupper(name), sep = "_")
  envval  <- Sys.getenv(envname, unset = NA)
  if (!is.na(envval))


renv_paths_common <- function(name, prefixes = NULL, ...) {

  # check for single absolute path supplied by user
  # TODO: handle multiple?
  end <- file.path(...)
  if (length(end) == 1 && renv_path_absolute(end))

  # check for path provided via option
  root <- renv_paths_override(name) %||% renv_paths_root(name)

  # split path entries containing a separator
  if (name %in% c("cache", "local", "cellar")) {
    pattern <- if (renv_platform_windows()) "[;]" else "[;:]"
    root <- strsplit(root, pattern)[[1L]]

  # form rest of path
  prefixed <- if (length(prefixes))
    file.path(root, paste(prefixes, collapse = "/"))

  path <- file.path(prefixed, ...)
  if (length(path)) path else ""

renv_paths_library_root <- function(project) {

renv_paths_library <- function(..., project = NULL) {
  project <- renv_project_resolve(project)
  root <- renv_paths_library_root(project)
  file.path(root, renv_platform_prefix(), ...) %||% ""

renv_paths_lockfile <- function(project = NULL) {

  # allow override
  # TODO: profiles?
  override <- Sys.getenv("RENV_PATHS_LOCKFILE", unset = NA)
  if (!is.na(override)) {
    last <- substr(override, nchar(override), nchar(override))
    if (last %in% c("/", "\\"))
      override <- paste0(override, "renv.lock")

  # otherwise, use default location (location location relative to renv folder)
  project <- renv_project_resolve(project)
  renv <- renv_paths_renv(project = project)
  file.path(dirname(renv), "renv.lock")


renv_paths_settings <- function(project = NULL) {
  renv_paths_renv("settings.json", project = project)

renv_paths_activate <- function(project = NULL) {
  renv_paths_renv("activate.R", profile = FALSE, project = project)

renv_paths_sandbox <- function(project = NULL) {

  # construct a platform prefix
  path <- R()
  hash <- memoize(path, renv_hash_text(path), scope = "renv_paths_sandbox")
  parts <- c(renv_platform_prefix(), substring(hash, 1L, 8L))
  prefix <- paste(parts, collapse = "/")

  # check for override
  root <- Sys.getenv("RENV_PATHS_SANDBOX", unset = NA)
  if (!is.na(root))
    return(paste(c(root, prefix), collapse = "/"))

  # otherwise, build path in user data directory
  userdir <- renv_bootstrap_user_dir()
  paste(c(userdir, "sandbox", prefix), collapse = "/")


renv_paths_renv <- function(..., profile = TRUE, project = NULL) {
  renv_bootstrap_paths_renv(..., profile = profile, project = project)

renv_paths_cellar <- function(...) {
  renv_paths_common("cellar", c(), ...)

renv_paths_local <- function(...) {
  renv_paths_common("local", c(), ...)

renv_paths_source <- function(...) {
  renv_paths_common("source", c(), ...)

renv_paths_binary <- function(...) {
  renv_paths_common("binary", c(renv_platform_prefix()), ...)

renv_paths_cache <- function(..., version = NULL) {
  platform <- renv_platform_prefix()
  version <- version %||% renv_cache_version()
  renv_paths_common("cache", c(version, platform), ...)

renv_paths_rtools <- function() {

  root <- renv_paths_override("rtools")
  if (is.null(root)) {
    spec <- renv_rtools_find()
    root <- spec$root

  root %||% ""

renv_paths_extsoft <- function(...) {
  renv_paths_common("extsoft", c(), ...)

renv_paths_p3m <- function(...) {
  renv_paths_common("p3m", c(), ...)

renv_paths_index <- function(...) {
  renv_paths_common("index", c(renv_platform_prefix()), ...)

renv_paths_root <- function(...) {
  root <- renv_paths_override("root") %||% renv_paths_root_default()
  file.path(root, ...) %||% ""

# nocov start
renv_paths_root_default <- function() {

  the$root <- the$root %||% {

    # use tempdir for cache when running tests
    # this check is necessary here to support packages which might use renv
    # during testing (and we don't want those to try to use the user dir)
    if (checking())



renv_paths_root_default_impl <- function() {

  # compute known root directories
  roots <- c(

  # iterate through those roots, finding the first existing
  for (root in roots)
    if (file.exists(root))

  # if none exist, choose the most recent definition


renv_paths_root_default_impl_v2 <- function() {

  # try using tools to get the user directory
  tools <- renv_namespace_load("tools")
  if (is.function(tools$R_user_dir))
    return(tools$R_user_dir("renv", "cache"))



renv_paths_root_default_impl_v2_fallback <- function() {

  # try using our own backfill for older versions of R
  envvars <- c("R_USER_CACHE_DIR", "XDG_CACHE_HOME")
  for (envvar in envvars) {
    root <- Sys.getenv(envvar, unset = NA)
    if (!is.na(root)) {
      path <- file.path(root, "R/renv")

  # use platform-specific default fallbacks
  if (renv_platform_windows())
    file.path(Sys.getenv("LOCALAPPDATA"), "R/cache/R/renv")
  else if (renv_platform_macos())


renv_paths_root_default_impl_v1 <- function() {

  base <- switch(
    Darwin  = Sys.getenv("XDG_DATA_HOME", "~/Library/Application Support"),
    Windows = Sys.getenv("LOCALAPPDATA", Sys.getenv("APPDATA")),
    Sys.getenv("XDG_DATA_HOME", "~/.local/share")

  file.path(base, "renv")


renv_paths_root_default_tempdir <- function() {
  temp <- file.path(tempdir(), "renv")

# nocov end

#' Path for storing global state
#' @description
#' By default, renv stores global state in the following OS-specific folders:
#' \tabular{ll}{
#' **Platform** \tab **Location** \cr
#' Linux        \tab `~/.cache/R/renv` \cr
#' macOS        \tab `~/Library/Caches/org.R-project.R/R/renv` \cr
#' Windows      \tab `%LOCALAPPDATA%/R/cache/R/renv` \cr
#' }
#' If desired, this path can be customized by setting the `RENV_PATHS_ROOT`
#' environment variable. This can be useful if you'd like, for example, multiple
#' users to be able to share a single global cache.
#' # Customising individual paths
#' The various state sub-directories can also be individually adjusted, if so
#' desired (e.g. you'd prefer to keep the cache of package installations on a
#' separate volume). The various environment variables that can be set are
#' enumerated below:
#' \tabular{ll}{
#' \strong{Environment Variable}     \tab \strong{Description} \cr
#' \code{RENV_PATHS_ROOT}            \tab The root path used for global state storage. \cr
#' \code{RENV_PATHS_LIBRARY}         \tab The path to the project library. \cr
#' \code{RENV_PATHS_LIBRARY_ROOT}    \tab The parent path for project libraries. \cr
#' \code{RENV_PATHS_LIBRARY_STAGING} \tab The parent path used for staged package installs. \cr
#' \code{RENV_PATHS_SANDBOX}         \tab The path to the sandboxed \R system library. \cr
#' \code{RENV_PATHS_LOCKFILE}        \tab The path to the [lockfile]. \cr
#' \code{RENV_PATHS_CELLAR}          \tab The path to the cellar, containing local package binaries and sources. \cr
#' \code{RENV_PATHS_SOURCE}          \tab The path containing downloaded package sources. \cr
#' \code{RENV_PATHS_BINARY}          \tab The path containing downloaded package binaries. \cr
#' \code{RENV_PATHS_CACHE}           \tab The path containing cached package installations. \cr
#' \code{RENV_PATHS_PREFIX}          \tab An optional prefix to prepend to the constructed library / cache paths. \cr
#' \code{RENV_PATHS_RENV}            \tab The path to the project's renv folder. For advanced users only. \cr
#' \code{RENV_PATHS_RTOOLS}          \tab (Windows only) The path to [Rtools](https://cran.r-project.org/bin/windows/Rtools/). \cr
#' \code{RENV_PATHS_EXTSOFT}         \tab (Windows only) The path containing external software needed for compilation of Windows source packages. \cr
#' }
#' (If you want these settings to persist in your project, it is recommended that
#' you add these to an appropriate \R startup file. For example, these could be
#' set in: a project-local `.Renviron`, the user-level `.Renviron`, or a
#' site-wide file at `file.path(R.home("etc"), "Renviron.site")`. See
#' [Startup] for more details).
#' Note that renv will append platform-specific and version-specific entries
#' to the set paths as appropriate. For example, if you have set:
#' ```
#' Sys.setenv(RENV_PATHS_CACHE = "/mnt/shared/renv/cache")
#' ```
#' then the directory used for the cache will still depend on the renv cache
#' version (e.g. `v2`), the \R version (e.g. `3.5`) and the platform (e.g.
#' `x86_64-pc-linux-gnu`). For example:
#' ```
#' /mnt/shared/renv/cache/v2/R-3.5/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu
#' ```
#' This ensures that you can set a single `RENV_PATHS_CACHE` environment variable
#' globally without worry that it may cause collisions or errors if multiple
#' versions of \R needed to interact with the same cache.
#' If reproducibility of a project is desired on a particular machine, it is
#' highly recommended that the renv cache of installed packages + binary
#' packages is backed up and persisted, so that packages can be easily restored
#' in the future -- installation of packages from source can often be arduous.
#' # Sharing state across operating systems
#' If you need to share the same cache with multiple different Linux operating
#' systems, you may want to set the `RENV_PATHS_PREFIX` environment variable
#' to help disambiguate the paths used on Linux. For example, setting
#' `RENV_PATHS_PREFIX = "ubuntu-bionic"` would instruct renv to construct a
#' cache path like:
#' ```
#' /mnt/shared/renv/cache/v2/ubuntu-bionic/R-3.5/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu
#' ```
#' If this is required, it's strongly recommended that this environment
#' variable is set in your \R installation's `Renviron.site` file, typically
#' located at `file.path(R.home("etc"), "Renviron.site")`, so that it can be
#' active for any \R sessions launched on that machine.
#' Starting from `renv 0.13.0`, you can also instruct renv to auto-generate
#' an OS-specific component to include as part of library and cache paths,
#' by setting the environment variable:
#' ```
#' ```
#' The prefix will be constructed based on fields within the system's
#' `/etc/os-release` file. Note that this is the default behavior with
#' `renv 1.0.6` when using R 4.4.0 or later.
#' # Package cellar
#' If your project depends on one or \R packages that are not available in any
#' remote location, you can still provide a locally-available tarball for renv
#' to use during restore. By default, these packages should be made available in
#' the folder as specified by the `RENV_PATHS_CELLAR` environment variable. The
#' package sources should be placed in a file at one of these locations:
#' - `${RENV_PATHS_CELLAR}/<package>_<version>.<ext>`
#' - `${RENV_PATHS_CELLAR}/<package>/<package>_<version>.<ext>`
#' - `<project>/renv/cellar/<package>_<version>.<ext>`
#' - `<project>/renv/cellar/<package>/<package>_<version>.<ext>`
#' where `.<ext>` is `.tar.gz` for source packages, or `.tgz` for binaries on
#' macOS and `.zip` for binaries on Windows. During `restore()`, renv will
#' search the cellar for a compatible package, and prefer installation with
#' that copy of the package if appropriate.
#' # Older versions
#' Older version of renv used a different default cache location.
#' Those cache locations are:
#' \tabular{ll}{
#' **Platform** \tab **Location** \cr
#' Linux        \tab `~/.local/share/renv` \cr
#' macOS        \tab `~/Library/Application Support/renv` \cr
#' Windows      \tab `%LOCALAPPDATA%/renv` \cr
#' }
#' If an renv root directory has already been created in one of the old
#' locations, that will still be used. This change was made to comply with the
#' CRAN policy requirements of \R packages.
#' @rdname paths
#' @name paths
#' @format NULL
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # get the path to the project library
#' path <- renv::paths$library()
paths <- list(
  root     = renv_paths_root,
  library  = renv_paths_library,
  lockfile = renv_paths_lockfile,
  settings = renv_paths_settings,
  cache    = renv_paths_cache,
  sandbox  = renv_paths_sandbox

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renv documentation built on May 29, 2024, 9:21 a.m.