
Defines functions renv_pretty_print_records_pair_impl renv_pretty_print_records_pair renv_pretty_print_records

renv_pretty_print_records <- function(preamble, records, postamble = NULL) {

  if (empty(records))

  if (!renv_verbose())

  # NOTE: use 'sort()' rather than 'csort()' here so that
  # printed output is sorted in the expected way in the users locale
  # https://github.com/rstudio/renv/issues/1289
  names(records) <- names(records) %||% map_chr(records, `[[`, "Package")
  records <- records[sort(names(records))]
  packages <- names(records)
  descs <- map_chr(records, renv_record_format_short)
  text <- sprintf("- %s [%s]", format(packages), descs)

  all <- c(preamble, text, postamble, if (length(postamble)) "")


renv_pretty_print_records_pair <- function(preamble,
                                           postamble = NULL,
                                           formatter = NULL)
  formatter <- formatter %||% renv_record_format_pair

  all <- c(
    c(preamble, ""),
    renv_pretty_print_records_pair_impl(old, new, formatter),
    if (length(postamble)) c(postamble, "")


renv_pretty_print_records_pair_impl <- function(old, new, formatter) {

  # NOTE: use 'sort()' rather than 'csort()' here so that
  # printed output is sorted in the expected way in the users locale
  # https://github.com/rstudio/renv/issues/1289
  all <- sort(union(names(old), names(new)))

  # compute groups
  groups <- map_chr(all, function(package) {

    lhs <- old[[package]]; rhs <- new[[package]]
      is.null(lhs$Source)      ~ rhs$Repository %||% rhs$Source,
      is.null(rhs$Source)      ~ lhs$Repository %||% lhs$Source,
      !is.null(rhs$Repository) ~ rhs$Repository,
      !is.null(rhs$Source)     ~ rhs$Source


  n <- max(nchar(all))

  # iterate over each group and print
  uapply(csort(unique(groups)), function(group) {

    lhs <- renv_records_select(old, groups, group)
    rhs <- renv_records_select(new, groups, group)

    nms <- union(names(lhs), names(rhs))
    text <- map_chr(nms, function(nm) {
      formatter(lhs[[nm]], rhs[[nm]])

    if (group == "unknown")
      group <- "(Unknown Source)"

      paste("-", format(nms, width = n), " ", text),



# NOTE: Used by vetiver, so perhaps is part of the API.
# We should think of a cleaner way of exposing this.
# https://github.com/rstudio/renv/issues/1413
renv_pretty_print_impl <- renv_caution_impl

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renv documentation built on May 29, 2024, 9:21 a.m.